No Deal

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"God forbid! Why are you at all good at UNO!" Nova Scotia yelled throwing twenty cards into the air as Florida had already laid his last card.

"Hurricane parties. I once beat New York and Louisiana in a game of UNO as a palm tree hit went though my window." Florida said playfully, New York and Louisiana frowned.

"A hurricane?" Quebec looked at him questionably. "I thought those were just myths the Maritimes told me to keep me from coming over." The rest of the room looked at him with various faces of what?

"Hurricanes are real." Labrador clarified.

"Weejustdontlikuherer" Newfound smiled, Labrador bonked her on the head. "Ow!"

"I don't think so. I ain't neva seen a hurricane in my life!" Mississippi argued.

"You're literally on the coast! Of course you've seen a hurricane!" New York yelled throwing his two cards.

"I prefer to ignore the coast." Mississippi shrugged. New York sighed as Florida clapped.

"EXACTLY! We should just ignore the coast! Then no hurricanes!" Florida cheered earning questionable glances.

"Sha, you can't just do that." Louisiana argued grabbing a bottle of questionable liquids. "Then how we hang ne'r my beach house?"

"Oh... I guess we can move to Nova's place!" Nova Scotia spit out his drink as New Brunswick laughed.

"Still on the coast." Labrador stated. "Now let's play a again- bet 20 a province will win!"


"GAH! WHY IS CALIFORNIA RIGHT NEXT TO ME!" Texas screamed. Texas and Alberta were trying to watch a football game on the crappy TV they had whilst California and BC had started screaming some kinda karaoke.

"Welcome to geography Tex- LETS GO DALLAS!" Alberta cheered, her oversized jersey swaying as she moved.

"Could you guys shut up! Me and BC are trying to have some girl time!" California appears suddenly.

"Yeh.... You should just shuuuuuuuuush" BC proceeded to black out on the floor.

"May I ask what kind of girls time includes smoking w-" Alberta started.

"Your smoking! Didn't dad put you on probation?" Texas smirked. California rolled her eyes.

"Didn't dad put you on probation from drinking- wait is she even 21?"

"LETS GO DALLLAS DALLAS! You know we should watch hockey." Alberta screamed. California twitched her eye.

"God! Albyyyyyy your like soooooooo rude! Rude rude rude!" BC surprisingly stood back up and angrily sat down by Alberta.

"ARGH! Can you get out of my face!" Alberta pushed BC off of her. The two proceeded to get into a very dumb looking cat fight. Texas looked to California. California looked to Texas.

They proceeded to also get into a bit more impressive cat fight.


"And then she like hid in her room for like a week and like some pirate song kept playing." Manitoba said, his words slurred has he fell face first in his bed.

"I hear ya, whenever states have some mass bloodshed or whatev' they always come to me to be the therapy friend! Like Chicago isn't just violence!" Illinois grumbles throwing his coat away.

"Same! Winnipeg has other stuff then having crap weather and your life being at risk whilst trying to get through downtown." Manitoba sat up on his bed.

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