The Aftershocks

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Stiles' POV

I felt relieved. It was oddly unexpected for her to be visiting my house but, as soon as she told me why I couldn't be happier.

Lydia and I are in a relationship, finally. I'm so glad that she chose me and not my brother.

She left a short while ago after she agreed to be my girlfriend. I knew she had to, due to it getting late. That resulted in endless kisses and sensual touches. Although I have known her for a short while get both knew that they wanted this ever since I met her and the way she was reacting made me think she felt the same.

I hope Stuart felt the same way about Lydia now after their date to make we feelings change so quickly. Which reminds me, did she tell him?

Probably not. Did it matter though? She was mine and I was hers.


The Next Morning

Is it just me or was everything a bit sunnier today? Or is it just me waking up to knowing the girl I really liked, Lydia Martin was my girlfriend?

Probably the last one.

I went to school it was off since I haven't seen Stuart yet.

I finally saw Stuart when I approached the lockers and decided I was going to tell him. That is if he didn't already know.

"Hey Stuart," I greeted him.

"Hi brother," Stuart replied.

"Um, I need to tell you something. Please promise me you won't get mad or it'll ruin our brotherhood."

" I'm intrigued and yes I promise."

"I kinda asked Lydia to be my girlfriend and she said yes," I told quickly.

"Oh-uh,thats nice and good for you," Stuart retorted awkwardly.

"Yeah, so... are you okay with it?" I asked hopefully.

"I guess, I mean if you two want to be together who am I to stop you."

I was really glad about how Stuart was so okay with this that I started grinning like a fool and said "Thanks Stuart." while giving him a bear hug.

"Your welcome Stiles, now go back to your girlfriend," He said whole struggling to break free from me.

"Okay, bye dude." I complied while releasing him from my grasp.

"Bye Stile," He said breathing a little hard since I might have squeezed him too hard.

I then went over to where Lydia was and wrapped my arms around her waist. She seemed to be a bit surprised and her body tensed up, but when she turned around and knew it was me she instantly relaxed.

"Hey girlfriend," I whispered into her ear.

"Hi boyfriend," She replied back.

"I guess we should make it official, shall we?" I asked rhetorically.

"What do you mean-"

I interrupted her and yelled, "Attention everyone!" Soon enough everyone looked towards our direction with curiosity.

"I wanted to announce that Lydia Martin and I are in a relationship."

After saying that I instantly smiled at Lydia's flustered face bye all the attention and approving smiles we got from people.

"Stiles,why did you do that?" Lydia asked me.

"I honestly wanted everyone to know that you were mine and I was yours," I replied back.

"Really?" She asked skeptically.

"Yeah, I wanted them to know that I had you as an amazing girlfriend," I answered.

"But, we barely got together yesterday-," She interrupted herself, "I'm just gonna take the compliement and kiss you."

With that note she put her arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss. I instantly felt warmth and the sparks of it. Today, I couldn't help but realize that she every time we kissed she would always taste like something fruity and today it was cherries.

I could really get used to this.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys did you guys she the first 6 minutes of the first episode of Teen Wolf? Well I am so happy that Lydia can finally fight. That queen is just an amazing badass but it was like being sad and happy at the same time so I'm bittersweet. With her being in Eichen House and not being able to warn them. Yet,Im super happy that she's basically a ninja with some cool banshee fighting moves. #TeamStydia #Stydiaforseason5orgivemedeath ;) ♥️♥️♥️

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