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Stuarts POV

I came home after spending the day with Dad at the Sheriff station. It was kinda weird this time considering how Stiles passed. I mean he always love going to the police station with us, huh I wonder why the whole change in heart.

I opened up the bedroom door to see Stiles sporting a goofy smile on his face. Oh nothing good can come from him to be smiling like that.

"Hey Stiles. What's with the smile?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, um...nothing." Stiles replied a little too quickly.

"Come on, I know you lying, just tell me the damn reason for it." I threatened.

"Oh look at the time, bye muscles."

"I'm serious please just tell me, I begged.

"You won't like it."

"So just spit it out."

"Fine, fine, you got me," Stiles raised his hands in mock surrender. "Lydia and I studied together...."

I felt a pang of jealously go through me since he got alone time with her.

"So why are so happy about that? Isn't it just studying?" I asked hopefully nothing more happened.

"You know, Stew ,I like spending time with her.....I kind of maybe kissed her." He mumbled incoherently.

"You- you, what?!?" I sputtered with my eyes probably popping out my sockets. "How did this happen?" I said with some sadness evident in my voice.I looked at the ground kicking the air with my foot.

"I just couldn't help myself I'm really sorry Stuart I literally had no idea what happened.One second I'm tickling her and the next I'm making out with her."

"So she kissed you...back?"I asked

"Yeah and she's one hell of a kisser too," Stiles replied cheekily with a small smile.

"Don't rub it in.....I mean who am I to speak, you always get the girl," I replied solemnly.

"Stuart stop with the pouting I don't even know if she likes me yet, she might have been caught up in the moment." Stiles mumbled.

Suddenly I felt as if I actually had a chance with this girl again. Seeing as if my mood has lifted, she could like me.

Oh how much I wish that's true. But, now that Stiles and her has kissed I'm not sure of anything.

I'm so completely and utterly confused by anything. I wished I would have claimed her lips as my own.

I'm going to try to get this girl before my brother claims her as his own. Now it's time to give Stiles a run for his money.

He's not getting Lydia that quickly.

(Author's Note)

See I told you not to count Stuart out yet. Team Stiles or Team Stuart? Thanks to all of you for reading my book. I would really love to read your thoughts or comments. P.S. Stuart is not angry for them kissing yeah he's a little depressed that Stiles got to kiss her,but if he got that chance he probably would do the same thing too. So yeah he doesn't hate either one of them for kissing each other. Which is good although he is going to get a but jealous in the future.♥️♥️♥️

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