Chapter 1

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"Attention passengers," the voice of the captain fills the plane over the intercom, "The time is 11: 40 and we are twenty minutes from Seattle International

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"Attention passengers," the voice of the captain fills the plane over the intercom, "The time is 11: 40 and we are twenty minutes from Seattle International. The current temperature is 65 degrees."

I smile to myself as some of the passengers groan at the temperature. It's the end of May and they expect it to be around the eighties especially coming from Hawaii. Not for me, I love this weather, it just shows I'm that much closer to home.

My name is Gemma Black and right now I'm the happiest girl in the world. I'm finally able to move back to my real home in La Push, Washington after being in Hawaii for the past twelve years.

I was born in La Push, Washington on the Quileute reservation. I'm the great grand-daughter of Ephraim Black, chief of the Quileute tribe. My family is long descendants of chiefs. The only living relatives of the Black's is my father Joseph, myself, my Uncle Billy and his kids, Rachel, Rebecca, and Jacob.

Being a descendant of a chief and living on reservation, you grow up knowing the legends of our tribe. I've never been a girl who grew up living and dreaming of fairy tales hoping that one day my prince charming would come to my front door on a white horse. No, I've grown up living and believing the legends of my tribe and dreaming of the spirit warriors that protect us. But I did not get to hear them for the first time at a bonfire on the beach like the others do.

My dad is in the army and since the age of five I have not lived on reservation. Not being able to stay away from my mom and myself, dad had us move with him to the base in Hawaii. Not that I could complain growing up in Hawaii but I knew where my roots are from and long for the forest even at a young age.

I remember the first time I heard the legends of our tribe. I was six and woke up from my dad waking me up from a horrible nightmare I was having about someone sneaking into the house while we were sleeping and killed my parents draining them of all their blood. When I told dad about it he pulled me into his side, "There is no reason to be afraid my precious Gem," he told me calling me by my nickname, "You will always be protected." I looked up at him confused, "It's time you heard the legends of our tribe."

He begun to tell me of the legends and about the spirit warriors. I was so amazed by this that wolves became my favorite animal. After that I was always dreaming of our ancestors and the spirit warriors that protect us.

You can say I'm a big daddy's girl but I'm anything but spoiled. Daddy calls me his precious Gem. I asked him one time why, he said that some dad's have little princesses or angels but I'm the rarest of them all, like a precious gem. I also think it has something to do with my eyes. As far as I know, every one in our tribe has brown or black hair with brown eyes, but me along with my slightly curly chocolate-brown hair, I have emerald-green eyes. Everyone is always amazed with my eyes, even in Hawaii.

Hawaii was great but La Push is where I belong; I could feel it in my bones every time we came back. Every holiday we would go back to La Push where we still have our family home and spend them with Uncle Billy and his family. If dad wasn't over seas he would go with us for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but every summer it was always just mom and me.

My Spirit Warrior ~ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now