Photos and waffles

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So once in a while you'd have to try a new class, it was to expand your knowledge and muscle memory, for some unknown, weird reason. Todays choice was fotgraphy, which is also already a permanent class for the people who chose that in the beginning of the year.

When you entered you saw a lot of new people you'd never seen before.
You just sat down next to a random dude.
"Hi." You said
He looked at you while doing a small wave
"Are you mute?" You asked bluntly
He did a thumbs down.
"Do you prefer not to talk?"
Thumbs up
"What's your name?"
He wrote on his paper: Callahan
"Wow! That's a really cool name!"
He wrote: Ofcourse it's me we're talking about.
"Oh! You have som-."
"Okay class today we are going to talk about.." the teacher interrupted you and began to talk.

"Now! I want you in pairs of two, one sitting on the stool and the other taking the picture. Try capturing the best angle of you comrade."
You and Callahan decided to work together, his friend, he looked really betrayed. Though he found another person to work with.

Callahan pointed at the wooden stool.
"Okay!" You sat down and Callahan showed how to take the photo and how to know the best angle. He clicked on the camera a few times and when he showed you you were surprised at how amazing they were.
How can you be that good at capturing a moment, a person, heck even an orange?!

When it was your turn, everything Callahan did and showed was gone.
"I- this, oh my go-" you just struggled throughout the rest of the class
Callahan walked up to you and gave you a piece of paper

'You play football right? I watched the latest game :)
Also here's my number xxxxxxxxxx'

Hos handwriting was very clear and barley any mistakes or sloppy letters. Well not everyone can be like Callahan I guess.
You added his number and quickly sent a 'hi! :)' which he responded to with a hello and a smiley.

Then you got another message

[a new message Click to open]

So you wanna come over after school today?


Great! Do you know how to bake?

Of course! I meannnn I'd bake for you even if I couldn't





Minx. No. This is about appriciating you here

This discussion is not over

Anyways alright
See ya later

Xoxo ❤️

[you liked Minx's message]

When you knocked on her door she gladly opened and embraced you in a comfy hug.
"Come in!"
"Thanks!" You stepped into the apartment "when I think about it I've never visited you here before!"
"You're right! That's too bad! You will have to make up for it and come more often, simple as that!" She crossed her arms and puffed
"Alright, bet!"
"Now let's bake some waffles!" She went to go to the kitchen and you followed her

After putting the ingredients on the counter you went to search through every drawer and cabinet to find the bowls.
"Y/n, Hun I could jus-"
"NO! Im going to find them!" You said while looking through a drawer
After a while with no success Minx reappeared with a bowl
"Really? I really didn't have a chance?"
"Nope, but you wouldn't listen."
"Oh-Kay." You sighed but the two of you started measuring the ingredients so the disappointment left quickly.
"I'm going to go get the waffle iron."

She returned, you fried the waffles and it was time to decorate with toppings.
You cut some strawberries and mixed some cream in another bowl.
The waffles were really pretty so Minx decided to take a photo with you and the two waffle towers.

She told you she would post it on her instagram
"How come I don't have your instagram?" You asked and winked at her


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