Chapter 4

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It was only a 20 min walk to Chaerin's university

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It was only a 20 min walk to Chaerin's university.

She stood in front of the gates to observe the university. It had huge buildings and she could see a great number of students who had come to this place to pursue their dreams just like her. Chaerin had enrolled herself in the Science of Music department as it was her dream to become a producer and work with her favourite artists and maybe, someday even Woodz. 

She kept her headphones in her bag and headed towards the office to get her schedule. Entering the building she noticed that everyone already had their group of friends, Chaerin being the introvert she was could not find herself going up to someone and initiating a conversation. She would consider herself lucky if she ended up making any friends.

After getting her schedule and finding her class, she found a place to sit beside a pretty girl and boy who she presumed to be the girl's boyfriend talking to each other about something. 

"Hi! is this seat taken?" Chaerin asked them with a little smile on her face.  "No, have a seat. My name is Eunji and this is my boyfriend Jihoon," Eunji said to Chaerin while pointing towards the seat. "Chaerin" Chaerin introduced herself. 

She sat down and they started having a conversation about their similar interests, mainly music. Chaerin got to know that Eunji's favourite artist was Woodz too and they started gushing to each other and laughing about the Jealous look on Jihoon's face.  After a while, the professor came into the class. 

During her last class, Chaerin heard the final bell ring indicating that the long and exhausting day was finally over. Chaerin quickly collected her stuff and was walking out the classroom when she heard Eunji call her, "Hey Chaerin! wanna come to the mall with us? I heard there's a huge sale going on." 

"Sure why not, after all this I do need a break". Chaerin replied with a smile and walked out of the University with Eunji and Jihoon.

 They walked into every shop in the mall and bought almost something from everywhere. This was mostly because of Eunji as she was a shopaholic. They had gone into almost every shop and were tired and hungry. "Ahh I'm so tired Eunji let's go eat" Jihoon whined and looked at Eunji desperately with puppy eyes , "I agree, can we eat please" Chaerin joined Jihoon and they pleaded together, "Ok, it's my treat then!" Eunji said with a big smile on her face. 

They were walking to the food court when Chaerin bumped into someone. As soon as she looked up to apologize she immediately regretted it.

"Yahh Seonho!! You should look where you're going" Eunji stated. Seonho ignored her. "Hello Chaerin long time no see. I tried to call you....." 

Chaerin cut Seonho's sentence. "Eunji I'm suddenly not feeling good right now, I'm going to go home" Chaerin's head was spinning, having a mix of emotions as flashbacks of her past were coming back to her again.

 "Oh, sure i'll see you-" Eunji didn't get to finish her sentence as Chaerin was already running away. She came out of the mall with tears running down her cheeks, she didn't think she would see him again so soon.

 She was running towards her building and didn't notice anyone who was passing by. Suddenly, her shoulder bumped into someone causing her phone an wallet in her hand to fall. The man she bumped into apologized and helped her pick up her things. Chaerin didn't even look at the guy helping her as she was looking at the ground, not wanting anyone to see her crying. "Thank you" Chaerin softly said and ran away.


Woodz was done with the photoshoot for his album and was looking through his phone when he got a text from one of his friends.     


Friend: Seung yeon what are you up to, did you finish shooting? 

Seung yeon: Yup! just finished for the day. Why? 

Friend: We're going to this new karaoke bar today, wanna come? 

Seung yeon: I'll pass this time. I'm exhausted because of my schedules, I'd rather go and sleep. Sorry!

Friend: Oh okay, Bye! 

Seung yeon: Bye!

Seung yeon walked to his car, played his favourite playlist on the radio and drove to his apartment. He parked his car and was walking towards the convenience store to get some snacks. 

Suddenly he bumped into a girl who was running with her head facing the ground. She seemed like she was crying. Her stuff fell to the ground and he bent down to pick them up.

"I'm sorry!!" Seung yeon exclaimed while helping the girl pick up her stuff. The girl mumbled something under her breath and ran away.

"Strange" Seung yeon thought, continuing to walk towards the convenience store.

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