Insta pile

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You had eaten and everyone was waiting for Drista.
"Drista hurry up." Dream groaned tilting on his chair
"Ugh- it's not my fault this was DRENCHED in syrup!" She stared at dream and he put his hands up
"I'm sorry OKAY? I didn't mean to DRENCH them."
"You sure?" She raised an eyebrow
"Here Drista you can have my last one, I can't finish it anyway." You scooted your plate towards her
"Really? Thank you Y/n, you're the best!" She smiled "somuchbetterthanDream" she said with a mouthful
"Excuse me?! What?!"
"Haha take that you butt cracked egg yolk!"
Everyone started laughing

When everyone including Drista was finished you went into some cool store with a lot of random things, there were Harry Potter wands, anime hoodies, weird snacks that you usually can't find, plushies, energy drinks and more.

The whole store was very dim, even though the bright light coming from the lamps, the floor was covered with a dark fabric and the walls had a lot of things hung upon them but they too, were covered with this dark fabric.

You all looked around and Drista dragged you as she ran over to the biggest gumball machine you have ever seen. The machine itself was taller than Dream and he is like 6,1 feet tall.

"Woah! Dream this is a perfect photo for your instagram." Drista said as she put on har mask and Minx handed her sunglasses.

You didn't know what to do so you stepped a few steps to the side.
Drista just dragged you back so you would be in the picture. You put your right arm over her shoulder and she looked up at you, smiling beneath the mask.
Minx and Puffy wasn't in the first picture but when that was taken they jumped in and onto the two of you. Making you crash onto a pile. Dream just stood, with his plenty good distance, laughing.

"Agh! stop laughing you dork, help me out of here." Drista groaned and right after she got ahold of Dreams hand he pulled her out of the pile.
"OW!" Minx and you both said as Drista was pulled on
Drista, who practically was in the middle of the whole pile started laughing hysterically.
You and minx just both groaned in pain, Puffy who was on the top of the pile, just laughed along with Drista.

Dream took photos and you turned red, he would post those embarrassing photos wouldn't he?

"Embarrassed Y/n?" He smirked as he looked down on you, nonchalantly helping Drista up
I'm in a pile between two hot women
"Well I'm just going to click post." He clicked on his phone "there we go! Thanks for the idea sis." He said and leaned onto her
"No probs bro, will you be kind and help the others out too?"

He pulled off Puffy first then Drista helped you, then Minx, who was at the bottom, got helped by Dream.

"Urgh" Minx groaned "my body is going to be sooo, sore tomorrow."
"Then let me be there to help massaging every part of you." You winked
"Oh Y/n! You're such a flirt, I'll call you"
"Yesssss!" You did on of those cartoon movements with your fist
Everyone just laughed along as you were walking towards the exit of the mall.
"Hey guys I need to go to the bathroom real quick, wait for me alright?" You said
"Hey me too!" Drista ran towards you taking your hand, leaving the other three.

On the way out of the bathrooms, some guy pulled Drista away from you.
"OW! Let go off of me!" Drista yelled
"Let. Her. Go." You said as one pulled you from your back too
"No way!"
You kicked backwards between his nowhere and he fell to the ground in excruciating pain. You then got a grip of the one holding Drista, punching him in his stomach making him double over. These where amateurs.
There was one left who was running towards you with a rope or something unclear, to get the opportunity to tie you, making you unable to fight.

You kicked him in the balls and Drista ran towards you, burying her head in your shoulder, unbeknownst to her the one punched was on his feet coming straight towards you. You pulled her behind you, slapping him then yelling as loud as you could.
"HELP! HELP!" Immediately an officer came, probably some guard on duty.
"I got you! Get out of here now!" You did as you were told and you passed a few officers, on their way to the place you just left, the two of you was soon seen by the other three.
Worry on their faces.

"I'll explain in the car, Dream can you drop everyone off? Then I can explain in the car to everyone what happened" Drista asked as she talked rather quickly


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