44 - Jake

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It was unusual for me to be so forward, but Jayna pulled something out of me I hadn't known existed. She directed me to sit on the toilet seat lid and carefully removed my shirt. I closed my eyes in pleasure as she gently washed my hair, face, arms, and torso with a bit of soap and a washcloth. Despite how poorly I felt, I was having difficulty preventing certain feelings from her touch. It was no longer embarrassing to have her tend to me in that way. It was...arousing.

When she turned back to the sink to rinse out the washcloth, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her onto my lap. She made a cute little squeak, dropping the cloth in surprise. I nuzzled my face into her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. "Thank you," I whispered, smiling as she shivered from my lips against her skin.

"Of course," she responded, her voice wavering. "I'd do anything for you, Jake. I told you that before."

My hands moved purposefully to the hem of her shirt, slipping underneath to touch the soft, smooth skin of her lower back. I groaned at her warmth, clutching reflexively. She turned toward me and our lips met. I was far less timid this time; my body demanded that I taste her, and she received my advances with equal fervor.

My hands were making their way up her back of their own accord when Jayna pulled away, much to my dismay. "You need some time to heal," she said breathlessly.

I rested my head against her shoulder, trying to slow my own breathing. "I am sorry to say that you are probably correct," I responded regretfully. My hands slid slowly down her back, and I heard her sharp intake of air. "You are not making this any easier," I admonished, kissing her shoulder.

She laughed. "Sorry. But I do want you to be healthy." She stood up from my lap and studiously looked away when I had to adjust myself in my jeans. "Shall I go get you some clean clothes?"

I nodded and she returned with a pair of clean boxers and sweats. Then she stepped out and closed the door behind her. I moved gingerly, changing out of the pants I'd been wearing since I left for the mine and sighing with relief when I was finished pulling on the sweat pants. It took more effort than I had anticipated. When I opened the door, I didn't protest when Jayna rushed over to help me to the bed that was not covered in my blood.

Shortly after she had settled me in, there was a knock on the door and a call of "Housekeeping!" from the other side. Jayna let them in. The two ladies barely even batted an eye as they scooped up the soiled sheets and towels with gloved hands. To my amusement, they looked at the mattress, shrugged, and then flipped it over to the other, equally stained side before covering it with fresh linens. Lastly, they left a stack of clean towels. Jayna spoke to them in Spanish, giving them each some cash; they smiled and responded in a friendly tone before leaving.

I gazed at her admiringly from the bed. "What?" she asked. She genuinely had no idea.

"You have yet to stop amazing me," I replied.

She shrugged, embarrassed. "I'm just in my element. It's no big deal."

"Jayna, it is very much a big deal to me," I responded."For you to stand by me and take care of me..." I shook my head. "Nobody has ever done such things for me before."

She came to the bed and crouched next to me so we were at eye level. "Then they were idiots," she stated firmly. "Because anyone who met you would surely have seen your worth. I can't imagine someone knowing you and not caring for you."

My hand played with her hair. "I have never let anyone know me as you do. I told you I kept to myself after I left my life behind. And even before that, I was always closed off from others. You are the one who changed all of that. I saw what it could be like, having you in my life, and I was willing to do anything to have that...to be with you."

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