Uhhh I think it's time

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Fatima wakes up at 2 am with sharp pains in her lower back & stomach. She is now 36 weeks pregnant with their 1st baby. She feels like she needs to go to the bathroom or push. Aaaahhhh shit she yells out Zac wakes up looking around baby you ok Fatima yells no Zac I think the baby is coming & I think it's too soon to. The bags have been in the car for 2 weeks now & the car seat is in there too everything is ready to go. The crib is together the baby's room is set up everything is ready to go. They just been waiting on their baby girl to arrive. Aaaahhh shittttt this hurts Zac we gotta go babe I feel like I need to push we gotta hurry. Zac puts on clothes quickly & Fatima is in a robe so she's good. Zac helps her downstairs to the door & they gotta stop cause Fatima is having another contraction oh my gosh this shit fucking hurts Zaccccc she yells he rubs her back & helps her through it. It stops they make it to the car & to the hospital Zac pulls up to the emergency room & helps her get out of the car he grabs a wheelchair & tells the nurses I think my wife is in labor Fatima's water breaks. He quickly parks the car, grabs the bags & goes to be by Fatima's side. They get up to labor & delivery & her blood pressure is high they instantly decide on a c-section they don't wanna waste no time or put anyone in danger. Fatima has to quickly get a epidural as there doing that there also getting the OR prepared & set up for her c- section. she is having more contractions , Zac is there with his scrubs on by her side holding her hand helping her breathe & rubbing on her gently. She wants to slap him for this shit but she doesn't cause she is about in tears from the pain but she can't just blame him they both did it. He is by her side just letting her squeeze the fuck outta of his hand as they get everything ready. He doesn't have time to call anyone cause everything is happening so fast he's nervous & excited all at the same time. He's is ready to meet his baby girl but he knows it's not going to be that simple because she is early & will have to stay in Nicu for a week or so to grow & be ok. He hates to see Fatima in such pain being able to not do anything to help her feel better is hurting him. He's just being supportive & present as he can be he's gotta be the strong one right now for all of them. They need him & he needs them too. They all go back to the OR room & prep Zac can see it all he feels light headed from everything but he keeps it together holding Fatima's hand the whole time not letting it go not even once. It's now 5:24 am & Zatima Forever Taylor let's out her first cry & Zac loses it Fatima does too they are all crying. Fatima looks at her & saids oh my gosh look at our baby she looks just like you Zac. Zac saids yes she does she is beautiful wow I can't believe that she is here & she is ours. Wow he saids this 1 of the best days of my life next to you becoming my wife. He kisses Fatima & squeezes her hand. The nurses take Zatima away to clean her up & wraps her up in a blanket & take her to NICU. She weighs 7 lbs 7 ozs born November 13th at 5:24am. They sow Fatima up & take her back to her room checks her blood pressure & it's went down a lot thank goodness. Zac kisses Fatima & tells her to rest he will be back in a bit. Zac leaves to see goes Zatima while Fatima takes a nap. He holds his baby girl for the first time & just stares at her & tells her how much he loves her. He sits & holds her for 30 mins straight she falls asleep on his chest after he her feeds her. He kisses her softly & puts her in the bassinet to let her sleep & goes back to Fatima who is still resting. They will only have to stay at the hospital for a few days. Zatima is early but she is really fine she weighs a good amount & her lungs are perfect she eats just fine they just wanna watch her & Fatima closely to be on the safe side. After monitoring mom & baby all night.

The day after Fatima's blood pressure is back to normal & she is fine. Just sore & tired from everything. Baby Zatima is out of the NICU & is in the room with mom & dad. They will go home in only a few short days since everyone is fine.

Zac: hey baby how are you feeling as he looks at her holding Zatima in her arms while feeding her
Fatima: Zatima falls alseep in Fatima's arms I am so much better now babe he kisses her she is so beautiful wow I'm in awe over her
Zac: yes she's my twin she's beautiful I'm just soooo fucking happy that y'all are good I was worried but to see that y'all ok & healthy I'm better too
Fatima: me too we did it babe thanks for being here by my side & never leaving us
Zac: we did didn't we & you know that there is no other place I'd be but here for y'all I got y'all forever
Fatima: I know babe I love you
Zac: & I love you
Zac lays Zatima down & she starts to cry & Zac picks her back up & rocks her she stops crying
Fatima: are you deadass right now what did you do to my baby already laughing she's going to be spoiled Omg Zac
Zac: I held her after you fell asleep after you had her & I guess she knows it too & well that makes 2 spoiled asses then
Fatima: I'm not spoiled Zac just very loved by you that's all & that's totally different
Zac: Ok as he laughs girl you are fucking rotten I have spoiled you before your pregnancy & damn sure during it too but I wouldn't change a thing I love you just the way you are & you deserve it too
Fatima : That's more like it looking at Zac & she smiles at the sight of him holding their daughter is literally melting her heart right now she gets teary eyed & saids oh my gosh where is my phone look at my 2 loves
She snaps a picture of Zac & Zatima ❤️
She posts it & it gets 1000's of likes on IG

They have forgotten to call their family & friends because they have been in the moment & everything happened so fast that it slipped their minds to do so.

