Could it be

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After Fatima is done with her getting her nails & toes done. She stops by Target to grab a couple of pregnancy test & some other household items. A hour later she has spent too much money but is on her way home.

She arrives home to Zac & Zatima napping on the couch with coco melon playing. She enters quietly to not wake them. She makes it upstairs without waking them & goes to the bathroom to take the test. She's nervous & 3 mins later she looks at the rest & saids I knew that's why I've been so off lately. Omg i can't wait to tell Zac as him & Zatima enters the room.
Zac: tell me what.
Fatima: well babe & she thinks to herself damn Andi was right.
He comes into the bathroom & she kisses them both.
Zac. Oh shit he looks at the 2 test & saids let's gooooo.
Fatima: I can't believe it babe she is only 3 months babe damn, that was fast.
Zac: well I told u I wasn't pulling out, you good how are you feeling about it?
Fatima: yes I am good babe, I feel fine about it I just wasn't expecting it so soon but i kinda figured it tho. How do you feel about it babe?
Zac: I told u babe I wanted my boy asap. 
Fatima: yea you did didn't you. 
Zac: yes I did, I'm ready for some football with my boy.
Fatima: he's going to be a mamas boy & my twin, since Zatima is a daddy's girl & your twin now it's my turn.
Zac: That's cool i don't mind that I'm just ready to teach & show my boy my skills.
Fatima: But what if it is a girl, would you be mad?
Zac: no I wouldn't be just know I'm not stopping until I get my boy.
Fatima: Zac
Zac: Fatima I'm deadass yo.
Fatima: At this rate we would have to get a boy placed in me or adopt to make sure that it is a boy cause 4 is my limit sir.
Zac: yea ok we gon see.
Fatima: I'm foreal don't try me tho.
Zac: yo this baby got you showing out son.
Fatima: I know babe I'm sorry she kisses him.
Zac: It's ok yo ass is hostile he laughs
Fatima: but I can tell that you like it tho
Zac: oooh girl you betta stop not in front of our baby now. He laughs
Fatima: hey mamas your gonna be a big sister
Zatima smiles & they both kiss her they then go to their room & they all sit down & watch tv.
Zac: wait have you eaten?
Fatima: yea earlier at around 1.
Zac: babe it's 7 you gotta be hungry by now
Fatima: yes I am what about you?
Zac: I could eat babe
Pause laughs
Fatima: laughs I bet & what do u wanna eat? Zac looks at her & she saids ok let's order some food by the way I got bags in the car too bae
Zac: I know yo ass bought the whole damn store almost too huh
Fatima: no it's just 10 bags babe
Zac: damn Fatima what did you get?
Fatima: just some stuff
Zac: ok I'll go get them in a min
Fatima: thanks honey your the best
Zac: yea yea yea what you gotta taste for
Fatima: I'm feeling like some chicken Alfredo from Olive Garden
Zac: ok babe I'm going to get the bags you order the food
Fatima: ok babe thanks
Zac: you bet
Fatima orders the food online & she thinks that she gotta make a doctors appointment too
Zac brings in all the bags & puts them in their room
Fatima: we need to bathe Zatima & get her into bed she's getting a little fussy
Zac: yea I think that is a good idea bae
They go into the bathroom Fatima fills her baby tub up with warm water & soap while zac takes off her diaper & clothes. Zac holds Zatima while Fatima washes her up.
Fatima: babe this is only a 2 bedroom we're going to need a bigger house & we'll rent this out, think we can be moved by the time baby comes?
Zac: I'm going to call our realtor at some point tomorrow & set something up. You know I got us Ti.
Fatima: Thanks babe
Zac: let's go ahead a just get a 5 bedroom just to be on the safe side
Fatima: Zac that is huge
Zac: I know babe we'll have help I got it
Fatima: ok babe I trust you, I ordered the food it should be here in about 20 mins or so
Zac: ok what you get?
Fatima: Chicken Alfredo, salad & bread sticks
Zac: sounds good
Fatima: I gotta make a appointment to see how far along I am
Zac: I say your about a month at least & you know I'm by your side holding your hand all the way through to the end
Fatima: yes baby I know you got me like I got you
Zac: you know it
Fatima: you want me to dress her or you do it & I make her bottle or what
Zac: I'll let you her dress her & I got the bottle i don't want u going up & down the stairs too many times I'll bring up her night time bottles too
Fatima: thank you babe
Zac: no problem baby I'll be back
Fatima: ok daddy she winks at him
Fatima wraps Zatima in a towel & hugs her & kisses her she takes her to their bed to dress her etc.... The door bell rings Zac gets the food, the bottles & heads back upstairs.
He hands Fatima the bottle & she feeds & sings to Zatima. Zac leans down to kiss Zatima while she's eating. Her lil eyes are getting heavy the sound of her mamas voice & her bottle is about to put her out.
Zac: babe I will wait on you to eat
Fatima: Thanks babe that is thoughtful, she is almost out anyways
Zac: ok i don't mind waiting the food is really hot anyways by that time it should be done cooled down some
Fatima: ok baby
Zac puts on a action movie on Hulu
Zatima is out Fatima puts her in her bassinet kisses her lil sweet face & gets into the bed
Zac hands her, her food
Fatima: Thank you baby for waiting on me to eat.
Zac: yes baby sure thing I really didn't mind at all.
Fatima: your so good to me babe
Zac: I try babe. Hey I want to ask you something?
Fatima: Yes sure babe what's up?
Zac: I wanted us to go New York for Christmas to see my family in Brooklyn.
Fatima: Ok sounds like a white Christmas to me. Let's gooooo
Zac: ok babe I want us to stay until New years
Fatima: cool babe I'll put it for it, i'm excited to see your family again.
Zac: good good me too I'm excited.
Fatima: babe i'm full now after almost eating all her food.
Zac: damn babe you tore that shit up laughing
Fatima: I know I guess I was actually more hungrier than I thought.
Zac: It's all good feed my baby so he can be a healthy strong boy.
Fatima: you insist on this being a boy don't you?
Zac: I sholl do I was right about Zatima being a girl from day 1 & was I wrong?
Fatima: aight I'll give ya that.
Zac: what else you going to give me? he smirks
Fatima: Zac don't start she smiles
Zac: And if I do your not going to stop me your gonna be all over me as you always are.
Fatima: rolls her eyes ok bet.
Zac: Don't play with me watch watch hold that thought let me take this food downstairs real quick don't you move.
Fatima: yea ok we gonna see.
Zac: ok we will.
Zac comes back upstairs & is standing there looking at Fatima laughing & shaking his head at her. Fatima is wrapped up in the blanket like Zac can't get to her or something.
Zac: ok so you wanna play huh ok fine let's play then.
Fatima laughs & saids no gone now
Zac grabs the covers off of her playfully with 1 pull he laughs
Fatima laughs too Zac no I'm going to bed
Zac: no you not come here & let me taste it
Fatima: no Zac not tonight
Zac: if you want me to stop then tell me to stop.
Fatima: you know what I want & how I like it now come get it.
Zac: see exactly my point has been made, you can't resist me like I can't resist yo sexy ass. Now give me that pussy & stop playing with me.
Fatima: yes Zaddy you can have it.
Zac starts to kiss her passionately & he rubs on her nipples, instantly she's wet cause she knows what's next. Zac starts to rub on her clit while still kissing her he stops damn you wet asf Ti. He then starts to kiss down to her pussy he slurps, licks & sucks her pussy down mmmmmm yes daddy eat that shit mmmm right there she pushes his head while grinding her pussy more into his face he knows he's got her close so he starts to flick his tongue faster & he then eases a finger in her & between his tongue & his finger Fatima can't take it no more she cums so hard all over his finger shhhhiiiitttt Zaddy I'm cumming Zac saids I know cum on he then puts her finger in her mouth she licks it off then he then kisses her they both say mmmmm he then saids bring that ass here she gets on all fours & he saids damn you thick asf all that ass fuck he takes off his shorts & he puts it in he starts slow fuuucckkk Tima you wet wet you gonna make me cum quick ssshhhiiittt shut up & fuck me Daddy i don't care I can get him back up now give me that dick NOW he goes harder & smacks her ass & grabs by her waist making her take it all they get a rhythm going she's fucking him back, it's all kinds of mmmmmm, fuccckkk, yesss right there, harder then Zac feels Fatima cumming & his nut too he pounds Fatima & cums in her ssshhhhiiittt they both say as they cum together.
Zac: why you play so much?
Fatima: bc you like it & you play too.
Zac: ok that's fair & your right I do.
Fatima: Is there a problem?
Zac: no it's not.
Fatima: ok good she kisses him & lays on his chest.
20 mins later they are out.

