Empire v Independence

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(Northwest POV 1914)

I sighed flipping over the fifth pancake. I was so tired today and got barely any sleep last night. I just need to be able to have some beauty rest-

"CANNON BALL!" A young girl yells. I snap to the window to see Alberta sitting in a bush. She brushed herself off and gave a thumbs up.

"Did she... jump off the roof?" I asked taking glances between the window and Manitoba.

"Yeah, did she give a thumbs up?"

"I mean yeah but she still jumped off your roof!"

Manitoba got up from his seat and took the tea in his hand and placed it down as he began to brew another pot. "Then she's fine, don't worry North this is just how young teens take out their extra energy in the morning. We were just like her when we were younger. Right Vicky?"

British Columbia or 'Vicky' nodded taking another cup of tea. Another fall came from the roof as someone else jumped off and yelped hitting the bush.
I felt a wosh of air enter the house as the door slammed open and a teen girl entered around the same age as BC and Mani. "NORTH! Can I go to Alaska's house? He wants to teach me sword fighting! How cool is that!"

I blinked in shook. "He?"

Yukon looked at me. "Yeah. Alaska? The American-Russian territory. Haven't you met him already?"

I shook my head. "Yes I have but I do not like the idea of you at some American's house. And please sword fighting is much to dangerous!" I also didn't like the idea she was at a boy's house.

She stomped her feet. "What! Can a girl not do dangerous things? I thought you weren't like the Dominion."

"No Yuki, It had nothing to do with-"

"ARGH! YOU NEVER LET ME DO ANYTHING!" Yukon yelled before running to her room.

I looked around questionably. I gazed over at British Columbia and Manitoba who seemed to be very close to bursting into laughter. I looked to them with a pissed off face and they shrugged and turned to talk about something about Europe and the easterners.

The door slammed open again but instead the new provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan covered head to toe in searches and bush. They seemed to be having a great time yelling about some foods and cities. "MANI VICKY NORTH! Guess what we just did!"

"Something illegal?" Manitoba chuckled as Alberta stood in silence. "Oh did you actually do something illegal-"

"Shush! Listen!" She yelled using her finger to shush us. I rolled my eyes, today was going to give me a headache.

//(Nova Scotia's POV)//

"Nope, no way!" Ontario paced around the province house in a angry spurt. I had just finished tying my tie as Brunsy (My twin Sister) came out of her room in a nice looking dress. The house was cold and quiet ever since the westerners moved out as soon as the new provinces turned 14. Honestly I hoped I'd move out with my sister as soon as possible.

"C'mon Rio, you'll uh what's the word..."

"Survive?" My sister asked.

"Yeah survive. I mean they're just the rude, uncultured savages! Savages with no respect for real government and culture. JUST A BUNCH OF STUPID ENGLISHMEN!" Quebec began to yell shaking Ontario. They seemed to highly hate the idea of going to the westerners' houses. Especially Manitoba's for obvious reasons.

"They aren't that bad, I mean they're our official siblings. We have to like them someway?" Brunsy smiled trying to comfort Ontario, placing a hand on his shoulder. He slapped it away and gave her a look of disgust. She stepped away and behind me.

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