The End is Nearing

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Lydia's POV

The months have passed and everything was going to stay with him. After the vacation we couldn't stop touching each other and couldn't stand not being able to be near each other.

Graduation is very close, we talked a little about what colleges were interested in. It turns out we have the same tastes in colleges so I think we'll end up going to the same college anyway.

Everybody knew of our relationship and never tried flrting with either of us. Which was a good thing. Only one person held my heart and that was the only thing that mattered.

Later today I'm going to be meeting up with Stiles. He said he had very important to say.

I wonder what ?


So here I was waiting for Stiles to come to our special place at the beach. We came here in the weekends and I enjoyed it very much.

I felt the sight breeze pick up and I looked ahead of me and admired how the sun would go down in about 15 minutes so it was starting to go into the sunset process.

Ten minutes earlier Stiles called me and told me to go to our special place and wait for him. I agreed and quickly got into my summer beach wear just in case.

Which consisted of me wearing dark purple swim suit underneath a lacy white dress. Paired with some white wedges and a sunhat.

Moments after Stiles has finally arrived. I did a sweep over of his clothing and saw that he was wearing some red swim trunks and a white t-shirt with some flip flops.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his torso as a greeting. He smiled and returned my hug instantly. I gave a such and reluctantly pulled away.

"Hey there."

"Hey Lyds, you know we've been seeing each other for a while now and College is soon starting up....."

I nodded.

"And I was-um-I-I wanted to ask you something...."

"Yeah,and what is it?" I urged him to keep going.

Before I knew it Stiles had a velvet box in his hands.

Woah, where did he get that?

"Before you freak out I'm not proposing to you. But I do have a ring for you. Well if you accept anyway."

With that he opened up the box and I saw two matching bands of silver rings and swirls decorated on them.

They were absolutely perfect.

"I know we both love each other and since the end is near of our high school life so I got us these promise rings to ensure you're mine even when we move into college. Which will be the same no matter what since I don't know what I would do without you constantly around me. Will you accept it?" He questioned with a nervous face on.

I looked at him for a couple of seconds seeing his face turn into a sullen one before I sealed it with a kiss. As I pulled away I said, "Yes, of course I'd accept. You should have seen your face it was quite amusing."

He looked at me shocked for a second before his face turned into one that only showed pure bliss.

"You really got me going there. Making me think you weren't going to accept." Stiles replied.

I put a smirk on my face and retorted with, "Well, I had to make you suffer somehow."

He playfully glared at me with amusement clear in his eyes and said, "Then maybe you're not getting this ring then."

I looked at him and took one of the rings out of the box before he had time to react and slipped it onto one of my fingers since you could wear a promise ring on whatever finger you wanted.

"Nope, it's mine Stilinski. Now I suggest you put yours on."

He grinned at me and his on his middle finger. I sighed happily and said, "Now hopefully neither of us back out of this promise until it turns into something more."

He nodded and suddenly his arms circled my waist and lifted me up twirling me until we were both in the ocean.

And that's just how I wanted it.

Author's Note: I didn't get to update this sooner since I was cleaning all day and even some things are going on at home. To top it all off I decided to make a fan account on Instagram. If you want to follow me my username is Lydiaforeverqueen. Bye lovelies. Hopefully you enjoyed it. Please vote and or comment I'll really appreciate it. Also there will be about 1-2 more chapters yet. Also I am currently writing a Stydia college AU but not with these versions of Stiles and Lydia in there. <3


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