Chapter 14

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Two weeks later

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Two weeks later....

Chaerin was doing her laundry when she got a call from Eunji, "Ah, Eunji! What's up?" Chaerin said. "Are you coming?" Eunji asked her, "Coming where?" Chaerin was confused, she did not know what Eunji was talking about.

"Are you living under a rock? Seonho is holding a party at his house tonight and he invited us." Eunji said. It had been a while since Chaerin had been to a party but when she heard whose party it was, she immediately declined.

"I have a lot of assignments to complete, I can't go, I'm sorry Eunji!"

"Well, you have no choice, I'm outside your apartment, open the door for me." Eunji said, surprising Chaerin. She opened the door and saw her best friend holding two cups of coffee and a huge bag, looking like she was going on a trip.

"What's going on?!" Chaerin said following Eunji into her own house. "I'm here to get you out of your rabbit hole and have some fun for once!" Eunji replied, putting all of her stuff on the sofa and giving the coffees to Chaerin.

"Eunji, I told you everything about what happened with Seonho right? I feel really uncomfortable around him. Why can't we just chill at home?

"Who is telling you to go talk to him, there are going to be a lot of people at the party. Hopefully you won't see him at all. I will be with you the whole time, don't worry! You know I don't take no for an answer." Without waiting for Chaerin to reply, Eunji walked into Chaerin's room and opened her closet. Chaerin picked up the coffees from the table and followed her friend into her room.

"Wow, I didn't know you had such pretty clothes!" Eunji complimented Chaerin while looking through her stuff, "Let's see, yes! This one is perfect!" Chaerin looked up and saw her friend holding a red dress. It was quite pretty but it also looked super uncomfortable.

"Umm, Eunji, I don't know, don't you think it's a bit too tight?" Chaerin tried reasoning with her friend. "Oh, come on Chaerin, trust me on this. You're going to look amazing! Now go freshen up, I'll find a few accessories to go with it."

With a sigh, Chaerin left to take a quick bath. She quickly dried her hair and walked out of the bathroom and saw the dress lying on her bed neatly. Eunji told Chaerin that she would do her makeup, it only took a few minutes as Chaerin had requested her to do something simple and light. Eunji then walked out of her room so that Chaerin could change into her dress.

Chaerin quickly put on the dress and looked at herself in the mirror, she thought she did look pretty and smiled at herself, but it was quite uncomfortable as it only reached to her thighs.

She walked out of her room and saw that Eunji had also gotten ready, she was wearing a blue dress the same length as Chaerin's. "Oh my god, you look so hot girl!" Eunji complimented Chaerin which made Chaerin smile. "You look very hot yourself!" Chaerin returned the compliment, the two girls laughing with each other.

Soon it was 9pm and Eunji's boyfriend Jihoon had come to pick them up. Chaerin assumed that Seonho was very rich judging from how big his house was. They arrived soon and got out of the car.

Chaerin could hear the loud music coming from the house. As soon as they entered the house, Chaerin could smell the alcohol. Chaerin had a low tolerance for alcohol, so she decided not to drink much.

She met a few of her friends and was having a lot of fun.

Eunji had invited her to join her and Jihoon on the dance floor and Chaerin agreed. After a while Eunji asked Chaerin if she wanted a drink as she was going to get one with Jihoon, Chaerin declined and Eunji told her that they would be back in a minute.

Chaerin soon got lost in the music and started to dance and vibe by herself when she felt someone grabbing her hand and pulling her away from the dance floor. At first, she couldn't see who it was as it was very crowded then with a shock, she realized it was Seonho. She tried to release her hand from his grip but failed.

"Seonho... What on earth are you doing?! Let me go!" Chaerin screamed but it sounded like a whisper because of the loud music.

Seonho backed her up against a wall and trapped her from all sides with his left arm so she couldn't escape, while his right hand still firmly held her hand. Chaerin could smell the alcohol in his breath and realized he was black out drunk.

"Chaerin-ah.... My Chaerin-ah, I missed you so much!" He whispered in her ear and suddenly kissed her cheek. Chaerin was taken aback by his actions and very scared thinking he would do something to her.

"Chaerin-ah you look so hot in this dress! Did you wear it for me? Because you knew that I would find you, hm?" Seonho whispered to her. Chaerin couldn't believe what she was hearing, she was crying begging Seonho to get off her.

"Seonho, stop, please don't do this, please! Chaerin cried.

"Shush! Baby don't cry, nothing bad will happen. Don't worry, we'll just have some fun, okay?" Seonho told her, clearly wasted.

His hands started to move downwards, and Chaerin was now hitting him and pushing him away with her whole strength, but he just wouldn't stop.

She closed her eyes and then suddenly heard a loud bang.

She opened her eyes and saw that Jibeom had punched Seonho in the face. Seonho was lying on the floor and Jibeom was holding his shirt and standing over him, punching him once again causing Chaerin to flinch. She could sense how angry Jibeom was looking at his eyes.

"You jerk! What do you think you're doing!!" Jibeom shouted at Seonho, punching him repeatedly.

Some people had heard the commotion and had come to pull Jibeom off of Seonho.

Jibeom got up quickly and pulled Chaerin out of the house.

"Chaerin-ah are you okay.... Did he hurt you?" Jibeom asked her, looking at her worriedly.

"I'm fine, I'm just glad you came when you did, or I had no idea how far he would have gotten. I was very scared." Chaerin couldn't control her emotions and started crying and Jibeom hugged her, holding her tight. Jibeom let her cry out, he had always been a brother figure to her, and Chaerin always felt safe when she was with him.

They stayed like that for a while until Chaerin had calmed down a little. Jibeom told Chaerin that he would drive her to her apartment, so they walked together to his car and sat inside.

Chaerin quickly texted Eunji telling her that she was going home with Jibeom and would tell her everything the next day.

It was a slow ride; nobody spoke a single word as Chaerin found herself staring outside the window the whole ride trying to forget what had happened.

They arrived soon and Jibeom stopped his car outside Chaerin's building. She got off quickly and turned around to close the door. "Thank you oppa! Get home safely." Chaerin said to Jibeom and Jibeom smiled at her "Alright then, call me if you need anything, okay?" Chaerin nodded and bid goodbye.

She watched as Jibeom drove away. Chaerin sighed and looked up at the sky, she did not want to go home just yet and decided to go on a walk.

She soon reached the Han River and sat down on a bench looking at the river. There weren't a lot of people as it was quite late.

She found the cold wind quite pleasant. The river was flowing with a sweet melody. Chaerin was so enchanted by the quietness and by how relaxing it was she didn't notice that someone had sat down next to her.

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