The next morning Zac & Fatima get up to get ready for work. Maria has arrived Fatima yells out for Maria to come & get Zatima so that they can get ready for work.
Fatima: hey babe
Zac: hey babe how are you feeling after last night?
Fatima smiles & is having flashbacks biting her lip.
Zac: Fatima Hello
Fatima: yes babe it was good asf, I'm tired but I'm good. How about you?
Zac: I'm tired as shit, but I'm going to grab coffee on the way to work.
Fatima: Was it worth it?
Zac: Hell yes every damn time.
Fatima: nmmm she kisses him, I love you.
Zac: I know you do & I love you more baby.

They go downstairs say their goodbyes & leave for work. Zac gets his coffee & Fatima stops to get her something to eat too. They arrive at work.

Gia: Good morning Mr. Taylor winks at him.
Zac: Morning yo chill with all that.
Gia: I'm sorry sir
Zac: Nah just relax. I'm happily married. Shows her his ring.
Gia: oh I'm sorry I should've known a fine ass man like you was taken.
Zac: ummm language we are at work.
Gia: Shit I mean shoot my bad sir.
Zac shakes his head & goes to his office
Gia: you have a good day sir let me if you need anything she saids nervously
Zac: ok yea you too

Over at Fatima's job
Andi: Fatima
Fatima: Good morning
Andi: So what the test say Omg?
Fatima: oh shit I forgot to tell you so much went on last night. Smiling
Andi: oooh I see
Fatima: yes you were right I am pregnant
Andi: oh my gosh yay
Fatima: Thanks sis
Andi: Congrats
Fatima: Thanks girl
It's now 12 & Fatima decides that wants to go to see Zac on her lunch, so she heads over to his office.

Gia knocks on his door & opens his door.  She closes the door behind her.
Zac: no no what are you doing annoyed
Gia: can I come in sir?
Zac: I guess how can I help you?
Gia: I was wondering if you needed anything, before I head off to lunch?
Zac: na I'm good but thank you.
Gia: ok sir
she leaves out & Fatima is on the other side of the door.
Fatima gives her a death stare & Gia looks like she has seen a ghost & is scared as fuck.

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