Autumn Dinner

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Author chan @kb1001kb
Oml! Dream face revealed! Such a handsome man, dont you think?Send love to him and keep in mind that if u dislike someone, keep it to yourself. (In this chapter your mom is just gonna be called mom even though it's weird)
800+ Daqing reads! I'm sobbing you don't understand I love you guys and you motivate me tons with the comments😭❤️
Also, sorry for the delay 😂
6 💬 || 2 🔁 || 69 ❤️

You had goten home safely which was an utter relief. Mom told you that the guests where comin at 7pm so you had like 2 hours to get ready.
You decided to go take a shower and then after help your mom with the food.


There was a knock on the door.

"Hey Phil!" Mom said
"Wait- Phil?!" You exclaimed
"Oh Y/n! And <Mom> of course." He chuckled "y/n, we keep on bumping into each other."
"Yeah." You chuckled awkwardly
"Oh please, come inside!" Your mom said to the boys behind Phil
"Don't be rude boys introduce yourselves!"

In to the hall came a tall brunett, he had really floofy hair. Looks soo soft! Eeek
"Hello, I am Wilbur, nice to meet you." He went in for the hand shake and you did the same.
"Y/n" You replied
Behind Wilbur came a pink haired guy- WAIT WHAT?!
"Pink-man?!" You asked or stated, I don't know.
He groaned
"You know I have a name."
"But your hair is pink!"
"Does that really have to be what you call me? You could at least call me something strong! Like Killer God, The Emperor of Death Or, OR hear me out, Blood God!"
"Techno! We're guests, we wouldn't want to be kicked out before the meal."

You laughed loudly at his very 'heartwarming' nicknames.

He groaned and mumbled something like 'fine you old boomer' under his breath. You could see the dead look in Phil's eyes, he heard and just left the beating til they got home. Savage and war was visible in both mens' eyes as they shared eye contact. You could almost see the electricity sparking between the gazes. The tension in a room could never be stronger. Though mom didn't seem to have a care in the world.

"Come sit down! You are all very welcome to sit, please!" She said heartwarming and kept making hand gestures to make herself look extra welcoming. You knew of this tactic and it seems to always have this affect on people.
The three men sat themselves down.
Fortunately to your luck you only had to sit next to Wilbur who was sat on the end of the table and sadly you sat infront if pink-man.

"Here you go!" Mom said as she placed the big pot on the table.
"Looks amazing!" Philza exclaimed
"Indeed" Wilbur said
"Looks alright-" You could see that Philza flashed Techno an angry look and you saw that there was a big kick from Philza under the table.
Techno just sat there keeping a straight face.
"Dig in!" Mom said

You all ate, making talk and just enjoying the warm feeling of autumn. The table was set up with an orange and white checkered cloth along with some orange candles.

"- plays football."
"Oh! Y/n plays football too! Y/n tell them!"
"C'mon sweetie." Everyone was staring at you as you sat there, not knowing what to say, you play football what more?
You just played around with your food and not making eye contact with anyone.
"I play football...Yeah." Four pairs of eyes kept staring
"C'mon! I don't know what more you wanna know!"
Phil just laughed heartwarmingly.
"Can somebody else talk about themselves please." Phil and mom gave up on having a full table conversation and kept talking between themselves.
"How long?" Pink-hair said
"How long have you been playing?" He rolled his eyes
"Why? So you can say you're better? Cuz you're not."
"Wow. Thanks."
Wilbur just laughed
"How long have YOU two been playing then?"
"Since.. I dunno, we started a long time ago because dad taught us everything in the basic matter when we were younger then we both just kept playing." Wilbur said
"-Although I'm more of a music person and plan on quitting very soon. It's nicer to sit on the bleachers and cheer rather than being on the field."
"Oh- do you play any instrument?"
"Actually yes. I play guitar and piano, as well as sing, if you count that."
"That's really nice! I myself played flute for 3 years when I was younger but then I quit becasue of time lacking. My schedule is packed."
"Same." Pink-hair said
"What, did you play flute too? Or packed schedule?"
"I quit instrument because of packed schedule"
He cut his sentence short
"Bother telling me what you played?"
"I love the sound of violins, it's one of the best instruments."
"I agree but don't yo-OW!" Wilbur got abrupted
There was an abrupt silence
"Well now we're out of discussion topic." Techno said
"Yeah, I guess. Although I have a question." You said and then spooning in a mouthful
"Alright. Go for it."
"So why did you cheat in the football game? You could've probably won fair and square."
"Oh- that." There was a silence and you could see the nervous glances between the two males.
"Yeah- uh, we didn't really have a reason for it, and the consequences became worse than we thought." Wilbur said
"Plus our whole team was into it, which was really weird, no one said anything about it being wrong. Though Dream can really be an ass so he technically deserved it"
"Are you two like, worst enemies or something, you seem to really hate him."
"We have always been rivals."
There was a short silence that got interrupted by Wilbur
"Once Dream made Techno drop his ice cream and Techno literally ran after Dream with a stick he found on the playground."
"Oh stop, don't embarrass me."

The evening was dark and time moved on fast.
Which meant the guests had to leave.

"Thank you <Mom> for having us, the food was delicious."
"Thank you for coming! It's not a problem!"
"Next time you will have to come over to our place." Phil said
"Sure! Just message any time and we'll prepare!"
"Alright! Bye!"
Everyone said goodbye and the three went out the apartment door. As you closed the dirt you let out a sigh.

A tiring day but yet very fun

As you drifted off to sleep a smile was painting your face.

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