Chapter 13

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We were now leaving the tourist bus, only to look at some awful big gates and the whole mountain. I chuckled darkly which was only noticed by my friend, who got fresh out of prison.

She explained some things about the door, and the house plus family. Which was pretty boring- because most of it was either a lie or I knew It already.

Suddenly some guys walked over to the front.
Talking about how fake everything here was.
"Even a picture of one of them would be worth hundert Millionen of dollars" they said.

Of course it was true and Oreo was making a fuss out of it. These guys have no idea they are going to be an delicious snack to their dear guard dog. I kinda feel Bad for letting them die.

They treating the poor guard-.. I kind of forgot his name, I always do.. which is why I'm often trying to avoid having to talk to him. Maybe it seems very rude, but I won't embaress myself.

But I knew this guy wasn't as helpless as he pretended to be. So I just watched as he opened the little door~ they're going to be so shocked.

Gon obviously rushed over to the guys, and shortly after we heard screams. Everyone ran into the Tour bus. But we stayed leaving the lady panicking.

"Oh, so you friends of young Master Killua? It's nice to see that.." he told us.
"I'm now working here for twenty years under the family, but your one of the first people who came here and called yourself friend.."

"As a worker I'm not really allowed to say.. but this place here gets really lonely. No one comes here to visit.. Well there are two clowns but no one else" 

"But guys like them.." he pointed back to the trahcan, "are coming very often.. Well by such a famos family isn't it really suprising, but the familys business is really special"

"I'm happy you came here, thank you.." he said, and Leorio thanked him. But I knew what was coming now. We couldn't enter, because bla bla.. everytime the same.

"But.. I still can't let you trespass the Zoldycks privat ground" he said. Knew It, I just rolled my eyes and the others looked very confused.

He then told us about Mike, but Pika was smarter than that. To only leave it like that so he asked a question, a very good one to be specific.

"One question.. Why are you staying save??" He asked. And I'm sure he had more thoughts in his head and not only this one.

"You will need to trepass the mansion.. because if you wouldn't, you wouldn't have a key. Am I wrong?" He stated, more like asked the guy.

"Very observerant young man, but that is only half right" he said and explained to us everything about the gates and the key he has. Well, almost everything but that doesn't matter.

We were now outside, after Pika realized the door wasn't actually closed. Just a bit more heavier than other doors. Oreo has been trying for hours now to open the door, he finally had enough and started bickering.

The man then opened the door, he stumbled a little but opened it and explained to us, the things we needed to know about the 'testing gate'.


The guard told us to follow him, to meet Mike.
I'm sure the door would recognize my scent by now, but as usual probably wouldn't Show any reaction. Wait maybe he would- because I was using Illus needles.

That didn't matter for now, because he wouldn't be able to do anything anyways. He then opened the door for us and we all stepped inside, Bailey a bit bored but amused at the same time. She surely was amazed by the Zoldycks mansion, but would never show it.

Soon after the old man screamed for the dog, he appeared. The purple fluffy dog, which I find really cute actually, was laying right before us.
I wanted to see what he would do if I went over to him. If he would recognize me??

So I did as I wondered, obviously I heard Oreos voice telling me to stop but I didn't and Mike didn't move either.
"Hello~" I said, letting a bit of my aura out, but only enough for Mike to notice, and since he saw me with Illu multiple times he knew I was his friend/ally.

He lowered his head slightly, as he always does when he saw me or my brother. Oreo gasped.
"Get away! He's gonna eat you!!" He screamed probably thinking Mike was lowering his head to reach me. I chuckled slightly and bored to Mike before moving further away.

They all looked stunned and I loved their looks, even Bailey was impressed!! Lovely~
"A- alright.. Well follow me please" the man said and took us to his house where he and some other guy lived. 

Apparently the other guy wasn't here for as long as Zebro- or Zedero-.. I forgot his name again. Pretty arrogant that guard. We explained our situation to him. Of course he was against it.

"Zebro surely told you about the testing gate, then you surely know what kind of place this is"
He said, trying to convince us to give up. Meh- doesn't really work.

"We know we can't reach the place easily.. but I won't give up" Gon stated, "Not until I saw Killua!" He was Determinanten to save him, such a sweet boy.

Gon talked a bit emotional talk and how it was his fault.. it wasn't, but it's pointless to tell him that. He was to stubborn to see that.


Zebo, how I call the man from now on. Gave us some jacket with weights on it. Pretty light to me, but the others were struggeling, which is why they were suprised as I walking in as if I was wearing my normal clothes. My knives were about 50 kg- and I was carrying about 15 of them.. so this is pretty easy.

'How are you doing this!?" Oreo screamed and I chuckled. Bailey was able to stand properly but obviously had some little problems with it.
"Training~" I whispered dark before sitting down on the table.

Apparently the cups weight about 20 kg, pretty light to me. But I wasn't drinking anything.
The brownie with the birdnest on his head entered the room.

"Oh come on, it's useless, they're going to give up the next few days!" He said a little too proud. He was pretty sure we would give up, upsi- then he didn't know how stubborn our little forest boy can be, and our sweetcake Oreo as well as Lexica Pika! And Bailey-.. Dunno she seems pretty interested in this.

"I don't think we are going to give up~" I said and everyone looked at me.
"Not with him here" I said pointing to Gon while giving the brownie a glare, but only a small one which was enough to scared him off.

Two chapter in one day! Woohoo~
I'll probably make another one right now, let's see if I can finish it today^^

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