Get ready

817 22 66

{You are kenough 🫶}

Waking up in the sleeping bag, not immediately knowing where you were was rather confusing.
The room was still rather dim, your eyes yet had to get used to the absence of light. 

Looking around, you could recognize the room as Drista's. Seeing her still asleep made you want to go back to slumber.

Having a hard time falling back asleep you debated against yourself on what to do.

Going to the bathroom instead of falling back asleep was your next move.

You could hear someone moving in the kitchen downstairs. Figuring it was one of the siblings you didn't think too much of it and went to join.

It turned out to be Dream who was trying to make pancakes.
"Good morning," you said, rubbing your eyes at the brightness that reached the kitchen.
"Morning." He said grumpily, whisking the batter
Sitting on a still at the kitchen island, just watching him make pancakes was alleviating in a way.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked turning to you, still measuring ingredients.
"Fairly," you replied yawning immediately after speaking.
"Alright." wow, so much for caring. In your mind you nonchalantly huffed but to be nice (er) you asked him back.

"Oh well I slept amazing!" he sighed contentedly stretching his arms up in the air and you rolled your eyes.
"Nice to know sleeping beauty." you scoffed

He had his back faced towards you but you could imagine he rolled his eyes as he took out a frying pan and started putting the batter on it.

Watching him flip the first pancakes wasn't fun but when he messed up the second one you decided to conquer the pan.
"Move, Bitch" You plowed him away with your hip.
"What the fuck, bitch!" he said offended
"I'm taking over from here, you messed up a pancake, that is not acceptable."
He huffed at your ridiculousness.

A while later Drista showed up, walking into the kitchen, and slapped the back of Dream's head.
"Owh! What was that for?!" he turned to look at her directly and slapped her arm
"Because you are annoying!" she said crossing her arms while sticking her tongue at him
"You guys set the table please." you requested as you put the last of the pancake batter in the pan.
"Yes, Y/n!" Drista said putting herself in a soldier saluting position.

After the breakfast was devoured you bid farewell and were as ready as ever to go home.
On your way home, Puffy sent a message in the group chat.

Puffy ☺️: Hey! I was thinking we could get ready for that Halloween party together at mine later!
Make sure 2 b here 2 hours early, 5 pm!!!!

Being an indecisive bitch, you decided to already pick out clothes, which you may not have been very successful. You decided what you wanted to go with and called the group for an idea.

"But y/n we need four people for that!" Puffy said
"Well, I know just the right person," you smirked
"Alright, we're counting on you," Minx stated
"She is from Sbi academy, her name is Niki."
"You know Niki?!" Minx sounded as if she was taken by surprise
"Well yeah? I'm, I met her at work" You got unsure of yourself
"That's great! I'm inviting her over right now and telling her about it, Meet you at mine! Bye!" puffy left the call. "W-wait what-" You couldn't finish

"What were you going to tell Puffy, love?" Minx spoke sweetly
"Oh uhm." Minx just made you a nervous stuttering mess with that nickname. "I was going to ask, since when do you know Niki?"
"Oh! Well we went to the same middle school, but we didn't get into the same high school as her because she lives closer to SBI.A than Drea C along with some other stuff." She mumbled the last part but you still heard it.
"Maybe, but still happy at Drea C high, am I right?" she was quiet.

"Excellently, Minx I got to get headed now, see you in a bit?"
"Alright." her mood was not its usual glow, but not bad.
"Miiiinxxx, bye bye" You made a kiss sound after you said bye
"Bye, Y/n." she was probably about to hang up "WAIT WHAT?!" you yelled "HELLO?? MINX BABE! NO KISSIES FOR ME??" you could hear one kiss sound and then she spoke
"Love you too, now bye, see you later!" she hung up, her mod sounded better though.

Turning up at the house, you checked to see if you were at the correct address. The place was a two-story, dark blue planned wall with a white accent to the edges of the roof.

All nervousness was washed away when Minx came from behind you and marched you to the front entrance, leading you with a slight tug on your jacket sleeve.
She didn't bother ringing the doorbell and opened the door.
"WE HAVE ARRIVED PUFFYY!!" she yelled as you closed the door carefully behind you.
"COMING DOWN IN A SEC!!" she responded loudly.
Figuring her parents aren't at home as the two of the girls were yelling across the whole house.

"So, are you ready to party this night away?" she drawled out the o and winked
"Yeah!" excitement was an understatement
"I betcha there will be a ton of hot guys!" Puffy squealed coming down the stairs with Niki right with her everyone now laughing.
"I hope they are jocks!" Minx dreamed and the four of you just laughed even more.
"Well let's go up to my room to get ready!"
Puffy bade

This was about to go down!

The four of you had decided to dress up as the four seasons. Minx chose summer, Puffy chose winter and Niki let you choose which season you want from the last two.

Hmmm difficult choice, spring is a lot of flowers and is pretty colorful, meanwhile autumn has additionally more of the academia aesthetic.

Here's your time to choose: —->

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