Seriously, Nicknames?

595 14 4

Stiles' POV

I woke up to having a small petite body right next to mine.


I held her closer to my body as she snuggled into my body more with her face in the crook of my neck.

I ran my hand through her strawberry blonde hair and started to play with one of her locks.

"Morning darling." I greeted with a sleepy smile on my face.

"Seriously, nicknames? What else are you gonna use?" She replied teasingly.

I smirked and retorted with,"Babycakes, honey,sweetcheeks,strawberry-"

I only got that far because she cut me off. "Wait,strawberry?Really Stiles, a fruit?"

"Yup, because of your strawberry blonde hair and sometimes you taste like strawberries," I replied while popping the p.

"I guess that's reasonable, but your nicknames are sometimes horrible. Remember when you called me Yoda because I was supposedly giving wise advice to someone? I mean first of all he's a guy and a star wars character."

"I know, I know. That wasn't one of my best moments," I replied with some heat creeping onto my face after recalling that day.

"Not even close," She said with a triumphant smile on her face.

"You know, I can get use to waking up with you in my arms," I told and gave her a loving look and smile.

"I can too," She agreed with a grin.

"I'm glad you agree so we can keep falling asleep if you know what I mean," I said with a wink.

"Whatever, stop being cheeky and let's go make some breakfast and enjoy this vacation," Lydia retorted with a playful eyeroll as she tried to get up from out position but, I pulled her closer wanting to cuddle her a little longer.

She reluctantly agreed and we stayed like this for a couple more minutes until I finally loosened my grip on her when I found out I was a little hungry myself.

I rummaged the the fridge and took out what I felt like eating that included bacon, hash browns, eggs, and toast. Along with some strawberry kiwi juice.

We both started cooking the food together while occasionally nudging the other when we were close.

I just finished buttering the toast about 20 minutes later while we were finished making the rest of the stuff. Let's just say that Lydia actually taught me how to cook some more food. Which also got me rewarded with kisses and food.(Which was a plus.)

Then when we sat down at the table I decided to start stealing some of her food off her plate with always ended up with her giving me deathly glares.

You probably don't know this but surprisingly she's very protective of her food.

I kinda learned that the hard way when she made threats. For someone as good as her she's surprisingly scary at times. Along with her deadly glares that could make anyone scared. But, I just like messing with her not matter what happens.

Since she's just a small ball of fury.

I like to think that I'm like the calm one in the relationship. Although I don't mind, since I love her. I'll take her any way she is. Because that's what you do for the person you love. You don't try to change them. You embrace who they are and except it just like the way she does for me.

The cheeky little sarcastic who can be incredibly awkward.

Yep, that's me.


Lydia and I decide just to chill out at the house today and do some activities.

We ended up binge watching all day on netflix while we just curled up together in the couch. It was quite relaxing although Lydia occasionally screamed at the t.v. when a character did something stupid. It was incredibly amusing at times.

As she paused the t.v. since we decided to get more snacks. Bit before that I pulled her down fit an innocent peck. Before things started to get a little heated as we pulled apart I finally noticed that she was straddling me.

I gave her a questionable look and she responded with, "Don't stop."

Netflix and the snacks were quickly forgotten I captured her lips into a heated passionate kiss. Which she tasted like her original flavor, strawberries.

Until I moved from her lips to her neck giving her little nips and such. Giving her love bites in the process.

And this time I didn't stop.


Author's Note: Yay! I got 4k reads so far! Omg Stydia is doing the frickle frackle! Yes, they used protection. Okay?




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Next scene is optional reading I decided to write smut...toned down.

(Whoa, while editing this I barely noticed I made an unconscious Netflix and Chill situation.)

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