56 - Jake

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The last few days at the beach went by too quickly. The dam I had built years ago was broken; nothing was left to keep back all of my emotions, let alone the ability to ignore my physical wants and needs. With Jayna, I laughed, I smiled, I loved. I ate regularly and healthily. I slept soundly and had even started exercising. And I kissed, hugged, touched, and made love to her every chance I got.

I previously believed the term "made love" was a silly, overly-emotional term for having sex. After being with Jayna, I saw the clear distinction between simple physical release and the connection between bodies and feelings that occurred with her in my arms.

I could never go back to the empty existence I had experienced before meeting her. Finally, I had a future to look forward to.

The day before we were supposed to leave, I realized I had not looked at my laptop or phone in days. I was also surprised by how little I cared to look. Those devices that I'd been so attached to were reduced in my mind to simple tools, means to an end. Everything important was enclosed within the gorgeous creature that fell asleep in my arms each night.

Sadly, I did need to pull myself away from her and check on a few things to ensure our plans were still on track. First I confirmed that Don would have our documents completed tomorrow; he said he would. There was also a message waiting from my Munich contact, Maximilian. I ran my hands through my hair as I read the email. This was not good. I called him, trying to keep my voice down. I had to fix this. But no matter what I said, he was firm. This was the law. "Was ist das problem?" He kept asking. What is the problem? To him, there was a simple solution.

I looked up to notice Jayna watching me quietly. I told Max I would call him back. "Tell me," she said.

I led her to the couch. "The German government knows that we are not married."

She looked confused. "But we haven't even given them any documents yet."

"Yes, but they were observing me for quite some time before they extended me this offer. They know I was alone for years and learned how and when we met. Their investigations confirmed that we have not gotten married."

"So, what? They won't give you the job they offered? They won't protect you, just because you lied about being married?"

I sighed. "No, love, the offer to me still stands. However, they will only extend that offer to you if you are my legal wife. By law, they can only extend the protections of German citizenship to you through marriage to a German citizen. They even offered to perform the ceremony in Germany once we land so that we do not have to risk exposure by applying for a marriage license here."

"Wait, so they're forcing us to get married?" she exclaimed.

"No, they cannot force us. I told them that I would not make you do it, and that I would rather decline their offer than have this demanded of you."

Her eyes flickered up to mine. "Demanded of me? I thought that you agreed with me about this. That's what you said."

"I do agree with you. But I am also willing to consider all options to keep you safe."

"So I'm the one holding us back." She was truly upset now. "If I don't agree to marry you, then I can't go with you. Which of course, means that you won't go, and then you're at risk if we can't get the charges against you dropped. So it would be all my fault if you stay here and have to be constantly looking over your shoulder."

"Jayna." I must word this carefully. "I do not blame you for anything, and no matter what happens, nothing will be your fault. What is most important to me is to be with you. I do not care about the location or the accommodations. We can live in a mud hut, so long as we are together. I was able to hide for four years; I am certain that I can do it for both of us if that is what must happen. I will not ever ask you to compromise on your values."

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