Just headcanons

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Yeah I don't have enough motivation for a full chapter... so here we gooooooooo

The Atlantic provinces usually are always together- whether they be hosting sleepovers or having fishing competitions. They can also be found spying on Quebec- and pissing him off for no reason.

Ontario and Quebec have a love hate relationship. Sure they're best friends but they'd never say that in person. They can be found clinging to each other watching a movie and trying to stab each other the next day.

BC,Yukon, Ontario and Quebec all have their own houses/ apartments

The prairies live together on a large farm, the Atlantics live in a small cottage by a lighthouse, and Nunavut and Northwest live in a small house.

Canada lives in a cabin somewhere in Ontario- we aren't exactly sure where.

Manitoba was the one to find Saskatchewan and Alberta. (Provinces and Countries appear hetalia style AKA appear in the woods)

Northwest acts very rough but is actually very kind and friendly- usually with Nunavut.

Nunavut is like- five. She's an adorable toddler and you can't tell me other wise.

Sask is heavily teased on her lack of IKEA and hockey team.

Canada was the one who taught the prairies about hockey duels.

Quebec has tried to sneak into a UN meeting as his own country- he was kicked out immediately.

BC is either high, on fire, or flooding. There is no in between.

Alberta and Saskatchewan get overly excited about the Calgary stampede- like can't do anything else but stampede for that week. Mani is scared- please send help.

Alaska is fine btw- though US has forbid him from sword fighting.

Italy did almost murder Ontario, Quebec and Canada once he heard about pineapple pizza. Don't worry Nova Scotia stopped him.

Nova, Newfoundland and Alberta's response to any problems is to drink first ask questions later- Ontario is scared.

Rio is Quebec's nickname for Ontario in private.

PEI usually skips out on meetings- she's just that forgotten.

No one's exactly sure who's Manitoba and who's Ontario.

The Scotties isn't a tournament- no no no, it's a bloodbath to the provinces.

There have been multiple brawls after NHL games. And Curling games.

Nova Scotia is a guy- he just wears a man bun and skirt.

Newfoundland and Labrador are conjoined

Don't go near a drunk province- if you see one RUN

Alberta has made Saskatchewan absolutely furious. Alberta is still- somewhat alive?

Newfoundland speaks a mix of gibberish, overly Scottish and Icelandic. Either way no one really knows what their saying- except Labrador.  Poor Labrador.

PEI is really short- like super short.


The UK and France are the provinces grandparents, NZ, Australia, US, and the other fifty British and French colonies I'm missing are their uncles and aunts. Family reunions are a hell hole.

The provinces have mixed feelings on Ukraine as their mom.

Manitoba is absolutely terrible at lying.

The western and eastern provinces have a rivalry for a lot of reasons that are very political that I'm not getting into. If you want to know more look up east vs west provinces feud.

Alberta and Saskatchewan causally trash Canada and Ontario without noticing some times.

Everyone has trashed Quebec once.

Just now I realized how ugly the cover is- I'm remaking it don't worry.

Ontario doesn't know what to do with the amount of tulips they have.

Nova Scotia still has nightmares of the- uh shooting. As much as he knows it's over- he can't keep remembering like it was yesterday, like all of his family could disappear with the wind at any time. Yeah Nova has severe Anxiety now.

New Brunswick took up surfing during the pandemic.

Newfoundland and Labrador are debating moving in with the Atlantics.

BC is a activist of both Climate change, lgbt rights, and a green Canada. She just wants to stop burning and stop flooding.

Wow that got emotional fast uhhh well that's it for some head canons- if y'all like it I might do more

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