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Lydia's POV

I walked up to my locker and saw two gorgeous Stilinski boys leaning on it.

"Hey guys," I said to them while looking at the boys both up and down, checkin them out in the process.

They both had big smiles plastered to their face for their reasons. Their faces lit up at the sight of me. "Hey Lydia," They said in unison.

I really loved how they said my name.

"So what are you two doing here?" I questioned them.

Stiles replied with "Oh, um we just wanted to say hi, so hi."

I raised my eyebrow to them but brushed it off quickly.

"That's nice to know," I drawled cheekily and continued withx "I'm really happy you guys came to Beacon Hills Highschool."

"And why is that?" Stuart said while raising his eyebrows at me.

"Because I met you guys," I answered and I gave them a small smile while putting my combo in taking out what I needed.

Both of the boys looked flustered at my flirting even though I didn't realize I was doing it until I made that comment.

"That's nice to know." Stiles said mimicking what I said only moments before.

That earned him a smirk from me. I glanced down at my watch and noticed there was only a couple of minutes before my first period started.

I had a disappointed look on my face when I realized I had to get going.

"Aww, guys, I need to get going to my first period class. See you guys around."

With that I left both boys on a happy note. Although I wish I could have talked with them longer. I really wanted to get to know them. Then suddenly an idea popped into my mind, maybe I can play 20 questions with them. Now that would be fun. A perfect opportunity of all of us to get to learn about each other.

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