"You really hate me that much?"

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"He could make you do the whole presentation alone"

"Naurr he's too smart for that. I feel like he would rather have you become his private maid or something.

They were currently in the School's cafeteria after Sunoo had informed his friends about how his class went, they immediately started making up theories of what Sunoo would have to do for Ethan to give him back his keys.

"Would you guys stop making it worse"

""We're sorry Sun, don't worry if he tries something, just call me I'll beat him ass" Jungwon said, his fist formed into a ball.

Jake let's out a loud laugh causing the whole cafeteria to go silent. He whispered a quick sorry before turning back to Jungwon. "What are you going to do, meow at him or something?"

"Excuse you!?!" Jungwon gasp as he throws his strawberry milk at Jake, the latter catching it easily.

"You guys are driving me insane" Sunoo said already getting tired of his crazy friends.

"Oh come on Sun, you love me. i don't know about Jake but you definitely love me".

"Shut up" Jake said throwing his strawberry milk back at him.

"Master will be downstairs in a minute"

"Thank you" Sunoo thanked the maid not really knowing what else to do. I mean how would you react if you walked up to a fancy mansion of your classmate and a maid opens up the door before telling you that her"Master" would be downstairs soon.

The mansion looked clean in comparison to the nights before and the beauty of the place could definitely be seen more when it's not dark.

The pink haired male was about to take a sit when he noticed something. It was a large portrait of a women with a little Ethan at her side. He didn't know how he had miss it the first time he was there giving how big was.

"That's my Mom" he heard Ethan say behind him

"She's beautiful" Sunoo astonishing said, eyes still on the portrait.

"She was" Ethan replied the bitter expression on his face was not failed to be noticed Sunoo.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to" Sunoo tried explaining himself before he got cut off by Ethan.

"No it's okay it's not like you knew or something" there was an awkward silence before he continued speaking. "My room's upstairs, follow me".

Akward would be an example of one of the many emotions Sunoo was feeling right now

He was currently sitting at Ethan's desk while the said male was lying on his bed face buried in his own pillow.

"So about presentation I had an idea"  Sunoo spoke up gaining the resting boy's attention.

Ethan quickly turned so the back of his head was now lying on the pillow, eyes set on the boy in front of him.

Sunoo took the silence as a que to continue speaking.

"I can do the first half of what's written in the criteria and you do the latter half. That way you can also control my work"

Sunoo expected a agreement or hell, even a disagreement but all Ethan did was let out a deep shaky laugh and Sunoo would be lying if   he had said that that tiny action didn't do something wierd to his stomach.

"You really hate me that much?" Ethan asked the smile on his face were now gone replaced by an expression Sunoo couldn't describe

Did he? Sunoo couldn't answer.i If someone had asked him that question he would have answered with a yes with no hesitation but this situation was different it felt different, especially with the way Ethan was staring at him.

"Yes, Yes I do and honestly I want nothing to do with you I just came here because of my keys and I would appreciate if you would give them to me" he replied watching the expression on Ethan's face.

Fazed? He wasn't there wasn't even a slight change in his face.

"Here", Ethan said before retrieving something from under his pillow. "Your keys"

"You're giving them to me, just like that?" Sunoo asked a bit confused. Ethan wasn't really "Ethaning" today. The Ethan he knew wouldn't have gave him his keys this easily before teasing him to death. But here he was, arms extended, his keys in them.

"You don't want it back anymore?" Ethan asked while he stared at Sunoo, this time there was no stupid smirk or grin.

There it was again the akward silence.

"You should get going it doesn't look like you want to be here anyways".

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