20 questions

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Lydia's POV

After a couple of periods it was finally lunchtime. Finally,the time to get to know the Stilinski Twins. I'm so excited that I practically sped walk towards the cafeteria to be early in line.

Today I got a chicken wrap and some strawberry yogurt along with iced tea. (I like chicken so her meals will most likely involve chicken) Then I sat down at a table with two chairs in the opposite direction.

I already told Kira and Allison that I was going to have lunch with Stiles and Stuart. Of course being the best friends they are let me have some alone time with them. Even if it was for a short amount of time.

Interrupting my thoughts were the sight of Stiles and Stuart in the lunch line ordering their food.It looked like they were both having cheeseburgers and curly fries.

I motioned them to sit next at my table when they finished paying for their lunches. They immediately caught on to what I was going and walked over.

Stiles took the chair to the left and Stuart the right. I was just in the seat across from them. They both looked good today. Not saying that they don't look good everyday.

Gosh, now I'm rambling in my head. Just Peachy. (Note the sarcasm.)

"Hey you two. Do you want  to play 20 questions now?" I said after taking a bite of my chicken wrap. So that when they were answering my questions I would still be able to eat.

"Um, sure," Stiles said while answering for both of them.

"So,you will ask a question to us and well both give you are answers. And Stiles or I will question you 10 times each?" Stuart asked.

"Yup." I said while popping the p sound.

"Okay then let's start I'll go first." Stiles said."Favorite movie?"

"The Notebook. You?"

"Of course it is," Stuart retorted.

"And why might that be?" I questioned, being borderline defensive.

"Well, you know you're a girl and all."

"And how might that change any of my movie choice?"

"Because every girl is obsessed with that movie."

"Only by because it's amazing. You know what? Whatever. Just answer the question you too."

"Star Wars," They both answered at the same time.

Typical, I thought. Of course they picked my second favorite movies.

"Favorite Subject?" Stuart asked.

"Math," I said quickly,"How about......favorite food?"

"Curly fries," Stiles answered instantly.

"Cinammon rolls," Stuart replied afterwards.

"What's your favorite food?" Stiles asked.

And now were asking each other the samw question, not that I really minded thoufh.

"Hmmmm....I can't pick one so I'll go with anything chicken related."

"I could see that," Stuart said cheekily motioning to my almost finished chicken wrap. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks making it slightly pinker.

"Well okay then....favorite animal?" I asked.

Stiles replied with "Dogs.
Particularly puppies."

Stuart said, "Unicorns."

I raised an eyebrow. But he broke into laughter and said "I can't believe you fell for that. I guess what they say about blondes are right. Its actually kittens."

I glared at him and said "I'm strawberry blonde."

"I know okay, sorry." Stuart said putting up his hands in surrender.

I looked at his face trying to detect any sarcasm in his voice.

With that the bell rang indicating that lunch was over. I reluctantly got up with my tray and threw it away and said "By the way, mine's is also puppies since I have a dog named Prada. I'm also sorry we couldn't finished this game. We should try to finish next time."

After that I turned my heel and walked out of the cafeteria, heading towards my next period.

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