42 - Jake

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As my vision cleared, I stared up at the woman who had been haunting my dreams since I'd first seen a picture of her. I could hardly believe she was sitting before me. Her lips trembled, and she had tears in her eyes. "Jake," she said softly.

I reached for her and found I had a tube coming out of my arm. Jayna put her hand on my arm to keep from jostling it. "We'll keep that in for now, OK? Just in case you need more hydration. Are you thirsty? I can get–" she was trying to move away, but I clung to her hand.

"Please," I croaked. "Do not go." I feared if she left my sight, she would not return.

Her laugh was watery. "I wasn't going to go far, just to the mini-fridge under the TV. How are you feeling?" She leaned toward me and brushed her hand across my cheek. I held on and greedily kept it here, savoring the connection.

I took stock of my body. I had cool, damp towels draped across me, which was less unpleasant than it sounded. The wounds on my back felt sore and raw, but I could tell she had re-dressed them. I vaguely remembered her giving me some cherry-flavored liquid earlier as well. I didn't feel nearly as hot and uncomfortable. "I feel significantly better, thank you."

"Excellent. There are a few more things I need to check," Jayna told me authoritatively, slipping her hand from mine. She took a thermometer off of the nightstand and had me place it under my tongue. "99.2. Even better than last time," she said with relief. She pinched the skin on the back of my hand. Then she took my blood pressure and pulse. "Not too bad. We can probably take the IV out." After pulling on a pair of gloves, she deftly removed the tubing and bandaged my arm. I watched her nimble fingers in fascination.

She then removed her gloves, threw everything in the trash, and washed her hands. She came back and started situating some pillows on the other bed. Now that I was more awake, I noticed the light scents of coconut and lavender as she came close to me. Without a word, she gently sat me upright without putting any strain on my back. Then she wrapped her arms carefully around me at my chest, away from the bandages. I gladly leaned into the contact, naturally placing my arms around her shoulders. "I'm going to slowly help you stand move you to the other bed and onto those pillows. Can you help me by pushing up to stand?"

I was so distracted by her closeness that I nearly forgot to answer her. "Yes, I can."

She did most of the work, I must admit. But when she tried to move away, I held on. "It is very good to see you, Jayna. And for many more reasons than to have you tend to my wounds." I rested my forehead against hers. "However, I wish I had been more presentable when you arrived. This was certainly not the romantic meeting that I was planning for us."

She smiled, her eyes lowered slightly. "Yes, well, I'm just happy to be here. I'm glad I was able to help you before things got worse."

"You are certainly skilled in medical care."

Jayna's eyes skittered away from me. "Not skilled enough."

"What happened, Jayna?"

"Richy..." she sobbed, putting her face in her hands.

I stroked her hair and down her back. "I am so very sorry that I did not save him, Jayna."

She pulled away enough to look up at me. "But you did, Jake. You unlocked the hatch, and I went inside and got him out. He might have survived, but–"

My eyes widened. "You went to Duskwood?"

"I was already on my way when you declared that you were going in my place. Even though you were closer, I still kept driving. I got there right before the explosion."

I shook my head in disbelief. "Why did you do that? We agreed–"

"No," she responded vehemently. "You decided, and I felt I had no choice about what you were doing but to support you any way I could. But I know, and so should you, that we always work better as a team, Jake. We're stronger together. I wanted to be waiting there for you, and stand in place of the others for Hannah and Richy until they could arrive. If you had answered my texts, I could have helped you right away instead of finding you here in this state, after not knowing for days whether you were alive or dead!" she exclaimed in an angst-filled voice.

I closed my eyes. I had not wanted to think about it before, because it would have prevented me from doing what I needed to do. But my decision to go into the mine had not just angered Jayna; it had also scared her. She worried for me as I worried for her. This was a new feeling to me, having someone care so much. It was unfamiliar but also something I wanted to experience. "I am sorry. My phone was destroyed by the fire, so I had no way to contact you. By the time I was coherent enough to get in touch, Nym-OS had sent a notification that your device was being tampered with. I'm afraid I failed you once again."

I saw anger, hurt, and determination flaring in those eyes of hers in a way that pierced my heart directly. "Don't you get it?! This was not about you living up to your perception of my expectations. I'm upset that didn't ask me for help when you needed it!"

"Jayna, I could not put you in danger for my sake. You have already risked so much. You said the FBI interrogated you, and they will surely revisit the idea of getting to me through you. Is it not better that I stayed away so they would eventually leave you alone?"

She narrowed her eyes at me and stood up, out of my reach. "Are you trying to get rid of me? You promised me that you wouldn't let them separate us."

I shook my head firmly. "I am absolutely not trying to get rid of you. My promise remains. I simply want what is best for you and your safety. And if that means keeping my distance for the time being, then my selfish need to be close to you must take a back burner."

She pressed her lips into a firm line and crossed her arms over her chest. I felt her withdraw from me, and immediately regretted my words as she walked to the refrigerator. "Before we talk any more, please drink this." She handed me Gatorade. "When did you last eat?"

"Before I went into the mines," I replied, wincing at the disapproving look on her face.

"No wonder you're so weak. I will get you some food, then. Do you have any dietary restrictions, food sensitivities, or allergies I need to know about?" she asked. The emotional distance in her voice hurt my heart.

"Jayna, please sit for a minute and speak to me," I asked, holding out my hand. I sighed when she chose the chair next to the desk instead of sitting next to me on the bed, where I could reach her. "I know that I have said something else to upset you. Please tell me what it is," I requested.

"Drink," she commanded, pointing to the bottle. She waited while I obediently opened the cap and took a large sip.

"I am angry because you were injured and alone, and you kept away from me because you thought you were protecting me. Don't you understand that I would give anything to be with you? I've been telling you this all along. You are so smart, but in this matter, you seem to be oblivious. And you tell me you're not trying to get rid of me, but in the next breath you try again to push me away, saying it's for my own good. I thought we were done with that, Jake."

I did not know how to respond. This was not the conversation I was expecting to have, and I dared not think of the implications of her words. "It is not my intention to push you away. It seems we have much to discuss; more than you realize. I would like to talk to you about many things. But I must say that I am still upset that you went into the mine. Especially since you were also injured." I eyed the bandage on her arm.

"Fair enough. However, you only had to know after the fact that I went, while I had to worry before, during, and after. And between the two of us going into the mine, I would say I came out in much better shape than you did."

I couldn't help but smile. It was even more enjoyable sparring with her in person. "Touchè," I responded.

"Now, think about something easy on the stomach that you would like to eat, and I'll go pick it up. Meanwhile, I would like you to sip slowly until you drink that entire bottle, please."

I slid open the drawer on the nightstand and pulled out a menu for her. "You did not give me an answer before, so I will ask you again. Jayna, would you like to have dinner with me?" 

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