50 - Jake

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The morning after we arrived at the beach house, I woke up and was surprised to find Jayna still sleeping. Could I make her breakfast? I frowned. I did not know how to make breakfast, and trying to look up instructions seemed daunting. Then I remembered the bagels, and that tea that she liked. I could sort that much out, at least. Maybe I could put the surprise with the breakfast somehow. Or maybe after. I felt so awkward. Sighing, I decided to put that aside and put the bagel slices in the toaster. Then I opened the can of tea, expecting to find tea bags, only to see it was green powder. I frantically searched my phone for what to do. Oh, that isn't too difficult. Well, then. I pulled out the soy milk, and–

"What are you doing?" a sleepy Jayna had padded silently down the stairs and was watching me with humor in her eyes.

"I was attempting to make you breakfast," I huffed, disappointed that I had not worked quickly enough.

"Aww, that's so sweet. Thank you!" she sat at the counter and smiled. Was she going to watch me? That made me so much more nervous. When I kept standing, frozen in place, she finally asked, "Why don't I help you?"

I sighed in relief. "Yes, please."

She giggled. "I appreciate the effort, but all you had to do was ask for help." She gently guided me over to the bar stool. "Why don't you watch me, and then maybe you can try another time?" She kissed me quickly, then walked back around the island.

I observed her slicing up some strawberries. Then she pulled out her plant-based cream cheese, which I hadn't even realized existed, and spread it across the bagels. The sliced strawberries were laid on top of the cream cheese. "Try this," she said, sliding me half of the bagel on a plate.

I took a bite, the flavor of sweet strawberries and tangy cream cheese dancing across my taste buds. The warm, slightly crispy bagel was the perfect complimentary texture. I commented around a mouthful. "This is delicious."

Jayna had a satisfied smile on her face as she watched me. "I'm so glad you like it." She looked lovely when she was happy. Perhaps now was the time; maybe I could make her even happier.

I walked over to the useless cabinet that they always place above the refrigerator, the one that Jayna would be too short to reach without my help. I took out the bag that used to hold my clothing from the thrift store, and carried it back to the counter to me. Jayna watched me curiously; I beckoned her to me and had her sit. I saw the prescience in her eyes as she watched me clear my throat nervously. I took her hand, gathered my courage, and looked into her eyes.

"I want to preface this conversation by saying that I have heard every word that you have said on this subject, and I respect your point of view. Actually, I agree with it. However, for reasons I will explain presently, it would be better if we at least appear to be legally married." I waited to see if Jayna had anything to say, but she remained silent. Only love was reflected in her expression, and my nervousness eased. "Therefore, I thought that perhaps we could wear these rings. That is, if you like them, and of course, if yours fits." I pulled out two small boxes from the bag. I saw a small, sneaky smile cross Jayna's face, and I knew she had noticed my odd behavior the previous night and had just discovered the reason. My girl did love solving puzzles.

"And what are the reasons that you were going to explain presently?" she asked. She was trying to keep a straight face; I realized that she was aware I wanted her to look at the rings first, but she was mocking me and making me wait. The minx.

I chuckled. "The reason has to do with where we may go next. Of course, this is only if you want to. I have dual citizenship, in the United States and Germany, because my mother was a German citizen. The German government–specifically, the Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, has offered me a job in their Cyber Defense Center. They were already aware of my past and the charges against me before making the offer. In exchange for taking the position, they would not agree to extradite me to the United States, should the U.S. find me. They have even agreed to send a private plane to retrieve me."

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