Tenebrous AU

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Nova Scotia stood on his Atlantic port, watching every move the sailors made. The docks were scrubbed clean and shined against the Atlantic sea. The European nations would hopefully be quite excited to arrive.

"NOVA! C'mon we have boxes to put away!" New Brunswick yelled to him. He turned around and rushed over.

He yanked on a large box and began carrying it over to the side. "Sorry Brunsy, I've been so swamped with work I didn't even noti-"

"Ah, don't worry. You've just been blanking out a bit." New Brunswick laughed a little bit. Nova Scotia smiled, his sister's laugh could always cheer him up.

They worked in quiet for a little, well as quiet as a busy harbour is. That's of course before Nova Scotia broke the silence, "Are you worried?"

"Weill all of Europe is coming so of course I'm-"

"No Brunsy." Nova paused and looked south. "Are you worried about them. Maine should be announcing his lobster's campaign for governor. He used to call us, now he's missed every call since POA came in and it's freaking me out!"

New Brunswick grabbed him out of his thoughts, "What did I say about going full Nova Scotia on me?! Of course I'm worried. But we're going to go down and we're going to save them." She let him go and looked away, mumbling the last part quietly, "No matter what."

Nova Scotia sighed, looking down at his sailors and boats. "I think we need a change of scenery. PRINCY? NEWFIE? YOU GUYS NEED HELP?"


"Yeah we could use some help. GRAB A MOP ON YOUR WAY!" Yelled Prince Edward Island. "I think someone puked on the floor."


Alberta was absolutely drained.

She sat on her chair in her office in Edmonton, war plans spread all over her desk. They need more oil here, weapons need shipping there, Yukon's defences need this... it was all so much.

She was quite young during the wars of past, so maybe this was just the normal amount of stress a province experiences during war. The screaming in her head, the overwhelming stress, not seeing her siblings or cousins in months.

Probably normal.

BEEP! Alberta grabbed her phone and answered the call. "Alberta Canada speaking."

"Woah... that's quite formal for you."

Alberta gleamed up and rolled in her chair. "YUKI?! GIRL IVE BEEN MISSING YOU!"

"Calm down. I just want to check on you. The west has been so quiet all of a sudden, all I've had for company has been Northwest."

Alberta laughed a little to herself, "Oh my. How's it like up North? Everyone down south feels rushed, BC and Mani won't talk to me."

"What about Sask?"

Alberta grimaced, "... how is Alaska doing?"

"Not well. He's acting like Nova, no, he looks worse then Nova. To think I have to go and watch him be hurt more... with my own hands. I know I need to or else everyone will be hurt even more- but he's family."

Alberta sighed, leaning on her desk. War plans were spread across detailing every nook and detail needed for the coming invasion. Her forces combined with some europeans would go through the midwest, her cousins, her friends. Seeing that would be horrendous and made her stomach drop. But she had to, her siblings meant the world to her and nothing was going to stop that. "See you next meeting Yukon."

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