5. mind games

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"Yes!" You shouted with triumph, jumping out of your library chair

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"Yes!" You shouted with triumph, jumping out of your library chair.

A few angry Shhh's came from the people sprinkled around you. Kyle stifled a laugh at the display.

It's been two weeks since your first tutoring session with Kyle, and to say that you guys were getting closer was an understatement.

Well, to Stan's enjoyment, it wasn't a super-best-friends level of closer. But for two people who had hardly spoken to each-other prior, you and Kyle were pretty damn comfortable.

You were also starting to get the gist of things. Mathematical things. Which was a miracle.

Sometimes, you wished that Kyle could tutor you for every subject. But you knew realistically that would be way too torturous for the poor boy. "Another one? Wow, L/N. You're on fire."

"I know, I know." You bragged, smiling from ear to ear as you wrote down your correctly chosen answer.

"You have been doing really well lately. So well, that i wanted to... do something with you." Kyle spoke vaguely.

You glanced up from your sheet silently, looking at him with curiosity. What Kyle had just said could mean a thousand different things.

He wanted to do something with you? Because you were doing well?? What did he want to do???

You were luckily pulled out of your wandering thought, when you noticed that he's taken out a small booklet of some kind. Sliding it over to you, you realised it was one you'd never seen before.

Your eyebrows were suddenly pinched together, and the curvature of your lips pulled into a frown to match. "Homework?" You squinted. This was way worse than what you were hoping that something would be.

Kyle was amused by your reaction. "Yeah, I think it'll be a really good next step."

"I don't even like doing regular homework. Ky, what on earth makes you think I want to do that?" You expressed your distaste for the work bluntly, making Kyle feel kinda dejected.

You were already at school for seven hours a day. Why can't they just give you the work during that? Why must it be brought to your home life?

"But we've been doing so well so far! And it can only help you more. Homework is actually scientifically proven to help with memory."

You almost groaned as you were once again pulled into the otherworldly experience known as staring into kyle's green, pleading eyes.

Why did this nerd have so much power over you? It was nearly impossible to say no to him when he looked at you like that.

"Alright, fine." You supposed that saying yes was worth it now, just to see that proud smile adorned on Kyle's face.

"Good." He laughed. "Because I spent all night on it."

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