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I wish I could come through the screen and kiss and hug all of you ;)

I just sat and cried for 10 minutes while my boyfriend stared at me in complete horror because he had no idea why I was crying.

You guys are the greatest people I've ever had the pleasure of writing for.

I originally started writing the first book of the In His series when I had just gotten my little teenage heart broken. I was sixteen and I was convinced I would never be happy again.

Very dramatic, I know.

But here I am now, twenty years old and I've never been happier.

Honestly sometimes I re-read the series and I cringe because there are so mant plot holes and it definitely could've been written better. Everything was so rushed and bleh and I'm just like,"Damn, people actually like this?" IT SHOCKS ME LOL

And with this, I'd just like to say thank you guys so much for 300K reads. You all mean the world to me. Sixteen year old me would not believe this is where her book would reach.

I just want you all to know that just like me, you can dig yourself out of any pit you find yourself in. Whether it be mental illness, heartbreak or a toxic situation, ANYTHING. You can do anything you put your mind to. Always. I believe in you.

And if you don't believe you can do it alone, I am right here to help you. You are all fantastic people. Thank you so so much guys.

~ Bree

In His Silence [1] 》Edward Cullen ✓Where stories live. Discover now