Chapter 29

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A week has passed since Paul almost phased with the whole thing with Leo. It took several hours before he was able to calm down enough to phase back and that was only because I had to be the one to do it after school.

Jared and Sam were both amazed at how much of an affect I have on him. Emily can't even calm Sam down like I can with Paul. Leah says it's because our love is so much stronger than theirs but who knows?

Paul being the possessive boyfriend/imprint that he is, is always by my side at school to make sure he could keep Leo away. He walked me to all my classes and some how managed to talk to his teachers into letting him out a minute early so he could be waiting for me when the bell rang.

Of course people would talk about us like usual and stating the obvious that Paul is extremely possessive, which I have no problem with, and the one that really annoyed, even pissed me off was that if I defy Paul or make him angry, he hits me. That was just obserd. Just because he's big and muscular, and yeah his temper is more out of control with the effects of phasing, but he would never ever hurt me.

Sam tried to warn me that I need to be careful around Paul when he starts to loose control of his temper because he doesn't want the same thing to happen to me like with Emily, but I brushed him off. Even though what happened with Emily was a accident, Paul wouldn't hurt me.

I was getting off from work a couple hours early when my phone started ringing some weird song that Jacob set for himself.

"Hey little cuz," I say cheerfully.

"Gemma, it's Bella! She was in a accident at school but she's home. She has head trauma." He was talking so fast it was almost to hard to understand him. I was worried about Bella though.

"Calm down Jake, I'm sure she's fine or they wouldn't have sent her home."


"No but's Jacob, I'll go to her house and check on her ok?"

He sighs, "Ok. Can I go with you?"

I shake my head even though he can't see it, "I don't drive, remember? I'm riding my bike. Her house is like fifteen minutes from where I am. I'll call you later ok?"

"Ok, let her know I'm thinking about that I wish I was that I hope she's ok."

I laugh, "I will Jacob. Get those emotions under control."

"Shut up Gemma."

Before I could say anything else, he hangs up on me. I call Paul real quick explaining that I'm going to see Bella to make sure she's ok and that I have to cancel our plans for today. It worked out since Sam decided to put him on patrol since Jared has to help his mom out since she's not feeling well.

The fifteen minute bike ride seemed to go by pretty quick. I leaned my bike against the side of the house, make my way up the five steps, and knock on the door.

Charlie seems a little surprised when he sees me. "Gemma. I didn't know you were coming by," He says opening the door wide enough so I could enter.

"Sorry I didn't call. Jacob called telling me what happened and I wanted to check on Bella."

He gives me a smile, "She's fine but that means a lot that you would come all the way over here to check on her." I shrug my shoulders, "That's what friends do. We look out for each other."

He gives me a hug, "Well I still appreciate it. Bella's room is on the left of the bathroom if you want to go on up."

I tell him thanks as I start to head up the stairs. Besides being here when Bella first got here, it's been a while since I've actually been to Charlie's. I usually always see him at Uncle Billy's.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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