Province ages

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Got bored- so welcome back to more headcanons! I teased a bit that there were province ages of which differed from their actual age as real life provinces. I'll be putting these in oldest to youngest which are mostly on when they joined the Canadian union (exempt from PEI and Newfoundland/Labrador of which was a separate country)

So with out a further a do- let's get this started.

Quebec - 33

Ontario -32

Nova Scotia -30

New Brunswick - 30

Newfoundland and Labrador- 30

Northwest Territories - 30

PEI- 26


British Columbia - 24


Saskatchewan -18 and 1/4 of a second

Alberta -18

Nunavut - 4

/Dead provinces/Territories age at death/

Provisional government of Saskatchewan - 24, 1885 (Not modern Saskatchewan)

Territory of Keewatin - 20, 1905 (Not modern Nunavut)

Rupert's land - 28, 1870 (Not modern Northwest Territories)

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