Chapter 7

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We have been in this room for about 3 hours already and I read my book almost six times already. Kil Was teaching Gon how to rede a skateboard and almost hit old man.

"Hey! What's that!?" He screamed.
"Yea! Atleast hit Tampom!- I mean Tonpa!" Was my response afterwards. Damn, his name just sounds so much like Tampon.

Kil was laughting his ass off while Gon just apologised a few times. Pika sat down besides me.

"What are you reading?" He asked while scooting closer to take a look at my book.
I showed him the bookcover.
"It's my favourite book! F/b" (I can only recommend 'Sword & Rose' but I have it in German) I said and explained to him the storyline.

"Seems like a good book" he said.
"Can I read it with you?" I nodded.
So until it was evening we read f/b together.
It's been hours in this room and I fell asleep in Pikas lap because I was to lazy to move much.

Kurapika POV

Maddison (Y/N) fell asleep in my lap, as I stroke her hair something felt off. As if it wasn't her natural hair or a wig. This didn't change the fact that I was blushing a bit. Since I've never been in this kind of situation and Maddison is really interesting.

I wanted to see why her hair felt so odd until I saw that Killua was still awake.
"Can't sleep?" I asked him and he just shrugged.
"It doesn't matter, I can go days without sleep" he answered. That's a long time.
Is this assasin training really so hard?

"It's probably morning anyways." Killua finished while he slowly looked over to Maddison raising an eyebrow.
"You two are pretty close..?"

I looked down to her and back to Killua when I saw him smirking at me I got so red..
"It's bot that! She just fell asleep while reading her book..." I said a bit louder than I wanted to.

"Suuree~" I heard him say before he looked over to Gon and raised his pillow only to throw it at him. To his suprise the green haired boy was already awake.

Y/N (Maddison) POV

I woke up silently, my eyes still closed checking my area with the help of En, a form of Nen.
Right, I was in a room with old man, Kil, Gon, Pika and Tampon.

When I opened my eyes I saw Pika looking down at me. Pika..? Right! I feel asleep while reading a book with him.
"What time is it?" I asked casually and sat up slowly while rubbing my eyes.

"Nobody has a watch, but probably about 9 am" he answered handing me book. That's Right, I didn't put it back in yesterday.
"Ah, thanks" I said taking my book from him and patting it in my backpack.

"Say Pika- can I call you Pika?" I asked turning back around to him, not noticing the tiny blush on his face.
"Uhh- sure?" He was probably unsure why I would want to call him that instead of his real name. Well I have my reasons. Not really, but let's pretend I have some.

"Say Maddison, what did you meant with your gonna break this Bailey out of there?" Kil asked me as soon as he saw I was awake.
"Oh! I'm gonna ask if there is any bait for Bailey I can pay to get her free, if not I'll just break her out of there" I told him cheerfully.

I totally want to fight with him one day! But first he had to learn nen. I want to know if he's gonna be as strong as Illu!

I didn't see it at first but they all looked at me dumb folded after I gave my answer.
"What?" I asked poking Kils cheek. To response he immediately pushed my hands away.

"Did I do something?" Now looking at Pika.
"Not yet no.." he said, and I crawled over to him.
"Hey can I ask something? When you fought against frankensteins monster, your eyes turned red. Why is that so?" I asked him sitting down in the corner at his left.

"I-.. It's complicated, I'll tell you somewhat else.. before you ask. Yes it has something to do with spiders as it was mentioned before" he answered me truthfully. Now I understand why he wanted me to take him the truth before

You felt better yourself when people told you they didn't want you to know the truth, other than when people lie to you.

The next hours weren't the best but it was acceptable. I even got to slap Tampon!
But damn, to get to our next spot we had to drove trought a mine in a wagon. And walk over some weird sometimes neon dices, run away from a big ball out of metal, probably.

We finally reached our next destination, and of course Tampon and old man started to fight. Kil was annoyed and walked trought the door first, I just followed him, not wanting to deal with these grown up kids.

We needed to choose between, the long way which takes a lot (45 h) of time and is difficult, but we could go all together, or the second way which is short but only three of us could go.

The door will only open until two persons were chained up against the wall, if we choose the short way. And ofcourse they all started fighting again. It was just too much for me so I took a axe and started destination the wall next to the door so I could take the short way.

No one noticed since I used nen to help myself and stay hidden while the whole was big enough for me to get througt. On the other side I started repairing the wall again.
I wanted to mess with them a bit, what would happen if I suddenly dissapeared.

It was a slide.. should have guessed it. I Slipper througt and entered the room, 56 minutes before the deadline.

"Candidate 88, Name unknown..? I' sorry dear what's your name?" The dude announced. Right.. I wrote 'unknown' on the paper.
"Uhh, I refuse to give my name" I told him.
When I get my Hunters license I wanted to have the name Y/N on it, but right now I couldn't give it away.
"I'll tell the chairman my name, don't want anyone else to know"

"A- alright..." he stuttered and the voice disapeared. I looked around the room.
Wow, these are much Lees people than at the beginning.

I waited plenty of time in a stupid room, but this is worse. So I started sharpening my stars. I'll need to use them some time in the future, hopefully.

One minutes before the deadline, the door opened again. They probably found a way for everyone to get trought.
"Applicant 404 Kurapika is the 20st, 99 Killua is the 21st, 405 Gon 22st" only these three.
"Applicant 403 Leorio is the 23st, 16 Tonpa is the 24st" Ah yes, everyones here.

"There you are!" Killua screamed pointing at me. Oop- right I sneacked out.
"Where have you been? You suddenly disapeared!"

"I might have destoyed the wall and repaired it again. Wanted to see if you could get out of there without me" I answered sweet and innocent.

Wohoo- Phase three is finished.
And Y/N got trought sooner than anyone else, who had used the same path.

𝓢𝓲𝓫𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝓫𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓭 - 𝓗𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓴𝓪 𝓜. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat