It's time

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Fatima calls her doctors office the next morning and makes an appointment for Tomorrow it's Monday morning.
Fatima: hi yes I would like to schedule an appointment please to be seen.
Lady: yes ma'am I can help you with that what's your name
Fatima: Fatima Wilson do u have anything for tomorrow morning with my Dr. Taylor? Fatima smiles thinking about Zac and her becoming Mrs. Taylor too.
Lady: yes ma'am we sure do we have a 10 am available is that ok with you
Fatima: yes that is perfect I'll be there thank you
Lady: your welcome see you tomorrow you have a good day
Fatima: thank you you as well
Fatima hangs up the phone. Zac walks in the room and saids hey baby how are you doing this morning gorgeous. Before she can answer. She gets up and runs to bathroom and throws up once again. He follows right behind her he holds hair. She finishes throwing up and said damn Zac this is going to be a lot I hope we are ready. She brushes her teeth. He saids yes baby it's nothing that we can't handle I promise we got this we in it together and I got you and our baby no matter what trust me. She finishes brushing her teeth and kisses him and saids yes you are right baby as long as we got each other we are good. Yes ma'am he saids smiling Zac saids you need to call Andi and tell her that you not coming in until maybe Wednesday I want you here with me to rest for the next few days I gotta take care of you and my baby. She saids yes Daddy he saids ooohh shit daddy huh let's go to the bed she's down to go they go to the bed she lays down and he starts to eat her pussy Zac is slurping and licking on her pussy she's moaning and calling out Zaaccc yes daddy mmmm yes I'm going to cum please don't stop she moans loud as fuck oooohhh shit I'm fucking cumming. She gets up and turns around he gets behind her and puts his dick in her dripping wet pussy he pounds her pussy and smacks her ass and saids yes you like daddy's dick don't you she screams yes daddy I love it he saids good take daddy dick she saids harder while moaning he does it hard and they cum together they collapse and lay down she lays her head always on his chest so she can hear his heartbeat her favorite sound it's like music to her ears. She smiles and looks at Zac
Fatima: baby
Zac: yes babe he smiles
Fatima: what you thinking about right now
Zac: you and our daughter
Fatima: how you know it's a girl
Zac: I'm just hoping that it is because I want another beautiful girl to look at as long as she looks like you I'll be so happy with that
Fatima: she cries and is speechless
Zac: don't cry it's true I mean it Ti you are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on I'm so lucky and blessed
She's trying to find words
Fatima: Wow babe you mean it
Zac: hell fucking yea woman your sexy and fine as shit laughing
They both laugh
Fatima: Thanks babe you fine as fuck too frfr you fine fine I be looking at you like damn I just won a million dollars or something
They laugh
Zac: you did don't drop the bag don't play yourself Ms. soon to be Taylor just wait
Fatima: oh yea is that right
Zac: it is you'll see he kisses her
He said aight I'm going to go shower she saids without me he saids woman looking at her, I'm going need for you to rest for a bit once I'm out you can go get in I'll leave the water on for ya laughing. Fatima saids yea aight sir. She lays there just smiling and thinking about how her life is tuning out to be so good after all she has been through in her past. Zac is in the shower he runs the water all over his body he then puts soap all over his body washes up twice and then rinses off then he calls her to come get in ayyyeee baby come on she saids ok bae here I come he steps out and wraps the towel around his waist. She comes in and she looks at him and looks at her. They smile and kiss. She drops her robe onto the floor he stares at her body shaking his head and he saids damn look at my baby mama and wifey she bad as fuck. Fatima: Zac
Zac: yes
Fatima: I don't like that baby mama shit ok it sounds ghetto
Zac: Ok baby I won't say that again then I got you
Fatima: Thank you babe
Zac: No problem. I'm going to the room to get dressed and wait on you ok
Fatima: ok baby I'll be out soon
Zac walks in the room smiling cause he's finally happy and he thinks about how much he truly loves Fatima and the baby that they have made out of the love that they share. He dries off and puts on some boxers, jeans and a red shirt and socks.
Fatima gets out the shower comes to their room dries off puts on a matching pink bra and panty set she then goes to the closet and puts on a red shirt and jeans too he looks at her and smiles oh you wanna be my twin today huh he walks over to her and kisses her and she shakes her head yes.
Zac: let's go eat I gotta feed you and my baby like now. You hungry baby?
Fatima: I can eat i guess at least I can try I hope it stays down.
Zac: yea that's true
They go downstairs and Melissa comes down shortly after and saids oooh Shit it smells good what you cooking Zac. He saids just eggs, bacon and some pancakes for my babies. Babies she looks confused. You are more than welcome to join us he saids.
Fatima: good morning friend she saids to Melissa
Melissa: hey girl I knew yo ass was pregnant I told you yes congrats this going to be our love child
Fatima: yea your right thanks girl and yes it will be she laughs I took 2 test this morning and they came back positive I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to be sure tho
Melissa: damn I gotta early flight tomorrow morning at 8 or else I'd go too
Fatima: but you know I'll keep you posted though
Melissa: yes i can't wait to hear all about it
They sit down at the bar Zac makes their plates they both say thank you and he pours them some apple juice and he sits down to eat with them. They all finish eating and they talk about what they going to do today since it's Melissa's last day in town.
Fatima: I think we should just go grocery shopping get something good to cook and chill out today what y'all think ?
