1920s and hair

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//(1763, Paris)//

Mama was yelling at him in the kitchen. She was screaming something in english to him, the only words Canada could make out were names.

"NO! Yua cent tarn Canada ontu sum english twat! Hi's already besterd loki yua, Britan! Yua end yuar dambess Thirteen cen hot thi road!" My mama screamed. She was really angry at him, even angrier then when I accidently walked into her office.

Something crashed against the wall and Canada held his ears. He doesn't like when his mama's angry.

"BLUUDY HILL FRANCE! Eri yua insane?! Canada os mach bittir woth mi thin e sociopath like yua, pllas yua dun't hevi e choice du yua?" Yelled back the other guy in the room. He had a funny accent and was really mad as well.

The two kept fighting and screaming. He slouched down to the floor, holding his ears. Canada's Grandpa, Kingdom of France joined in, he was even angrier then France. Soon enough though, they were all quiet and left the room with a small piece of paper.

Grandpa grabbed Canada by the arm and threw him up to the ground. He muttered some complaints about Canada's tardiness. "You have two minutes to grab your things, Mr Britain is taking you home."

"Wha...What?" He slapped Canada's wrist. "Sorry... I'll get my shoes."


Mr. Britain's house is really fancy. It has pretty white walls of marble and lots of portraits. There was this big one of him in his fancy king wear, one of him and Thirteen in his office. Speaking of Thirteen Colonies, Canada thinks he's sorta nice.

"Su yua dun't spiek english roght?"


He blinked in dumbfounded confusion. "wueh... lotirelly unly french?"

"French? Um yeah. My mama doesn't like me speaking english."

Thirteen colonies wrapped his arm around Canada's shoulder. "Don't worry I know a little french. Britain teaches me some." He flipped his hair and grabbed Canada's shoes and coat, the only items from his old home. "Now let's get you all fixed up."

//(Modern day)//

"I swear to god if I hear one more argument from those two I'm going to stab them." Manitoba grumbled and flopped onto his pillow. He was of course talking about the states and provinces two doors over who were fighting 24/7.

"Al' just hasn't had something to light on fire since she got rid of those rats. Give her a break." Saskatchewan shrugged and rolled a dice. She moved her piece three spaces and bought a property. "Y'know if those atlantics could stop hogging the uno deck I'd love to play that."

Nebraska huffed, "They treat UNO way too seriously in the east. Monopoly is much better."

Dead silence.

"Remind me not to bring up board games with you ever again." Illinois grumbled, paying Manitoba rent for being on his property. "You know, monopoly money looks a lot like your dollar-"

"Don't you dare, don't make this interaction as bad as how we met." Whispered Manitoba.


"You have very pretty hair Hawaii!" Nunavut said as Hawaii tended to their potted flowers. "Very long and wavy, like Ontario's."

Hawaii turned and gave a little smile. "I guess, though it's not as pretty as my hair back when I was independent."

Nunavut ran off her small bed and to them. "Yuki and North think my hair is pretty too! But not as pretty as yours!"

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