Weirdly enough

869 36 45

Kind of a filler chap for y'all

"You can still punish him!" You spoke, clearly upset
"W-"She tried to speak
"No! Really, why should he get less punishment, becasue he clearly violated plenty of rules!" Wilbur chimed in
"I-"  Once again she stuttered and was interrupted, this time by you
"He has clearly pushed me to do things I really didn't want to. You can't surely try to let that go, he is a bad person, just face it!"
"Excuse me-"
"Shut up! Stop trying to argue against us here! This" Wilbur waved his hands fumbling in the air "-is a severe act of harassment against someone's will and you're just trying to let it slip through!" Wilbur was fuming, you could see him shaking, his ears was red with rage.

A while later some lawyers and two officers were gathered, they talked, one on the phone, the others with eachother.

The principal got fired that day.

Well, something we learned from this is that, everything will come forward sooner or later.

Don't mess with Wilbur.

But there is still half of the football season left, maybe there is still a shot at that. But that's when spring arrives, and it's plenty of time left before that.

Some days later you were having a blast, Halloween was arriving and some kind girl had invited pretty much everyone to a party. You included.

At your workspace you'd put up season limited drinks for the holiday. Some Halloween decorated cookies and pastries. Cool hot drinks, completely black, some purple and some were a scary green!
They even decorated the insides of the cafe with cool tablecloths, candles that were placed pretty much everywhere as well as a few pumpkins scattered around the place. Blankets was also put on chairs and seating areas as well as soft cushions. You could say it: The place had become pretty cozy.

The bell above the door rang, singning that someone just arrived.
"Hello and welcome!" You said
"Hi!" A sweet voice said, her hair was blonde and when you looked closer..
"Niki! It's wonderful to see you! Have you dyed your hair blonde?!"
"Hi y/n! Yeah I did, what do you think?" Her smile was big.
"I love it! It looks awesome!"
"Thank you! How've you been?"
"Pretty much alright, the cafe isn't very busy right now." Noise from the coffee machine got your conversation to an abrupt stop. The thing was loud. Really loud, and slow for that matter.

"Lisa! Are you done, I can't take orders with that thing on!" Lisa, your coworker was a very kind soul, but sometimes very energic and hyper.
"Almost done!" Her long locks of dark hair was tied into a ponytail.
The machine finally turned off.
"So, Niki have you decided on what you want and do you want it here or take to go?"
"Yeah! Could I have a Scary Coffe with cream and matcha? And I think I'll sit here."
"Of course, anything else?"
"Yes actually, can I have your number?" She smiled as you typed and stopped to look at her. That was smooth!
"Sure, lemme just write it down for you, and I will come over to your table with the coffee and my number." You smiled back at her while she walked to take a table.

You quickly scribbled your number, double checked the piece of paper and went over to the far corner table at the window, where she was sat down.
"Here is a Scary coffee and my number for the pretty lady." You spoke as you were backing a few  small steps while bowing.
"Awwwh! Y/n! You're making me blush!"
"With pleasure!" You said and bowed once again
"I'll text you right now to make sure it's correct."
"Sure, though I will have to look at it later."
"Alright!" She took a sip of her coffee

You walked away to clean some tables, as well as the floor. Niki sat watching you with a smile meanwhile she drunk her coffee keeping a conversation with you.
"-yeah and one day, I would love to settle in a cozy apartment or small house." Niki said, dreamily
"That sounds lovely! For now though it would be awesome to graduate and finish all of my exams." You groaned while saying exams
"Yeah, me too," she sighed and continued "Sbi Prep really loads with everything right now and it's not even spring yet."
"Ugh it sucks."
The bell rang and your conversation was interrupted.
"Hi and welcome to Plankt, how can I help you?"
"Hey can I get a..uhhh.." The blond hair, the green eyes, oh you recognise that anywhere. Dream
But he was looking at the things in the
"-oh hello y/n! I didn't know you worked here." His demeanour changed rather quickly. Weird
"Hi, yeah.." you said awkwardly "so what did you want?"
"Can I have a large latte to go please?"
"Yes, that'll be $ 6.5." You said as you typed his order on the machine.
"Here you go!" Dream had given you some dollar notes, wrinkly from being in a too tight space.
An itty bitty time later you handed him his coffee.
Your hands graced and he was on his way. But he stopped his tracks and turned towards the corner table.
"Hey Niki! Long time no see!" So everybody you know basically knows eachother?!
"Hi Dream! How are you?" They sat together and talked, without you, because costumers kept rolling in and they sat at the far corner.
You would say you were a tad bit jealous. Something inside you ticking. Dream just had to come here didn't he? It was going so well!

When the clock had stricken 4:45 pm Dream rose from his seat and left, the cup on the table where Niki was currently sitting. Guess his coffee wasn't necessarily to go.

When your shift was over an hour later and you had switched out of your uniform, which by the way took an extra ten minutes, you were ready to go home.

Mom was waiting for you, setting the table as you entered through the apartment door.
"Great! I was just about to call you! Dinner's ready, go wash your hands." She said in a stern but stubborn voice.
"Muuuum, you know I'm not a child anymore!"
"Oh honey pie, that's nonsense! As long as you're living with me and going to school, you're a child alright!" You didn't bother to argue so the only thing you said was muuuum and glared at her whilst a big goofy smiled was plastered on your face. She just looked at you like she had won, which she typically had.

The two of you sat down and ate, sharing things with eachother, bonding.
The dinner was consisted of tofu in yellow curry sauce with jasmine rice, yum.

While putting away dirty dishes in the dishwasher, your phone, which was laying on the dining table, buzzed once.

[you have 2 new notifications]
[Click here to open]

You opened the notification and saw it was a message.

Hi!! This is Niki! (Sent 2h ago)

You decided to respond with a hi, saved and changed her username.

The other notification was an sms from Drista.

Drista <3
Hi N/n! I was wondering if you are available Friday? My parents are going out and won't let me stay home alone so I was wondering if you could come over? >:(         (Sent 3 minutes ago)

Yes I can do that, what time should I get there?

She responded immediately.

Drista <3
You can come whenever!
Here's my adress:


Drista <3
Thank you Y/n! You're the best!

Absolutely! Will Dream be home?

Drista <3
Ewww Y/n!!! Can't believe you rn!
Are you having an affair with my brother?!?!???!!

Oml Drista NOOOO absolutely not!!!
it's not like that!
I meant that I should be prepared incase!
We could come up with something evil to annoy him incase he would be home!

Drista <3
It's alright I was just kidding with you
But now that you mention it, I'm in.


Then we got a deal.

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