Zac and Melissa agrees. They leave the house Zac opens Fatima's door and then he closes it after she gets in and then he gets in and they leave. 20 mins later they arrive a Trader Joe's to they get steak, broccoli and some baked potatoes and some cookies to bake for dessert. Zac asks do we need anything else babe that you can think of before we go. Fatima saids no babe I think that's it. They go to the register and Zac pays they leave and go back to the house Zac puts everything up in the kitchen. Fatima and Melissa goes to the couch. Zac marinates the steaks for later on and puts them in the fridge. He comes over to the couch and sits down beside Fatima and puts his arm around her and pulls her close to him and he saids so what we going to do now and he grabs the remote and puts Hulu on and saids what we watching. Fatima shrugs and saids it really doesn't matter to me.  Melissa saids let's watch something scary they agree and Zac puts on a scary movie. They watch it laugh and Fatima doesn't like scary movies so much so she covers her eyes from time to time. By this time it's 5 Zac gets up and goes to the kitchen cause they haven't eaten since like 12. He grabs pots and pans and he cuts on the oven to 350 he then puts the steaks in the oven and he cuts up the broccoli puts in water to boil then he puts foil on the potatoes and puts them in the oven along with the steaks to cook. He cleans up a bit and washes the few dishes in the sink from breakfast. He comes back over the couch. The movies goes off and they find a romantic 1 to watch next. Melissa saids wow Zac I love how you are with my friend I'm happy that she's happy and I can see how much you really love her and how much she loves you back. She's really in good hands with you and you do a great job with her and I appreciate it very much. I'm glad I don't have to worry about her like that. Zac saids you know I definitely try my hardest for her this is the happiest I've ever been in my life since I met her she's my 1 true love looking at Fatima. Fatima saids looking at Zac awww babe I love you too so much and they kiss. They finish the movie and Zac has been back fourth making sure that the food is right. It's done he saids Fatima and Melissa both come to the table. Fatima goes to help Zac with making their plates. She pours Melissa some wine and then pours Zac some too she pours herself some sprite tho. Zac puts the cookies in the oven to bake. He comes to the table they eat and talk. 15 mins later Zac gets up and takes the cookies out the oven and grabs the ice cream from the freezer and he also grabs 3 bowls and 3 spoons. He goes back to table they all eat the vanilla ice cream with the warm cookies. They all get full. Zac straightens up the kitchen for the night. And they say their goodnights and they go upstairs. Zac and Fatima goes to their room. Melissa goes to her room and takes a shower, then she packs up her stuff and goes to sleep. In Zac in Fatima's room Zac goes to start the shower they get in the shower and they start to kiss  Fatima tells Zac to beat her pussy up they both cum moaning ooohhh shiiittt he cums all in her they wash up again and then they get out. They sleep naked so they climb into bed laying down with the candles going and soft music playing just cuddling in each other's arms not really saying much their just enjoying each other's company and relaxing. Zac gets up blows out the candles and gets back into bed. They say good night and their I love yous and drifts off to sleep.
The next day Melissa gets up at 7 gets herself together and her stuff together writes a note to Fatima puts it on the bar and leaves. The Uber picks her up and she's off to the airport back home she goes.
Zac and Fatima get up at 845 to get ready for her doctors appointment. She doesn't throw up today thankfully she's happy about that. They brush their teeth and wash their faces and gets dressed. They head out the door at 930. On the way they talk about how excited they are about the baby. They arrive at the doctors. Fatima checks in and Zac sits down and waits. They call her back Fatima Wilson she saids yes. Her and Zac follows the nurse she tells Fatima to step on the scale it reads 160 and they go into a room the nurse checks her vitals and asks her so what brings u in today Fatima saids well I think I'm pregnant Zac laughs and saids no you are pregnant I did that laughing. Well Ms. Wilson we will run some test to be sure and tells Fatima to put on a gown she hands it to her. The nurse steps out and Fatima puts the gown on Zac is smiling. She smiles back at him. The nurse comes back draws blood from Fatima and tells them that the doctor will be in shortly to see them.
Fatima: Why you always playing Zac
Zac: because you funny talking about you think laughing girl you know I did that shit
Fatima: shut up laughing
10 mins later
The doctor comes in well hello there Ms. Wilson I'm doctor Taylor how are you folks today he saids they both answer were good doc thanks. He saids well the blood work came back and you are indeed pregnant 6 weeks to be exact Zac shouts yessss letsss go they all laugh. Zac saids so doc are we good as far as sex goes or should we slow down. The doctor saids no you guys are good to go I see no reason to stop. He then saids we are going to take a peek and make sure everything is everything if u will lay back Ms. Wilson so we can have a look he squirts the warm gel on Fatima's belly and they take a look at the baby on the screen and they also hear the baby's heartbeat too oh my gosh Fatima saids Zac is holding Fatima's hand and he kisses it. Zac points to the baby they both say awww and he kisses her. Doctor saids well by the looks and sound of everything it's all perfect so far so good. Let's bring ya back in 4 weeks for another check up. He saids Congratulations you two they both say thank you. He saids see you soon. He leaves out of the room. They both look at each other and scream but not too loud and laugh. They leave out the room make another appointment and leave. Zac opens her door and helps her in saying now you be careful with my baby in your belly he closes her door behind her. She laughs and saids boy. He gets in the car and asks her so what else she would like to do today baby? She replies let's go grab something to eat and go to the park for a while. He saids bet. They get a pizza and they go to the park as planned. They stay sitting, eating and talking they do a little bit of walking around too they stay for about 2 hours. They leave Fatima tells Zac that she needs him to hurry home cause she has to pee badly and can barely hold it. He speeds home hoping to not get a ticket they make it just in time thank goodness she saids. Zac laughs girl you a trip. She washes her hands and goes to the couch and sits next to Zac. He saids your girl left u a note on the bar. He gets it for her it reads hey girl I'm gone we had the best time. I love you and I'm happy for you. You deserve it, you got a good 1 keep him please lol I will be back soon call me I love you. Melissa. Awww Fatima saids. Zac smiles at her and saids see she knows that u got a catch she gets it Fatima saids yea ok and she saids shut up playfully.

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