30 - Jayna

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I had wanted to talk to him more about the date, but I decided against it. It was obvious that he was jealous of Phil, which was both sweet and also tiring. Even though I felt more relaxed after a quick jog and a shower, my nerves and emotions were still feeling raw and exposed. I needed a break to recover from my encounter with Marcus, and then I would tell Jake how much his **potential** invitation, and all it implied, meant to me.

But as usual, things didn't go to plan. Next, I got a text from Alan Bloomgate, Duskwood Chief of Police. My, I was popular this evening. I told Jake immediately and of course, he didn't want me to respond. I agreed; we couldn't trust the police right now. I felt better knowing that Jake would see when Alan called or texted me. Ironic, but true.

I hesitated for a moment, thanked Jake, and then sent a big, red heart to him. He smiled, and I think he knew that I meant more than just thanks about Alan.

For my next mission, Jake had me infiltrating a private forum about supernatural stuff. I scrolled through and decided that while I was waiting for a response about the Duskwood legends, I would take LadyLotus up on her offer for a fortune telling.

Hmm. I didn't understand the first sentence about a golden crown of a king. But being faced with hard times? That...was not good. Because if it was bad for me, it was probably bad for everyone in the group. I was glad that I wouldn't be facing them alone, but...what if things were going to be OK for me, but not for everyone else?

As for the words left unsaid, I felt like that was about Jake for sure. We got so close to actually admitting the truth of our feelings to each other, but each time, something happened to get in our way.

I should decline something that's offered to me...what the heck was that about?

No matter what, this prediction seemed chillingly accurate in regard to my life. I usually wasn't much for fortunes, but this felt spot-on. I'd have to try to remember it in the coming days.

After Jessy and Thomas' little field trip to Michael Hanson's house, I felt off. Something was not quite right about that whole experience. All that stuff on the walls was so detailed, but the kidnapper seemed like such a digital person. As far as we knew, he had yet to leave a literal paper trail. So why was everything laid out in hard copy? And why was the phone sitting there, but no computer? I was also afraid that the evidence would all disappear before any police ever showed up, but I hesitated to tell the group that. Their safety had been more important.

While Jake and I were reviewing the photos Jessy took, Jake brought up that I hadn't told Jessy that Richy was dead. Firstly, I hadn't said it because I didn't want to believe it myself. Secondly, because I wasn't sure it was the right thing to do to her. The last thing I wanted was to hurt my closest friend.

Jake had an interesting perspective, though. I wanted to know what happened in his life, where he had to hear bad news from someone he trusted. Or had he been the one to tell the bad news? Either way, I was curious. But I didn't want to pry. Part of me was afraid he'd pull away from me again.

Looking at his screen, I felt like we were together. I imagined him sitting in a chair and me coming up behind him, putting my arms around his neck and shoulders. He would reach up from his keyboard and entwine his fingers with my own, then pull me closer for a kiss. I smiled at the thought. When he said he also felt close to me, I wondered if he imagined something similar.

Then, the magic was broken when he said "I have never shared my screen with anybody before." I laughed out loud at the innuendo behind those words. I had to refrain from making comments about his hard drive. ;)

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