Home sweet home

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It's Monday & they are getting ready to leave the hospital with baby Zatima. Melissa & Andi has went grocery shopping, cooked & tided up for Fatima & Zac. So that they don't have to worry about any of that for a few days. Zac had Melissa put up a welcome home baby Zatima sign & also to get pink roses for Fatima. It's 11 & they are finally on the way home with their baby girl. Fatima's Mercedes will arrive at 2 so they have plenty of time to get home & get somewhat settled in. 20 mins they arrive home & there greeted by Melissa who helps them with everything. Fatima loves the welcome home sign & walks into a clean house & some cooked food too. She's just so happy with it all she's happy to be home & with her baby girl & of course her Zac. 2 hours later while Zatima is napping after being fed & bathed. They are all downstairs in the living room she's alseep in her bassinet & Zac & Fatima are watching tv. Zac: hey you hungry babe
Fatima: a little bit babe
Zac: ok I'll fix you something you just relax I got us
Fatima: Thank you babe
Zac: Anything for you my love
He goes to fix them a plate. Melissa made enchiladas rice & beans. Zac heats it up & takes it to Fatima, he sits down to eat with her.
Zatima starts to cry & Zac sits his plate down & picks her up to calm her down she falls back to sleep. Fatima smiles at Zac & saids oh my gosh she is a daddy's girl already for sure can't say I blame her though cause i love daddy too.
Zac: I already know trust me & I love y'all just as much.
Fatima: I know you do babe
The doorbell rings Zac goes to the door & Fatima's car has arrived. Zac tells her that it's for her she walks over to the door & she is in shock he saids surprise this is your gift from me to you for having our baby & just bc I love you baby girl. You deserve it. They step outside the door to look at it. Oh my gosh babe thank you so much I love it. It's all white with red interior. Fatima kisses Zac & he hands her the keys & tells her to take a look. She looks but doesn't get in. She loves it she'll have to go for a drive once she's healed etc.... They go back inside.
They finish eating & Zac puts their plates away loads the dishwasher & they go upstairs.
They decide to take a little nap. They have Zatima's bassinet by their bed they decide that Zatima will sleep in their room with them but in her bassinet next to their bed. Zac helps Fatima into bed she's sore but not in a lot of pain thankfully. They lay down get comfortable & are out.
A hour & a half later they get woken up by baby girl. They both get up & Fatima picks her up & starts to feed her while Zac gets the diaper and wipes ready so that he can change her. After he changes her Fatima decides to do skin to skin with Zatima to bond with her. Zac sets out Fatima's pain meds so that she can take them once Zatima is back to sleep. After 30 mins she's out again.
It has been a day they are actually a little tired.
Zac: I'm going to go shower I'll be out shortly then you can go ok baby
Fatima: yea ok cause I will take longer & probably will definitely need your help
Zac: I got you be back
Fatima is in a little pain so she decides to take the meds that Zac laid out to help ease the pain some. 
Zac gets out the shower leaves the water going & wraps his towel around his waist & goes to get Fatima so that he can help her shower.
Fatima is moving a little slow. They move quickly cause they know that Zatima could wake up at any time.
Fatima: oooh babe that feels so good Zac is washing her back.
Zac: sure thing babe
They finish up & go back to the room. Zatima is still sleeping . They both get dressed & snuggle up back in the bed. They start to watch movies & relax as much as possible.
Fatima: Looks up at Zac & smiles at him
Zac: looks at her why you smiling at me
Fatima: bc you just make me so happy & I love you 
Zac. I love you too baby
They talk for about 30 more mins & before ya know it the tv starts to watch them.
It's 3 am baby Zatima wakes up Zac gets up to get her he decides to let Fatima sleep there are bottles already made so it won't be as stressful for him to feed & change her. He walks over to their mini fridge & grabs a bottle he puts it in the bottle warmer for 2 mins & sits in the chair & feeds her while looking into her lil brown eyes she finishes eating he burps her. Then he changes her & rocks her to sleep. He's good cause it took a total of 45 mins to feed,change & get her back to sleep. Zac puts her back in her bassinet kisses her softly & gets back into bed. He pulls Fatima close to him & holds her she wakes up a lil bit but falls right back to sleep.
The next morning it's 8 am they all are up they first feed Zatima & then give her a bath & dress her. Zac goes downstairs to start breakfast & shortly after Fatima comes down with baby girl. She goes & puts her in her rocker close by so that she can help Zac with breakfast.
Zac: hey baby good morning
Fatima: hi daddy good morning thank you for last night I appreciate you letting me sleep while you handled her
Zac: no problem we're a team babe I got you
Fatima: I see that but tonight we will do it together tho babe so that we can be tired together
Zac: ok baby sounds good
They finish up breakfast they sit & eat & of course as soon as they sit down Zatima starts to fuss so Zac picks her up kisses her & she's calm.
Fatima: let me find out she's already stealing my kisses from you
Zac: laughing she's just as spoiled as you are idk what I got myself into
Fatima: too late now laughing you stuck sir
Zac: I already know & there's no other ppl on this planet who I'd rather be stuck with.
Fatima: awwww babe she kisses him
Zac rocks her & just like that she is out again
They finish their food & head over to the couch. Fatima does some studying she only has 2 weeks left of school & she will take her test for the bar. Zac plays his game. It's now 12 Zac wants a snack so he grabs a apple & gives Fatina 1 too.
Fatima: thanks babe
Zac: your welcome any idea what we going to do for Thanksgiving babe it's in 2 weeks?
