Road Trip

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Lydia's POV

I seriously can't believe that Stiles did this all for me. I sighed and turned my view towards the window so I didn't stare at Stiles like a creep. It was really nice and soothing looking at all the places we were passing by. We drove in a comfortable silence.It was normal for us at times. We didn't really need to talk at times when we didn't feel like it. I was just left with my thoughts and I peered over my shoulder to see that Stiles was concentrated on the road.

I have to say that it was pretty adorable to see him all focused with this look on his face. That made a smile smile make it's way up to my lips.

At that moment Stiles met my gaze and gave me a smile in return. He took one hand off the steering wheel and placed held it out so I can put my hands on his. So I complied and intwined our fingers together. It was times like this that I knew we didn't have to talk. We had each other and that's all that matters. I already met his Dad and he already met my Mom. Lets just say that it was a very pleasant time.


The time I saw Sheriff Stilinski was in the first week of our relationship when I came to visit for one of our study sessions. Like usual, so to my surprise I saw a man with light brown hair and blue eyes standing in the doorway.

"Hi, I'm Lydia and I'm here to study with Stiles," I introduced myself.

"Hey Lydia, I'm Sheriff Stilinski and I'm his father," He answered.

"May I come in?" I asked politely.

"Yeah, sure." With that he ushered me inside. At that moment I saw that Stiles started to go down the stairs, when he saw me he immediately grinned and engulfed me in a hug with a peck on the cheek.

"Hey Lyds, I see you met my Dad."

"Yup, I did," I replied while popping the 'p'

"Hey Dad, this is Lydia Martin, my girlfriend." He turned to me and retorted, "We should probably go upstairs to my room." Stiles suggested.

"Yeah," I agreed. So we started o make our ways upstairs until Sheriff Stilinski said this "Have fun and hopefully you'll stay for dinner."

I simply nodded and followed Stiles.


After we finished studying we made our ways down the stairs since I decided to stay for dinner.

The sheriff greeted me again with, "Glad you can join us."

At this dinner it was absolutely great we also had dinner with Stuart and Sheriff Stilinski who were both really funny and sarcastic so I knew where they got the trait from. It was absolutely lovely and had this homey feel to it. Stiles already told me that his Mom died so I didn't bring it up since I guessed it was a sensitive topic considering that Stiles got a little teary eyed when he told me.

I completely knew that pain since my parents were divorced and I mostly lived with my Mom but I occasionally saw my Dad. But, to have one of them dead I would have never imagined.


When Stiles met my Mom it was when he stopped to pick me up for a dinner date he asked me on.

Lets just say that my Mom was really embarrassing with all the stories she told and even gave us some snacks before we left.

She told Stiles to call her Natalie or Miss Martin. That was the time when I told Stiles about the divorce, it honestly was kind of hard to deal with but I eventually got over it. Since they were happier without each other who was I to deny their happiness for selfish needs.


I didn't know what time it was when we arrived but, soon I knew it his jeep stopped in front of this beautiful beach house with an empty beach surrounding it. I guess he really did mean it was a private place.

Stiles got out from his side and opened the door for me as the gentleman Stiles would always do.

I stared in awe at the house in front of me knowing that Stiles and I will be living there, alone.

Authors Note: Hey guys,I decided that this vacation might be stretched out in a couple of chapters making it short and sweet. I also wanted to put in some of the parents in the chapter since we didn't really have an encounter with any yet.I'm so excited for Teen Wolf season 5 hopefully it won't disappoint.♥️♥️♥️

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