13 countries? Pt 2

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The twelve countries wandered through the streets of New York. They had barely gone to large city- after all more people lived in apartments surrounding the sidewalks then all of them combined. A few cities and states wandered the streets as well- a few stares were given to the countries in their borrowed attire.

"BC! Girlie how have you been. I heard about the fires- wait is that my suit?" California came up to BC, patting her on the head with a pitiful look.

"Uh yeah- long story short we gotta visit UN. Like now" BC replies as Alberta rolls her eyes.

"C'mon- I finally get to chit chat with you then you have to go?" Cali said sadly putting her circle purple shades back down. "Make sure to call me later Coco! Maybe we could get some Boba together later!" And with that California was off on her motorcycle.

"Did she just call you-" Alberta starts.

"Coco? Yeah. I don't know where that came from either."

"Can you guys shut up? We have to get to UN as fast as possible before someone uses his death as a potential war starter." Ontario screeches.

"Or I come and find your here, Mr shit pizza." A face comes right up to Ontario. "You insult my cuisine, you discredit my great city, you let Northwest wear my suit then you just enter here like no big deal?" New York (state) was absolutely furious.

"I'm sorry New York but we don't got time for this right now-"

"Why not? Are you going to go and make me hate all your siblings too?"

"Because this idiot" Quebec points to Alberta. " Turned us all independent we're now forced to bring Canada back before UN murders us all!" Quebec yells out.

New York looks Alberta up and down. " How?"

"Some button on Manitoba's desk. Why?"

"... Ontario's place right?"


"Gotta go." New York sprinted off as Northwest looked even more terrified.

"He's going to steal it isn't he."

"Most likely yeah." Ontario replies. "Northwest what's wrong this time?"

"So the twelve of us are here right?" Northwest starts.


"And Canada disappeared."

"Whole reason we're here."

"But there's thirteen provinces and territories."

The entire group of countries froze. Silent as they calculated what North had said.

"NUNAVUT!" Yukon scrambled to get her phone out of her pocket. "Uh Alaska ummm where are you right now? Ok that's not too far. Don't worry we're okay! Yeah. Ok- send her as fast as you can! Byeee."

Yukon put her phone back into her purse. "They're at some play place in Toronto. Nunavut will be here in an hour-ish. We need someone to pick up Nunavut from the airport."

"I'll do it! You guys go chill at the UN till I'm there!" Northwest waved goodbye and ran to the designated airport. By the time North had reached the airport the rest of the countries walked into the UN building.

There were great arches and paintings all through the entryway. There were plenty of rooms as well.

"NATO, 5 eyes, G7- Oh my maple syrup." Nova Scotia stopped as they reached a large door which in millions of languages read-

"The International meeting assemble room." Quebec fingered the doors edges and curves. It was beautiful. "I've dreamt of entering this room since I was a little boy."

Province storiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon