Chapter 28

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It's the last day of winter break and right now I'm on the way to Charlie's house with Uncle Billy and Jacob. Bella was coming today and Jacob practically begged me on his knees to come with him. I know he's nervous to see Bella again.

I had to give it to my little cousin though, he did a great job rebuilding the engine for this old truck. I can definitely see him becoming a great mechanic.

When we arrive at the Swan residence, Charlie meets us outside. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes Gemma. Didn't expect you to be here," Charlie greets me in a one-armed hug. "Thought I'd come and welcome Bella," I say shrugging my shoulders. He chuckles and ruffles my hair a little.

"Thanks kiddo."

I always liked Charlie. I've known him practically my whole life since he's Uncle Billy's best friend. He's kind of been like another uncle to me.

I hear the front door open and see Bella make her way down to us. "Bella, you remember Billy Black," Charlie says gesturing to Uncle Billy. "Yeah, you're looking good," she says smiling down at him.

"Yeah, I'm still dancing. Charlie here hasn't shut up since he heard about you coming," Uncle Billy nods towards Charlie making him roll his eyes. "Yeah shut up before I roll you into the mud," Charlie says which causes them to act like teenagers in the road. I couldn't help but laugh at them.

"Are they always like this?" She asks watching the two older men in the street. I chuckle, "It's getting worse with old age." I look at Jacob to see him watching Bella. I can see the nerves all in his eyes, knowing that he's not going to say anything I step up.

"I don't know if you remember me but I'm Gemma, Billy's niece and this runt is my cousin Jacob," I give her a warm smile which earns me one in return. "Oh yeah I remember. It's been a while, it's nice to see you again."

"We use to make mud pies when we were little," Jacob says finally stepping up. Out of everything, that's what he has to say? I mentally shake my head at him. Oh Jacob.

"So what do you think?" Charlie asks Bella as he and Uncle Billy make their way back towards us. She gives him a confused look, "What?"

"Your homecoming present," he says suggesting towards the truck.

"This?" She asks pointing at the truck with shock all over her face.

Charlie nods, "Just bought it off of Billy here."

"I totally rebuilt the engine," Jacob says with pride.

"Oh my god!" Bella says full of excitement, "This is perfect!" She goes to open the door to check it out and I couldn't hold back the laughter as she hits Jacob with the door. I make my way towards the door leaning on the window as Jacob explains to her about double punching the clutch.

She looks back and forth between us, "Do ya'll want a ride to school in the mornings?"

"We go to school on reservation," Jacob tells her sadly. She nods, "Oh, well it would have been nice to know two people."

I give her a smile, "Hey it'll be ok. Gimmie your phone." She hands it over and I program my number into it and call my phone so I have hers, "There, if you need anything or just want to talk or hangout, you have my number." She gives me a smile. "Thanks."

"Gemma, Paul's here," Uncle Billy calls out to me. I smile as I see him pull up behind Bella's truck. I turn to Bella, "Come on, I want you to meet my boyfriend."

She hops out of the truck following me as I skip towards his truck. He gets out with that bright smile on his face, "Hey babe." He pulls me into his arms and kisses me lightly. "Hey yourself!"

My Spirit Warrior ~ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now