Chapter 2

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I heard chuckling from behind and turned around. Hisoka was tossing his cards from one hand to another.
"I understand now.. it's proved, over there is the real." He said and everyone looked at him. Everyone exept for me, I was still focosing on Hisoka. He was planning something.
"Examiner are Hunters, who are appointed by the examination committee and perform their duties without being paid. A hunter such as we all aspire to be, no matter how subservient, will no doubt be able to dodge such a weak attack." He added shortly after. The examiner was telling him something, but I wasn't paying attention. Something's on your mind brother and I'll find out what.

Suddenly we saw some brids flying over to the body and starting to eat it. Hmm.. I walked over to them while everyone else was trying to avoid the look of this scene. When I reached the dead body I chased away one of the birds and stuck one if my fingers into the flesh of the many where the bird has started chewing on him.
"Hmm..." was the only noise you could hear from me, all the other stared at me in disgust.

"W- what are you doing!?" I heard a scream and turned around. It was an older men with spiky Black hair and glasses on. He was shirtless and wearing some suit-pants.
"I'm checking something out, why don't you mind your own business gramps?" I asked, not wanting to explain to him.
"Hey!! I'm a teenager alright!?" The old looking 'teenager' said.
"You- what?" I looked at him confused before taking my finger out of the man and cleaning it with a hankerchief I was hiding in my pocket.

"I thought the same.. but seriously what are you doing?" A boy with white fluffy hair came towards us. Oop- it was Killua. I'm suprised he as an assasin didn't know.
"I- it's nothing. The name's Y- Maddison" I corrected myself not wanting Hisoka to hear my name. I should be more careful around him.
"Alright Mad, I'm Killua and that old man here is Leorio" he introduced his friend to me, who immediately started screaming at him for calling him old. I slightly chuckled at their behavior. It's nice to know he's having fun.

Minutes later we were following Satoz across the moor. I actually figured out that if you walk like him, in his skipping steps it's a lot easier to follow him! For me atleast, because I wasn't the only one who tried that. Like that I could follow him without problems, in fact I was walking besides him, but suprisingly when we reached the place where the second Exam is supposed to find place there were only five others with me and Satoz. We must have lost the others.

After some time there were more and more people coming here. Most of them found their way here, huh..  I also saw Killua getting here soon. He was walking towards me. Since I was sitting in front of a tree leaning against it's trunk, he simply infront of me.
"Can I help you?" I asked, a bit nervous.
"Not really, but earlier. You're really good!" He replied. Earlier what happened then? When I was singing my finger into the dead man?

"What? When?" I asked confused, rubbing my chin. He face-palmed.
"I mean- when you realized Satoz is the real examiner, you have a sharp mind" killua tried explaining. I chuckled slightly.
"Ah~ that. It's common sense if you think about it" was simply my answer. I mean- I wasn't really lying. Of the other would have just taken a few minutes to think about the situation they would have realized it to.

"Common sense? No one else realized it..." he now seemed very confused about what I said.
"Don't worry about it! It's nice to meet you Killua" I changed the subject. I Held out my hand for a handshake.
"Right, we didn't really have much time back then" he answered and took my hand.
I quickly used some of my nen, within this touch.

Let me explain, you all know Hisoka has his Bungee gum. I have something smilar, it's called 'bouncy'. I can let this 'bouncy ball' glue itself onto everything. But if their person has nen itself, they are able to remove the bouncy ball with gloves, or else it will be stuck onto their hand. I'm the one that doesn't stick to it. I can also let the 'bouncy ball' come back to me and bring, whatever is stuck onto it, with him. It doesn't matter how far away the 'bouncy ball' is.

So right now there was one of my 'bouncy balls' stuck onto Killuas hand. Suddenly I saw Killuas friend chatting over there.
I pointed towards them.
"Aren't they your friends?" I asked him and he turned around to look at the people.
"Ah yes, I'll go to them now. I'll see you Mad!" He said running off.
"My name is Maddison!!! You make it sound like I' always mad.." I mumbled. I saw him chatting with his grass haired friend until the examiner said something.

"Dear candidates, you did well. We are at the place where the second test will take place. I will now say goodbye to you. I wish you all the best." He said and walked off with his long creepy legs. He was still walking into the forest when the big door suddenly opened, only for a few cooking supplements to be revealed. Yes! I always cooked at home since brother couldn't. I was basically cooking since I was 6, and that wasn't a lie~ or was it?

A woman with turquiouse hair, told us we should come in. Aperantly she was a gourmet Hunter. Her name was Menchi,  and her friend behind her was Buhara.
We heard his stomach buzzing. He was hungry.
"Looks like your hungry, huh?" Menchi asked him looking behind her. He agreed and the girl stood up and started talking to us.
"The second Exam, is... to cook something!" She squeled exited. Well what else do you expect from a gourmet Hunter?

She and 255 started bickering, he wasn't going to accepted this. I walked over to the front, because I knew this wasn't going to end soon. Well~ So much to 'I don't want to caught much attention'. Everyone looked at me, including the two examiner.

I started my sentences. And my explanation wasn't wrong.
"Shut up everyone! If you have any problems with this exam, why don't you go home then??" I asked them serious, and walked down again, but still keeping my distance between me and the crowd.

Menchi and Buhara looked at me suprised and so did everyone else. I hid a sly smile. That's going to leave a mark in their minds.
After that Buhara and Menchi started explaining what we were supposed to do. We should cook them pork, but only from the forest here. Probably some really difficult species to catch, judging from that this us the Hunter Exam.

Well as you see, Y/N disguised herself as Maddison and met Killua and Leorio already. I also explained a bit about her 'bouncy'.

Y/N wants to stay quiet, but it's very difficult for her. So~


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