Chapter 22

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Killua POV

Wing was talking about some technique named Gyo, while we were watching Hisoka's fight, I was originally going to watch with Gon.. of course four eyes had to ruin it!

"You should be able to use it by now.." I heard the adult say as I looked up to him, Zushi looked shocked and Gon exited..
I was not really listening- so I was kinda confused of what Gyo was... but, who cares?

"Alright.. try using your aura on your eyes" four eyes said, and Zushi immediately tried it, his eyes slightly widened. I looked at him confused, before he started squeling.

"The hell-??" I asked. And Zushi told us about the strings, he appreantly saw.

Hah! Beat him, I was able to count all of Hisoka's gum whise strings. Gon was amazed and Zushi whining and inpressed.

"Killua..." Wing muttered, causing us all to turn our attention to him. He looked at me worried, and I didn't know what was the reason for that. He seemed to look at my right hand.

"Uhh-? What's up??" I asked, Kind of irritated by how he was looking at me. His eyes piercing trough my skull, not in a dangerous but uncomfortable way.

"Use Gyo on your right hand" he instructed and so I did, and even Gon ans Zushi followed. The shortstick opened his mouth first, as he gasped, his short brown hair vibrating in the air.

"Isn't that Hisokas gum!?" He asked, covering his moth right after. I looked distracted too.. it looked so much like Hisokas, the way it glows and is weightless unoticable. Something just doesn't add up.

I suddenly got an idea! It was Y/N's, she is Hisoka's sister after all, so it would just make sense for it to came from her.
But when did she had time to do so, and what was her reason for that??

I didn't know, and it disturbed me. I'm sure it has some specific purpose, and I can probably alert her that I found it somehow.
So I tried something, I tried focusing some nen into that ball gum.

"Killua! Don't so that, it could be dange-" Wing started his sentences, but It was cut off by Y/N appearing in the room, sitting swiftly on the couch grinning. And this time not with her disguise, since she wore it most of the time, because she didn't want to be recognized as Hisoka's sister in public.

"So you found it, huh?~" she chuckled, a bit creepy but familiar. Still it send chills down my spine. And I'm sure it was no diffrent for the other three in the room.

"Wha- who are you!?" Zushi screamed, since he was the first one to shock out of his frozen state. Gotta say.. for a kid he has it.
Gon of course already knew who she was, and I wasn't too suprised honestly.

"Mhm.. why did you sticked that onto me?" I asked, pointing to the weird ball gum in my hand, which was still stuck there, but I wasn't using Gyo anymore, since I grew tired of it pretty fast.

"Oh! It's to get you out of trouble- because I' pretty sure my brother is Stalking both of you.. and Illu of course!" She answered smiling, now I was suddenly sitting on her right. I figured she could teleport her ball, aswell as me, since it's specifically stuck onto my hand, and with that also me.

"Woah.. that's so cool!" Gon beamed, walking over to us, sitting on Y/N's left.
She laughtly slightly, her voice soft but eith a tint of determination and power in it, it was beautiful at all..

"Well... who might you be?" Wing suddenly asked, oh man.. I forgot that old man was here. I remembered him meeting Y/N in her disguised form, but he doesn't seem to remember either voice or name.

"Ah! Wing-san, it's me y/n, just.. in my natural look" she stood up smiling, snapping her fingers to switch her look, now looking like when I first met her. But, this time I noticed something shiny on her neck.

It was one of Illumi's needles!! So that's what she uses as disguise..... with the help of Gyo again, I was able to see that one of her pink gum balls was also stuck onto the needle, I think that's how she teleported them into her skin.

"Y/N-san.. I- apologise.." Wing bowed in front of her, to which she just shyly chuckled. Replying something like 'oh it was no problem my dear!', damn...

"We have children here!!" I said firmly pointing over to the two innocent beans, who didn't really understand the situation much.


Should I get Y/N a harem?? ⚫>⚫

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