Chapter 17

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3rd POV

"What? You can't be serious!?" A man screamed, fuming from anger. It was only a little request, and not even that could be arranged.

"I-.. I'm sorry... I- I'll try h- harder! I promise!" A young woman cried out, holding her new born son in her arms. She was begging on her knees for fogiveness.

"And how can I be so sure of that? It was a simple request!" He screamed at her again, lowering his sword over her baby.

The woman was crying and holding onto her baby, determinated to protect him with her life. The man only snorted at her lame attention to convince him letting her and her child spared.

"No No!! Please... I'll do anything!!" She screamed, shielding her child from the top of his weapon pointing towards her own.

"And what makes you think I'll agree to that? You couldn't even accompliment such an easy thing? What am I supposed to make you do, huh??" He asked, his expression emotionless.

To that, the woman didn't know how to answer. She was in panic, and didn't know what else to do. What would happen to her baby boy if she dies? Would he even survive??

"Got nothing to say huh? Thought so.." with that he lowered his sword and slashed into the womans skull, her baby crying out, clinging onto his mother.

The painful screams of the young Mother filled the night, along with the noise of her crying child.

The man stand there in victory, and was about to stab the little boy, until he felt a sharp pain in his back. Dropping his sword he turned around, to face a teenage girl.

Her pink hair, flying in the wind of the night, and the rain dropping down her pale skin.
Her eyes shining dangerously gold.

That was all he saw, before drifting of, facing his dead himself.


"C'mere darling..." she whispered to the baby in her arms, whom was still crying after whitnessing his mothers dead.

She was an assasin, yes. But she absolutely couldn't stand seeing children suffer, such as she did.

"Ma.. ma..." the little boy stuttered, as he looked at the girl in front of him. She was taken back a bit, after hearing those word.
But it quickly turned into a soft chuckle.

"Let's get you all cleaned up, how about it?"
She asked, mostly herself, since the young baby couldn't really understand nor answer her.


That evening, the girl came back with the little boy, leaving her brother confused and in the dark about this.

She decided, she was going to keep him. He already had a place in her heart, which was rare to even get for most people.

Hellou <3
A little short, but important later on!
Bye bye~

𝓢𝓲𝓫𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝓫𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓭 - 𝓗𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓴𝓪 𝓜. Where stories live. Discover now