Cafeteria Drama

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Detention on the first day just so happened to be shit.

Somehow the awkwardness and mad tension between the two of you just got pushed aside. Maybe becasue of the very, very weird teacher that happened to lecture you.

The teacher was known amongst the students as perverted, old and with a cherry on top very strict. His name, Garry Thompson, well Mr. Thompson to you.

Detention lasted of the normal time you would have Sience. You looked at the clock. You didn't remember schedule by heart so you guessed about 35 minutes left. God how you wished to be anywhere but here.

And it was all that bastards fault. Oh how you would've loved to beat him up in a dark allay.

"Ms L/n, what is the answer?" Mr. Thompson asked. What?? Oh shit
"Erm. That would be..22 Watt sir."
"That is correct, but I would wish for you to be more present when I'm teaching what you were supposed to learn. Elseway you will sadly fail." He said with venom sounding like he had some sort of grudge against you. Just great.

After detention it was lunch time. Great.

As you went to your locker to get your food you saw you forgot it at home. What now?
As you went to the cafeteria where students were flooding in, quickly filling up the hall, tables turning full. You remained stood, didn't know what to do.

A cute blonde girl with really puffy hair came up to you.
"Hi! I saw you just standing here and I don't recognise you so I figured you're new here!"
"Heh.. yeah." You said awkwardly rubbing your neck with one hand as the sweet girl spoke again.
"Well I'm Cara, maybe you would like to sit with me and my friends for lunch?"
"That would be awesome Cara! I'm Y/n btw."
"Follow me, Y/n!"

She went and motioned for you to sit down, after you sat down she sat down next to you.

"Guys quiet!" Cara spoke and the friends quieted down "Y/n is new so I asked them to sit with us, now introduce yourselves!"
"Hello, I'm Drista"
"Hi Drista" you said casually, she had medium long blonde hair, she looked awfully familiar.
"Sup! Im Becca but some call me Minx." The girl with purple hair named Becca spoke
"Yo." You said back

After a while the girls got back to eating and you just sat awkwardly and silent while they were chatting.
"Girls, what's the latest gossip we got?" Minx asked
"Okay, okay so I heard that Sapnap is going to break up with Aveline today, right now at lunch!" Drista whisper-yelled.
"Oh, my, god, shit is about to go down!" Minx  whispered loudly.

Right as she said that, a black haired boy with a white bandana, white t-shirt and black ripped jeans came trusting into the cafeteria.

You sat there frozen. He was quite cute. Though when you realised his company, he wasn't so cute anymore. RIGHT, HE WAS THE GUY FROM THE MORNING INCIDENT.

Behind him was Dream and some brunet with white clout goggles. They sat down at a table after shooing away some nerds who just recently sat there.

These jerks.

The one who was Sapnap rose from his seat and walked towards a girl. Probably Aveline.
He very clearly, so everyone could hear said:
"Aveline, I can't believe you! I liked you! But your a cheater! I'm breaking up with you!" He said with so much disgust in his tone anyone could hear it.

"W-What are you talking about Babe-"
"Don't call me that! It's over!" He said very loudly and clearly annoyed.
Aveline, she started crying.

"Uhm, ladies I think I'm gonna head to the bathroom, I will see you around. " you winked and turned around to leave.
The cafeteria was still very silent.

Just as you exited you met Bad.

"Hi there Bad!" You said, finally a nice face. The girls were nice, though you felt quite tense around them.
"Hi Y/n! Oh, right. Y/n, this is Skeppy, Skeppy, this is Y/n, the new student."
"Hi Y/n!"
"Hi Skeppy."
"Well I have to go before my next class begins by-"Class doesn't-" You ran away before Skeppy and Bad could finish.

After last class finished you hurried home.
A lot can happen in one day.

You went up to the apartment you yet still had to get used to.
"IM HOME!" No answer, guess she's working.

On the topic of working, you had work.
Though you'd start on Monday and today was only Wednesday.

You flopped down onto your temporary bed, the beds yet still had to arrive along plenty of other things.

Now you had to sleep on a mattress.


You scrolled through YouTube for a while and came across Technoblade. What a name.

He was playing Minecraft.

Okay okay, we don't judge. Okay, we do judge but it's not like that.

You watched him for a while. Okay he's actually really good.

You decided to subscribe cause why not, it's free.

Soon you drifted off to a nap.

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