Starting the Day

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Stiles walked out of those doors with Stuart by his side. He nudged him to the side and asked "What did you think of Lydia?" Stiles asked Stuart.

Stuarts POV

"She was nice, I guess." I lied.

"Guess? Seriously, shes super nice, sweet,and pretty," Stiles retorted.

"Sounds like somebody has a crush."

"W-What? No, I-I just met her." Stiles stuttered.

"Sure...." I replied sarcastically while rolling my eyes at my obvious brother.

"Plus, she probably already has a boyfriend. So, if I did like her I would have no chance," Stiles replied with a pinch of disappointment in his voice.

"You don't know that for sure," I said trying to give him some hope.

"Okay so lets put our stuff into our lockers and go to class," Stiles said changing the subject.

"Okay. See ya later bro."

I walked up to my locker, #27. I put in my combination. I opened up my navy blue locker to put my bookbag in their along with other things.

I looked I my right to see no other than Lydia Martin the girl I met earlier. I had to admit that she was really attractive but, I lied to Stiles about it since he so obviously has a thing for her.

Which I don't by the way. Lydia was leaning on her locker with two friends by her side. She was wearing a white blouse with black stripes and a light blue flowy skirt with white high heels. Her hair was down letting her strawberry blonde locks flow down making her emerald green eyes stand out behind her red/brown glasses. She really did look amazing.

I looked down to my schedule while walking away seeing that I have Mr.Yukimura for first period. Then I bumped into someone dropping their things while doing so. I bent down to help that person and I realized it was Lydia.

I was burning pink I apologized for my clumsiness "Oh,sorry let me help you."

I went down an started picking up some of her textbooks from the floor.

Lydia looked up at me and said "It's okay, it's not your fault since I wasn't looking where I was going."

After all her things were picked up and placed into my hand she said "Hey your Stuart Stillinski, right?"

"Yeah,we met a couple of  minutes ago."

"Well it's nice seeing you again. I'll see you around." she said backing away before turning around and catching up with her friends.

I then went to my first period to see that Lydia and Stiles were already there. I don't know what happened but I felt a surge of jealously kind of go through my body. But,that couldn't be right I mean I don't like her in that way. Or maybe I did. Ugh, I never liked the same girl as Stiles before. What do I do? Do I tell him or not? I have no freaking clue. I sat down in the last empty seat right beside Lydia who was sitting next to Stiles. She was in between the both of us. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

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