Fatima: oh shit babe we forgot to call everyone to tell them that she is here & that we are ok
Zac: I definitely forgot & everything happened & went so fast it really slipped my mind
Fatima: well let me ft my mom & them
Zac: ok cool let me give you her
Zac hands her Zatima & she calls her mom he stands next to her
Her mom answers & they both say surprise she's here mom awww oh my goodness look how precious she is & she looks just like her daddy her mom saids damn son you must of really worked her nerves cause she looks just like u laughing. Fatima said no mom actually he didn't he was great during my pregnancy but we're blessed she's beautiful & we're thankful. Well good baby I'm happy to hear it & her mom saids saids awwww heey baby girl gma loves you they chat & her mom tells her she'll come out next week to visit them for a week.

They hang up & Fatima calls her other friends & family to show off baby Zatima. They ouuu & awwws over her little cute self & congratulate them. 2 hours later the doctor comes in to check on them & tell them that they all can go home on Monday. He's impressed by how good everyone is doing so he's good with letting them go home. It's Friday btw so it'll be Monday before they know it. The nurses come in to check on Fatima & the baby the will get her first official bath at 5. They are excited for all her first & everything that is to come. 1 hour later the nurse come back in to help them bathe Zatima & Fatima has to get up to walk around too to make sure that doesn't develop blood clots from just being in bed. The nurse runs water in the sink lathers up Zatima & Zac helps her rinse off Zatima as Fatima watches from the bed.
Fatima: awww look at my girl she's such a doll
Zac: I know she is isn't she but 1 thing she does have of yours is your cute nose babe
Zac wraps up Zatima & hands her to Fatima & she puts on her diaper & dresses her in her first outfit it's a customized little pink gown the has Zatima on it with a matching bow. Zatima is sucking on her fingers which means she's hungry Fatima breast feeds her & Zac looks at them & saids my 2 beautiful girls I love y'all & he kisses Fatima. After eating for 15 mins Zatima is fast alseep. Zac tells Fatima that he's going to get food for them he'll be right back. Fatima puts her in the bassinet & rests her eyes while Zac is gone. 15 mins later he arrives back & gently wakes up Fatima so that she can eat with him. They are pretty tired so they agree to let the baby go to the nursery for the night so that they can get some real sleep. At least a good 5 or 6 hours of non interrupted sleep. After they eat Zac tells Fatima to page the nurse to get come & get Zatima they both kiss her as she is still alseep & the nurse takes her to the nursery they tell them to let them know when they want her back & they'll bring her back. Fatima saids ok & Zac saids y'all take care of our baby girl now. The nurse saids sure thing Mr. Taylor. Zac gets in the bed with Fatima & he holds her & they talk for a bit & they fall alseep.
They wake up at 9 Zac showers & washes Fatima up too. They eat breakfast. At 10 they bring Zatima back in & she's fussy so Fatima does skin to skin contact with her & sings to her & she calms down, she eats gets changed & is back to sleep. It's now 1 & Zac & Fatima are just watching tv while waiting for baby girl to wake up. Dinner time comes around they eat pizza. After her 9 o'clock feeding she sleeps til 12 & they rest too. At 12 she wakes up Zac & Fatima do too. Zatima cries Zac immediately picks her up kisses her & hands her to Fatima to feed her after that Zac talks to her & Fatima gets up to walk again. They both change Zatima & they all go back to sleep they all get to sleep until 5.

It's Finally Sunday afternoon & they are so ready to be back at home they have been there for 4 days now & they just want their bed back. Bless Zac he's been sleeping mostly on a little couch & he's sore & his back is hurting too. Zac is watching football while Fatima is browsing the internet and she's also posting pics of Zatima. So far she's posted a 100 pics by now.

Fatima: Zac I love you babe
Zac: I love you too as he walks over to kiss her
Fatima: I miss you big daddy & I can't wait until I'm healed
Zac: 6 weeks to go babe we gotta hold out
Fatima: I know I was just over here looking at yo fine ass & it made me feel some type of way
Zac: girl you are something else laughing
Fatima: I know but I can't help myself
Zac: I'll be in that thang again soon just be patient baby
Fatima: ok you right winks at Zac
Zac winks back

Zac is excited to get home because he has a push present for Fatima it's a new car a
Mercedes jeep it will arrive tomorrow. They will be there by the time it arrives. She will be surprised & so happy. He feels like she deserves it for everything that she has been through & getting their baby here safe & sound.  He feels like that's least he can do.

The next day...........

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