Chapter 21

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That next morning, I didn't wake up to my alarm or even one of my parents. Instead it was someone running their fingers through my hair. That's when I realized that my pillow was a body. Lifting my head up I see Leah looking at me with a sad smile.

"Hey there cubs," She says softly to me. A small smile comes to my lips, "You haven't called me that since we were kids," I say sitting up and stretching. "What are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you."

She frowns a little, "Don't you remember calling me last night?"

She frowns a little, "Don't you remember calling me last night?"

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I shook my head. "Around eight you called me but I couldn't understand you because you were crying to hard." Yeah I didn't remember that. "I called your mom to see if you were ok and she said it would be best if I came over. When I got here, they wouldn't tell me what was wrong but with the looks on their faces and the way I found you curled up in here, I figured what was wrong."

I felt the tears start to build up again as I nod. "I'm so sorry sweetie. Are you ok?" I shrug, "I honestly don't know Le." I filled her in on what happened with Paul. She was getting more and more pissed the more I continued.

"I'm going to kick his ass and then I'm going to go to Sam's and kick his too. What is he doing to them?" I shrug, "I don't know Le, but you had to see Paul. He was so cold to me. But when I kissed him, he kissed me back. I can tell no matter how much he tried to hide it that it killed him to push me away."

"So you think he's doing this because of Sam?"

I nod, "It explains why suddenly Jared and now Paul are acting the way they are. Plus they have the same tattoo."

She went into thought, "Do you think they're in some kind of gang?" I shrug, "I'm not sure but I'm not giving up on him Le. I love him to much." She gives me a small smile, "I know you do Gem and I don't expect you to give up without a fight."

Looking at my clock I realize it's earlier than I thought. We had twenty minutes until school started and as much as I didn't want to, today was one of those mornings with Jared. Maybe I could get some answers out of him. No matter how vague they are, I want something. I need some sort of answers.

When we got to school, it was like everyone knew what was going on. Some people gave me sympathetic looks and Paul's fan club gave me cocky looks. I know that Paul wouldn't go around telling people that we broke up. So it's either they assumed it or someone saw the interaction between us in the hall yesterday.

Leah links her arm with mine, "Don't worry about them hun. They don't know what's going on." I don't say anything as we make our way to the library. "If it gets too much at all today, text me and we'll ditch ok." I nod and she pulls me into a hug. "I'm here for you babe." I smile at her, "Thanks Le."

As I make my way towards our usual table, I see Jared working on his laptop. When he notices me, his eyes go a little wide. "I didn't expect you to come this morning."

My Spirit Warrior ~ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now