Fridays SUCK

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Thursday flew by, nothing really happened except football practice with the new team. Dream still happened to be a jerk but he was very serious about football.

This year was extra important to win for him because some team members has to move away after this school year.

He wanted to make their last year on Drea C the best one. That by winning the yearly tournament.

Now Friday arrived in a hurricane and you were so tired of school already. You had three assigned assays due Tuesday, Thursday and Monday the week after. Woo!

You put on your uniform, tied the blazer around your waist and put on some jewellery.

You rode your bike to school and met a few people on the way, greeted them nicely and soon, the school came into sight after turning a corner.

Inside, the hallway was really crowded everybody was walking to wait outside their classes or just standing by the lockers, talking with friends.

There was three kids standing in front of your locker, chatting.

You closed up and they saw you.
"Yo there! You're the new kid, right?"
"I guess so. Everyone kinda refers to me as the new kid." You shrugged
"Well anyways, guys lets not be rude and introduce ourselves. I'm Jared." The dark haired brunet said
"I'm Aiden" he was blond with plenty of freckles
"Hi! I'm Oliver." The brunet with thick framed glasses said
"Hi I'm Y/n!"
"Well we gotta hurry to class, by the way which class are you in?"
"Uhhh... lemme check real quick." Silence "I have English"
"Bummer we have Art." Aiden said "Well, see ya around!"
"See ya!" And they left

And least now you could reach your locker. You looked up the wall, you still had 15 minutes before class, oh well.

As you took out your last book, someone slammed your locker shut.
"Listen here you little piss,"  a strong grip grabbed you by your collar "If you started this rumor, you will end it, understood?" You looke up to see Dream, very obviously pissed.

"I didn't start shit, you idiot." You sneered back
"Well how do you explain all the talking about how we are together and I'm abusing you?"

"Dude, I just said I don't have a clue and someone is making it up, and you're asking me quistions about it. Look it's my third day, I wouldn't want to be center of attention, especially with you, you asshole now put me down you're hurting me."

"Is that all?! Just fucking put me down!" You threw a fist punch at his jaw and he dropped you.
"What. Did. You. Just. Do?"
"Uh, if you did not realise, I punched you a very well punched and deserved punch at the jawline." You spoke slowly and softly.

"Never mind I guess I kind of deserved it." He mumbled

"But anyways I know who spread the rumor it's quite obvious."
"What?! And you just let me yell at you and hold you like that?!"
"Well yeah, it just gives me more reasons to dislike you. You don't use words, you use actions. One day that will be your down fall."
"Get to the point, who?" He motioned with his arms very silly
"Oh yeah! The thing is I don't know her name."  You said
"Well what does she look like?" He said almost anxiously "You do remember, right?"
"Duhh, she's blonde, gives me Ms popular vibes, has probably laid with half the football team and she always arrives to school in a a military green Jeep. Is that enough info?"
"Who is she?"
"She is known as the schools Queen, her name is Grace."
"Eww, already dislike her."
"Hey! She is my girlfriend, though it's possible she got jealous that I talked to you the other day. She bring it up at lunch, hah she wants me to kick you off the team and avoid her."
"Are you gonna listen to her?"
"No I think I'm gonna break up with her."
"Alright well, I got to get to class now see ya."

And so a hell of a year begun at Drea C high.

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