Chapter 20

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Time flew by as Chaerin prepared herself for the end-semester exams

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Time flew by as Chaerin prepared herself for the end-semester exams. She shut herself off from the world and dedicated all her energy into studying. Finally, after four long days of rigorous testing, she was finally done! It was a cakewalk for Chaerin as all she could think of was the upcoming workshop.

"Phew! I can't believe it's over!" exclaimed Eunji, looking completely drained after her last exam.

"I know, right? Only one day left for the workshop!" Chaerin exclaimed with excitement.

"You've been counting down every day, haven't you?" Eunji asked, surprised by Chaerin's enthusiasm. Chaerin nodded proudly, eagerly anticipating the start of the workshop.

They both rushed out of campus to their regular coffee place as it felt like a good day to celebrate!

Chaerin and Eunji couldn't stop discussing about the upcoming workshop, wondering if they would get to meet some famous K-pop idols?

As they were busy chatting Eunji started venting about her boyfriend who's been MIA lately. Despite Chaerin's attempts to calm her down, Eunji is beyond frustrated.

"Chaerin-ah, what should I do? He's not answering my calls!" she exclaims, practically pulling her hair out. "He's being such an annoying moose!"

Chaerin tries to offer some perspective, "Eunji-ah, you know he's in his final year and still has papers to write. He must be busy. Give him some time."

"But even if he has an exam to give, he would always call me twice a day!" Eunji retorts, feeling even more agitated.
To soothe her friend's nerves, Chaerin offers Eunji her coffee,
"Okay crybaby, here you go. Drink this. It will help you feel better. Why don't you go to his place today and ask him what's going on?"

A lightbulb goes off in Eunji's head, "That's a good idea Chaerin, I'll go now!" She chugs her coffee and dashes out of the café with her bag in hand.
"Yah! Message me what happened later!" Chaerin shouts after her, smiling as Eunji gives her a nod and disappears out the door.

Now, Chaerin was all alone but not quite as she was accompanied by her constant thoughts about the workshop. As she drank her coffee, she wondered if she would meet Woodz again.
She hadn't seen him since the dinner at his house which had been a month ago. Obviously, she saw him doing lives or going on radios but not in person.

She kinda missed him in person and couldn't wait to see him, although she wasn't really sure if he knew about the workshop.

Smiling to herself, Chaerin shook her head to remove all the thoughts of Woodz. Quickly finishing the last of her coffee, Chaerin headed back home to her cozy soft bed which she hadn't been able to sleep comfortably on as her study table had become her bed for the past 3 weeks.

It was already 7 in the evening and Chaerin had been sleeping for a good 4 hours! Feeling a bit groggy, she dragged herself out of bed and headed to the washroom to freshen up. After that, she felt a little hungry and decided to order some food, since she was feeling too lazy to cook.

Her favourite pizza shop was the obvious choice and she quickly placed an order for a large pizza, along with her favourite drinks to go with it. As she waited for her food to arrive, she decided to make a list and do some research on the upcoming workshop she was planning to attend tomorrow!

While engrossed in her work, her stomach gave a loud growl, reminding her of her hunger. And just in time, the doorbell rang and her food arrived! She quickly paid the delivery person and sat down to enjoy her meal.

As she ate, she turned on her favourite channel, GOING SEVENTEEN. She loved watching the show! After an hour of doing nothing and lazily watching the show, Chaerin was feeling drowsy again so decided to go to bed, But the drowsiness was just a excuse for her to lay down! She wanted to sleep early because tomorrow was a big day.
Picking up her phone, she set her alarm for as early as possible, not wanting to be late.

Just as she was about the turn her phone off, he got a notification of a Woodz post on Instagram. She eagerly clicked on it, and immediately there came the smile!

She really missed him! Her delusional mind was manifesting to get a text from Woodz!....But as soon as she thought about it there came a beep on her phone indicating a message has come for her to check!
She opened it and her eyes shot open. Full of mixed feelings mostly filled with happiness!


Woodz: See you at the workshop tomorrow!

So he does know!!?



It's been a while, but the next chapter is finally here! Yay!!

I really wanted to reassure you all that as  you dive into this chapter, you might notice that it's a tad short. But don't fret, my friend - this chapter is a crucial turning point for the story, and things are about to get juicy! Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

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