Fatima: well I want andi, my parents ,yours melissa & dawn too & whoever else we invite.
Zac: not my parents babe hell na I'm all good on that, but everyone else is cool with me.
Fatima: ok babe but I think you should try but if not I won't push it.
Zac: let me think about it first, I just might but idk yet.
Fatima: ok babe whatever you want to do is fine. I'm here for support either way.
Zac: thank you babe, you ready for your mom to be here for a whole week?
Fatima: yes I am excited babe I wanna do lunch with her & some shopping if I can. I hope you got Zatima laughing shit I'm not worried at all, she got you wrapped around her lil finger already.
Zac: you know I got her & that's true she got me laughing but it's all good that's my baby.
Fatima: say it with me OUR baby you gotta share Zac laughing
Zac: OURS i know this I do share she loves you just as much you got her food jokes
Fatima: yea I guess laughs
Zac: don't do that Ti she does y'all gotta share me now come on baby
Fatima: I know Zac I'm good frfr
Zac: you sure babe
Fatima: yes I'm fine I'm bout to get back to my studying ok
Zac shakes his head & saids you mad now
Fatima: no I'm not mad & goes bk to her work
Zac gets up & walks over to Fatima & kisses her
He saids Stop pouting y'all both got me I promise
Fatima: Zac I told you I'm not mad I'm good babe
Zac: ok if you say so. You need anything?
Fatima: no I'm am ok babe thank you.
Zac goes back over to the couch sits down & goes back to playing his game.
Fatima is not use to having to share Zac but it's ok she'll get use to it, she's just spoiled & loves to have her way all the damn time. Besides it's not like it's with another woman it's their baby.
Fatima: I'm sorry I got a lil jealous babe it's just that I'm spoiled & I love having my way & apparently so does she laughing but you did it though babe. So it's all your fault.
Zac: laughing I know i don't know what I'm going to do with y'all spoiled asses but I'm sure I'll figure it out.
Fatima: you better she jokes
Zac: It was actually cute tho I love you baby girl you got me for life don't worry I'm always gonna be here for you & her for life.
Fatima: I know I just want her to bond with me too that's all.
Zac: she will baby don't worry I will help
Fatima: Thanks daddy your so good I swear, I don't know how I got so damn lucky in this life but I did. We're so blessed.
Zac: I'm the lucky 1 & yes we're very blessed. I want another baby tho I want my boy next.
Fatima: calls out his whole government name Zachary Luther Taylor are you serious right now??? Slow down daddy damn laughs
Zac: yes baby as soon as your healed it's on you better be ready too frfr cause I'm shooting up the club again up so be prepared no warning it's a promise.
Fatima: WOW laughs but yes daddy you got it. I want my baby boy too he's going to be my twin then we'll be even 1 each of us I like that.
Zac: yes ma'am i can't wait either.
Zatima wakes up & Fatima comes over to pick her up she kisses her lil face & rocks her to calm her down. Fatima sits on the couch & starts to feed her there you go mama & she starts to sing to her & looks into her eyes they are having a lil baby & mommy moment. Zac looks at them smiling he saids man damn y'all are perfect & I love y'all. He kisses Fatima on her cheek & rubs Zatimas lil arm. Fatima looks at him & smiles.
Fatima : I love u more, we she should take her upstairs to change her after she's done eating babe
Zac: ok we can do that babe
The doorbell rings it's Melissa & Dawn Zac gets the door & he saids hey y'all come on in
Melissa: hey hey neighbors awww my god baby oh my goodness look at her oh my gosh she looks just like you Zac laughs awwww but she has your nose Fatima
Dawn: wuz up
Fatima: heeeey girl & I know wow just my nose laughs how lucky am I jokes
Zac: so how y'all been how's life been treating ya?
Melissa: we're good thank you
Dawn: yea we are good bro daps Zac congrats man she's beautiful & she is your twin for sure
They all sit down
Zac: Thanks bro I appreciate it & yes don't say that too loud looking over at Fatima. She just smiles at Zac.
Melissa: we just wanted to see this cutie in person & check on y'all. Missed you sis how are you feeling?
Fatima: as well I can be for now just ready to be healed ya know
Melissa: yea I understand sis I'm here for ya when ya need me just holla at me I'm just next door I got ya
Fatima: I know sis thank ya love ya, Andi asked about ya we should do lunch & catch up next week
Melissa: sounds like a plan just let me know when & tell her I said hi when you talk to her again
Zac & Dawn are talking
Fatima: I will sis you wanna hold her
Melissa: oh my gosh yes I do please
Fatima hands Melissa sleeping Zatima
Fatima: awww look at y'all baby & god mommy how sweet let me get a pic real quick say cheese
Fatima snaps a pic
Melissa: awwww she smells so good I want 1 she looks over at Dawn they all laugh
Dawn: sure 1 day
Melissa: i can't wait
Fatima: awww look at y'all all in love & shit I love it
Melissa: thanks sis well we will let y'all get back to it. I'll come on check on ya again soon & we'll talk about lunch. Love you sis see ya
Fatima: sounds good love you too sis
Dawn: see y'all later
Zac & Dawn dap & say take it easy bro we should ball soon.
They leave & Zac locks the door.
They go upstairs to change Zatima she wakes up during them changing her she's fussy they hurry. Fatima it's ok mama we'll be done in a min. Fatima sits down in the rocking chair & feds her again & Zac cleans up the diaper mess. Zatima falls asleep after eating for 5 mins. They go into their room & Zac puts Zatima in her bassinet next to Fatima. They lay down in the bed & cuddle. It's now 3 in the afternoon. Fatima is actually falling asleep in Zac's arms he looks at her & kisses her gently. He soon falls asleep too.

They wake up at 5 order pizza fed, bathe & dress Zatima in her sleeper. She is up for a good 2 hours before she starts to get fussy.
Their pizza arrives they eat & settle in for the night.

Good night from the Taylor's❤️

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