Chapter 10

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10 candidates passed the fourth exam and were now at the airship of the pedo again. I was kind of scared of the next exam since that will probably be the last one.  I wanted to find Illu and talk to him about what happened. He seems down but deterneminted to do it.

"An announcment to every candidate, the chairman will now make an Interview with everyone, please come to the office if your number was called, we beginnt with candidate 44 Hisoka, thanks for your attention"

I'm curious, what is he planning, this pervy old man...? After a few more numbers it was finally my turn, an Interview huh? I made my way to his office and knocked before coming in.

"Ah, hello! Please take a seat" he told me and I sat infront of him on a pillow, a purple one.. or was it dark blue? I don't really know..
"So first off, why do you wanna be an Hunter?" He asked out of the blue and looked at me with curiousity.

"Well- I really don't but the examiner were supposed to be hard and I thought it might be fun. Also, I wanna piss off my brother~" I answered but of course it Was only half of the truth.

"Alright..? Okay, who do you pay much attention to??" He continued his Interview.
"Mostly 44, because I know his abilitys and that you shouldn't underrestimate him. But also 301, because he is more dangerous than he seems. And at least 99~ he's cute and I want to be his friend!" I said. Of course I was watching all of my opponents carefully but he didn't have to know that.

"Alright, and who don't you want to fight?" Netero asked writing on his paperblock.
"99 and 405. I do want to fight them one day, but it's still to soon" I told him. Sure I really wanted to fight Kil! And Gon too~ but they needed to learn nen first!

"Okay.. I haven't really asked this question to anyone else, but who do you want to fight?" He said to me, looking up. Seems like he somehow discovered I'm not using my actual strenght and am totally holding back.

"Uhh- actually, I'd love to fight Hisoka! The 44. 301 maybe too- but more 44.." I said and he probably realized that this exam wasn't my first encoumter with them but let it go anyways.

"Alright, if that's it" I told him walking away, wanting to find Illu, to talk to him. Well more like I'm looking for the now Gittarakur.
Walking around I was using En, to see if I could encounter their presence. Ah! Gotcha, but Hiso was with him.

I knocked on the door, waiting for someone to open, before I heard a voice.
"Wait, you probably shouldn't go in there!"
I turned around to face one of the other candidates, Pokkle the one with bow and arrow.

"Uh- can I know why?" I asked, looking pretty confused, and without acting I didn't know why I shouldn't. They were my- wait! Of course.. I'm pretty dumb.

"Don't worry about-" I was cut off by the door opening to revealing a shirtless Hisoka. Eh-? Why shirtless tho-.. was he working out or sth?
Pokkle looked terrefied and Hsioka just bored, while I was standing there like an Idiot.

"I- I apologise the interruption, but is Gittarakur there? I would like to talk to him.." I said, avoiding eye-contact. Because I wasn't sure if he could see trought me.

"Hm~ Wait a minute please..~" Hisoka said, before turning around. He seems to not like me, I wonder why-? Not that I care as long as I wasn't officially Y/N.

"W- why would y- you want to talk to him!?" Pokkle whispershouted. I forgot he was here.
Before I could answer Gitter-Illu was standing in the door, likewise shirtless.

"Ah, Maddison. I'll be put in a minute" he said turning around again. Damn his smile was creeping me out. Espesially since he never actually smiles as Illu Zoldyck.

"You- you know him!?" I heard Pokkle this time really shouting. Turning around to with a bored expression I said,
"Mhm! He's really nice actually" with a innocent, sweet tone- which I hate.


"You wanted to talk?" Illu asked, while we were sitting in my room. Right now, he was without hid needles in, and I knew they hurt like hell because I light have stolen a few of them to use kt for my Maddison disguise- I'm suprised they worked with me. But I hide them, so you couldn't see them and the one in my next was hidden behind my hair.

"Yes, I wanted to know why you are so nervous..?? This is very unlike you Illu" 


"In the forrest on the island, you were nervous"

"I wasn't, just tired.."

"Don't lie!"


"Huh.. Y/N??" Illu wondered why I gasped. Hisoka that b*tch! He's tryna ruin Illu's innocence!!!!

"Is that a hickey!?!" I screamed angrily and suprised.




It was finally, time for the exam!! I was exited, because the old man sure had something more difficult in his mind. We were waiting for him to reveal the order we fight.

I was against Bodoro first, the loser had to fight Hiso or Pika, whoever won their match. I was kind of hoping Hiso would Lose, I want a challenge!

First was Gon against Hanzo. I wasn't sure who would win. Hannover could definetly overpower him, but Gon had battlesmart - even if now it's a bit low - and was utterly stubborn..

While the first fight started I walked over to the examiners who were standing in a row.
"Which one of you is Lippo? The one from the prisoners fight?" I asked looking over.
Some of them looked suprised, sure I already knew who Lippo was because he was the only one who hasn't showed himself.

"That would be me, how can I help you?" A short man with glasses walked up to me.
"Do you remember Bailey? The one I faced?" I asked looking down to him, what esle was I supposed to do? He's small.

"I suppose, what about her?" He looked confused, like he probably forgot what I said to her when our game was over.
"Is there any bait for her? Usually some prisoners have a bait to pay in order to get out sooner, right?" I asked him, tired of looking down, so I kind of kneeled before him what caused some others to let out a small snicker.

"Of course she does.. why do you want to-.. Wait you were serious?" He asked obviously not believing me. I smiled innocently.
"I did! So, how much?" I asked as if it was completely normal to do so.

"Well- it's about 2 Billion, b- but-" he said, obvioulsy startled by this, not expecting me to be able to pay~ little did he know. I was Indeed able to pay.

"Alright!" I cut him off, "I will give you the money after the Hunter Exam, until then I expect you to get her here" I finished and then walked away. I loved seeing their stunning looks.

Now I just need to get the money- I have it on my Bank Account.

I mean- no one voted but I'll still get Bailey out of there..


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