Chapter 15

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2 weeks breezed by smoothly marked by Woodz's tireless promotion efforts for his latest album

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2 weeks breezed by smoothly marked by Woodz's tireless promotion efforts for his latest album. Wrapping up his final schedule with a radio show, Woodz just wanted to go home. Even though Woodz had a lot of fun promoting his albums, going home was his favourite part of the day. After thanking the staff and saying goodbye, Seungyeon started to drive home. He decided to take the long route as he wanted to see the Han river.

As he was driving, he suddenly had to slam the brakes because of a small kitten that had unknowingly stopped in front of his car. Seungyeon looked at the kitten as it darted to the opposite side and found refuge under a nearby bench. He looked up and realised there was a person sitting on the bench, immediately recognizing her.

"What is she doing here at this time of the night?" he said to himself. He parked his car and quietly joined her on the bench. However, Chaerin appeared deep in contemplation and initially failed to notice his presence. As he settled in, Seungyeon sensed a pair of eyes looking at him in confusion.

"Hi" Seungyeon greeted, initiating the conversation. Startled, Chaerin looked up and exclaimed, "Oh Woodz! What are you doing here?", surprised at his sudden appearance.
"You can just call me Seungyeon" he said with a smile, causing Chaerin to suddenly become shy. "Oh, okay" she said while looking away.

"Why are you sitting here? It's so late." Woodz asked her, glancing at her as she had a worried look on her face.
"I just wanted to sit here and enjoy the breeze. The Han River looks so beautiful. Doesn't it?" Chaerin said, looking straight at the flowing river.
"Yeah, it does," Woodz replied, savouring the serene atmosphere. He looked at her and realised what she was wearing, he assumed she had been to a party. Sensing Chaerin's reluctance to discuss her earlier activities, he refrained from pressing the matter further.

A peaceful silence enveloped them as they absorbed the gentle sounds of the wind and flowing river. However, the tranquillity was soon disrupted by the sound of Chaerin's phone ringing. Glancing at the caller ID, she immediately declined the call, as her mood had once again been ruined.
"Seonho? Who is that?" Seungyeon thought to himself, observing the shift in Chaerin's mood. Sensing something amiss, he chose not to pry further.

"I'll be back in a second. Wait here, okay?" Woodz said, deciding to lighten the mood with a gesture. He rushed to a nearby convenience store, returning with triangle kimbap and banana milk. Handing the food to Chaerin, Seungyeon's thoughtful gesture instantly brought a smile to her face. "Oh, Thank you!", her eyes lighting up at the sight of the food.
Seungyeon was happily staring at her while Chaerin enthusiastically ate her food. He thought she looked...cute. He continued staring at her but as soon as Chaerin turned to look at him, he immediately looked away and started eating his kimbap.

After they finished their food Chaerin stood to throw the trash away but Seungyeon beat her to it, taking her trash from her and throwing it away.

Since it was getting late, Seungyeon offered to drive Chaerin home and Chaerin agreed; they did live in the same building after all.
As they reached his car, Seungyeon noticed something on her face and without thinking gently touched her cheek. Chaerin, taken aback, blushed as Woodz smiled at her and simply said, "You're welcome." and opened the car door for her. Chaerin quickly sat in and Seungyeon followed, sitting in the driver's seat and turning on the heater as he thought that Chaerin was feeling cold.

They soon reached and Seungyeon dropped Chaerin off in front of the building as he had to go park his car. Chaerin got off and turned to look at Seungyeon "Thank you for today, Seungyeon-ssi!" Chaerin said, smiling at him. "My pleasure, we are friends, aren't we?" Woodz said. The mention of friendship brightened Chaerin's expression, and they exchanged smiles.

Chaerin quickly said goodbye and practically ran away, her heart beating faster than normal. She quickly reached her apartment and headed straight to her room. She jumped on her bed and soon her mind was filled by what had happened today with Woodz. She was blushing very much as she thought of him touching her cheek.

Chaerin was very tired and got up to take a bath. She quickly dried her hair and wore her pyjamas and laid down on her bed, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Woodz watched as Chaerin walked away and quickly parked his car. Soon he reached his apartment and saw that his mother was peacefully asleep on the couch while the TV was playing in the background. He turned the TV off and went to get a blanket for his mother.
He quickly took a bath and settled on his bed. He opened his phone to reply to the unread messages and saw that his friends had planned a camping trip tomorrow as everyone had a day off. He quickly agreed and went back to the messages.
Among the messages, Chaerin's number stood out, making him smile as he reminisced about what had happened today. He turned off his phone and soon drifted away into a contented sleep.

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