Going back to Atlanta

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The next day after they went to go get their stuff from the hotel & say their goodbyes. They head to the airport & board the plane to go back home they all sleep until the plane lands. When they arrive back in Atlanta Zac turns in the rental & calls a ride share for them to get home. They arrive home 20 mins later. Home sweet home they both say. Zac grabs Zatima's car seat & they go into the house the driver waits so that Zac can come back out & grab their stuff. Fatima is inside taking Zatima out of her seat & she starts to change her. Zac puts their bags by the front door.
Fatima: hey babe did you get everything?
Zac: Yes I did. You need help with her?
Fatima: No I'm good baby you can take the bags upstairs or you can sit & relax. I got her.
Zac: Fatima how did we end up with 6 suitcases when we left we only had 5?
Fatima: uuuhh yea about that see what happened was is that I bought a few things in NY & I had to get them back home somehow.
Zac: Damn Fatima you are something else girl. He saids playfully.
Fatima: I know babe my bad. Fatima is now feeding Zatima.
Zac: It's all good as long as you got all that your heart desires that's all that matters to me.
Fatima: Smiles And did.
Zac shakes his head while getting up to take the stuff upstairs. He comes back down.
Zac: So i was thinking since tomorrow is Monday that we would work from home Monday and Tuesday so that we can go look at these 2 houses.
Fatima: ooouuu babe I don't know I've been off for a min I would have to see what cases I have this week first.
Zac: ok baby if not we can always go once your off work.
Zatima is alseep now in her sleeper.
Fatima: ok baby let me grab my phone to see what I have going on this week. I'm actually behind but.
Fatima looks & see's that she has actually is good for tomorrow as long as she does some work from home but Tuesday she needs to be back in her office.
Fatima: So tomorrow yes we need to go ahead & look at them both babe cause I have a busy week & I'm behind too.
Zac: Ok babe we will do that after I take you out to lunch.
Fatima: Well what is the special occasion?
Zac: It's always special for you baby but ya man just wanna treat you.
Fatima: Awww i like that. Thank you baby.
Zac: So I'm hungry you wanna cook or should we order in?
Fatima: Let's order in babe I'm a lil tired.
Zac: Bet we can do that. What ya got a taste for?
Fatima: You pick.
Zac: Hell na as soon as I say let's get pizza your gonna be like no.
Fatima: Your right I'll give ya that laughing
Zac: laughs See look look at you.
Fatima: boy hush ok what about Mexican?
Zac: Ok I could go for some tacos then.
Fatima: ok I want tacos & nachos babe.
Zac: ok bet I'll order from that lil spot down the street.
Fatima: ok I'll be back.
Zac: no you not, where you going?
Fatima: yes I am, I'm going to go shower.
Zac: ok fine I'll be here waiting on you sexy.
Fatima: your ass better be.
Zac: Here you go with that mouth of yours. I mean I like it when you use on me but in a different kind of like way.
Fatima: My b babe I'll be back. She kisses him.
Zac: Aight that's better.
Zac orders their food & then he watches sports center while waiting on Fatima to return. Fatima laughs & thinks shit he's just as spoiled as I am. She gets her towel a matching comfy set & gets in the shower.
30 mins later their food arrives & Fatima still isn't back. He doesn't wanna wake up Zatima so he goes upstairs to make sure that Fatima is ok.
As he's going up the steps he yells out aye babe you good there is no answer so he goes in their room to see that Fatima had fallen asleep. He thinks damn she did say that she was tired. He kisses her to wake her up.
Fatima: she wakes from Zac kiss & saids Zac what are you doing?
Zac: waking you up he laughs come on & eat the food is here & Zatima is downstairs by herself. I called for you but you didn't answer so I had to come up & make sure you was good.
Fatima: I must have sat down after my shower after putting on my lotion & fallen alseep babe.
Zac: It's all good I know your tired but we gotta eat.

They go back downstairs & go back to the couch & eat. It's 5 they decide to watch a movie while they eat. The had beef tacos & chicken nachos with everything on it.
Fatima: We gotta wake her up soon or we won't be getting no sleep tonight.
Zac: Yea you right about that she is just like me when it comes to sleeping. Well now that has changed with her & then having to go to the office now.
Fatima: Yea you definitely be up with me now & I like that.
Zac: I know I like it too. He smiles & she smiles back.
Fatima: I'm excited to see the houses tomorrow babe you lucky cause you already seen them.
Zac: Yes I have it's going to be surprise for you though. Your going to love them I just know it.
Fatima: Are they close by so that it won't be a long commute to & from work?
Zac: Yes they're are close 10 mins away from here. We're going to see 1 of them at 12 & the other 1 at 4.
Fatima: Ok that's not too bad I guess. I can't wait.
Zac: We should get Maria for tomorrow to watch Zatima cause between looking at the houses I have plans for us.
Fatima: You already taking me to lunch babe that is enough.
Zac: I know babe but I just love making you smile & happy.
Fatima: I know babe but you already make me smile & happy.
Zac: So what are you saying?
Fatima: I'm just saying I appreciate you it never goes unnoticed you really do me right.
Zac: Well you deserve it & your welcome.
Fatima: Gimme me a kiss mwah I bought you something when we were New York I will give it to you when we go upstairs.
Zac: Damn I did too. He laughs
Fatima: Awwww we're so cute.
Zac gets up cause Zatima starts moving around like she's about to wake up & she does. Zac picks her up.
Zac: Shit she pooped babe but I got it tho you stay & relax I got her.
Fatima: Ok baby damn what is that smell she litty I smell her lil butt from over here she laughs.
Zac: Yes she gonna need a bath after this one.
Fatima: Damn it's that bad laughing you sure you don't need my help?
Zac: Na I'm good I got her.
Fatima: Ok after this movie goes off, we should go upstairs bathe her, play with her, read to her & get her into bed.
Zac: Yea your right. Should we just exchange our gifts at lunch tomorrow?
Fatima: Yes that is a great idea I like that.
Zac: Ok cool cool cause I still gotta shower tonight & cuddle up on that ass.
Fatima: No sir not tonight Zac.
Zac: Aight we gon see.
Fatima: Yea we will.
They finish the movie & go upstairs. After they have done everything they needed to do for Zatima she is out. Their laying in the bed Zac is cuddling up on Fatima she has her ass all up on Zac teasing him he saids ok see how you do me Fatima laughs I'm not doing anything I'm going to sleep. You know damn well what u doing he's hard now & is turned on too. Fatima faces him kisses him & saids aight goodnight babe. Zac smacks his teeth really so you know you feel that & you just gonna say goodnight. I told you we need to go to sleep babe. Really Fatima come on man just lay there I got the rest she only has on 1 of his t-shirts so it's basically easy access anyways. Fatima can't help but give in cause he always puts it down. He gets up & spreads her legs open & eats her til she cums shiiitt she saids he lays back down beside her & lifts up her legs & they go at it. They both cum & Zac saids see I told you I would get it he laughs Fatima laughs whatever boy goodnight & they instantly fall alseep.

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