" Your room?!? "

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Loud music filled with different voices could be heard once they entered the mansion.

It probably wasn't something new for Jake and Jungwon but Sunoo, he was mesmerized.
He thought Jake's home was big but the one they stood before was triple the size of Jake's

"WOW!, so pretty"

"Jungwon your home is literally prettier"

Sunoo wasn't lying even though Jungwon's home is nowhere compared to the Mansion in front of them it was still more than average.
Both of Jungwon's parents work in the medical field his mom being a neurosurgeon and his dad a cardiologist so to say they were pretty comfortable would be an underestimation.

Sunoo's mom worked for the Jang family since Sunoo was a little kid. There were very nice to Sunoo and his mother.
That's how Sunoo got to befriend Jungwon.
They've been friends since childhood, Jake joined them later in High school.
Sunoo had watched Jungwon grow up and the same for Jungwon a reason why Sunoo was protective over Jungwon.

The trio had walked through the door that leads to a magnificent living room.  Jake was now seated across the large living room with the other basketball players.

"Who uses a house like this to throw a school party?"

"We don't know Wonie, maybe their parent is cool with it."

"Mine would have killed me" Jungwon exclaimed in exaggeration his face quickly changed as if had seen a ghost or something pretty wild making a confused Sunoo turn around to see what or who it was.
When fully turned Sunoo's smile also fell being replaced by a deep frown.

"You know, Jakey had told me that Daniel was going to be here tonight?" Sunoo quickly asked while trying to distract Jungwon from Jay who was currently sitting with a girl with purple long hair.

"Sun, you know I rejected him."

"Yeah, but he keeps trying, doesn't that show how much he likes you? Sunoo continued when Jungwon didn't talk,
Daniel is a nice guy, and he's also good-looking, to be honest with you I really can't think of another reason for you not commit than the fact that you're still not over that asshole"

"Sun, you know that's—"

"Not true? but that's the thing. I don't, I do not know if that's true, and I wish it's not, it wouldn't be if you had the littlest respect for yourself".

Sunoo had not meant to say that nor did he want to, the words had just slipped out of his mouth. Once his eyes landed on Jungwon's face he knew he had fucked up.

"That's not what I meant Wonie, I'm so sorry".

"It's okay, we both know that is the truth. You're right, I'll go and try to find Daniel see you later Sunoo". Jungwon said while trying to fake a smile.

Sunoo. Jungwon had just called him by his real name, he must have really gone too far.

Now all alone with no one he knew near him, Sunoo decides to tour the Mansion a little perhaps he could find a quiet place he's been getting a little overwhelmed by all the loud music.

When he got upstairs there were already students in the hallway and he suddenly needed to urinate. He spotted a door that looked distinctly different from the others at the end of the hallway. Deciding that the room behind the door must be the toilet Sunoo decides to step in.

And oh boy was he wrong the room he was currently in wasn't a restroom but more of a bedroom, a really nice one.

The room was huge, probably larger than Sunoo's apartment. There was a large bed in the corner of the room, and a large television in front of the couch. The piano at the window stood out the most.

He was about to walk out of the room when someone barged in.

"What are you doing in my room? wait, Sunoo is that you?"

"Your, your room?!?"

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